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Spcies are the inhabitants of the universe. They are unique groups of people who have their own culture and dietary requirements. They could be Carbon based lifeforms, Dextro-based, even not at all organic. But Synthetic as in Androids, or Gynoids, or other robots. Or they could simply be animals going about their daily lives.

PortraitPageOrigin ShardShort Description
MoozeSlime species, comes in different variants
Shadowkin"The Shadowkin are an enigmatic race of sentient beings, born from the crucible of ancient conflict and transformation. With piercing crimson eyes that betray their otherworldly origins, they possess a mastery over stealth and illusion that sets them apart from other races. Despite their formidable abilities, they are guided by a strict code of honor and integrity, prioritizing diplomacy and justice in their interactions with others. Bound by a shared heritage and a deep sense of camaraderie, the Shadowkin navigate the complexities of the cosmos with grace, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to the principles of peace and neutrality."
Gatalian HumansGataliaA genus of humans with many species. Each can have wildly different traits and occasionally different genetics.
AhasapaNew Dusk ConclaveHassani Lamia/Naga
GenemodNew Dusk ConclaveNot a singular race, but rather a collection of beings made prior to the Last Hassan War by mixing Hassani population DNA with animal. Traits range from minimal to full anthropomorphic. Certain 'Brands' have more complicated creation stories.
OnikariNew Dusk ConclaveHassani Orc/Oni
OperatorsNew Dusk ConclaveSynthetic bio-mechanical lifeforms created and fielded by the NDC, their original purpose was to serve in the military as pilots of frames, fighters, starships, and other military hardware along with serving in government as operators of digital infrastructure and mega-systems. However as they have the capability to self reproduce a growing population occupies civilian roles within the NDC and share the same trials and tribulations as other naturals.
SykianNew Dusk ConclaveHassani Elves
TumnisiansNew Dusk ConclaveTumnisians are a caprine semi-hominid species known for advanced subterranean architecture and an eclectic herd mentality, featuring large family groups often centered around a local Vaigarin for protection.
VaigarinNew Dusk ConclaveA race of humanoid dragons, who are in fact fully draconic though the majority of races that interact with them oft confuse the two states in reverse. Connected by long life spans, family units based on scales, and a patience that stems from their life spans.
Revolutionary Engine Extension Endragon’sRemnant ConglomerateHighly sentient, intelligent & powerful dragons. Native to Ereshkigal.
VarcolacsRemnant ConglomerateHighly aggressive multi-staged liform, native to Ereshkigal. Enemies of the Endragons.
WyrThe WyrwyckyA female-led species of human-like magical warriors known as War Witches.
AenarUnited Alliance of Neutral SystemsElves in a magocracy society. Heavily dependant on Magic.
Animalia (Anthros)United Alliance of Neutral SystemsThe universes version of Anthros
Isferatos (Shadow Demons)United Alliance of Neutral Systems"Isferatos: Born from the darkest depths of the cosmos, the Isferatos are shadowy entities of relentless hunger and malevolence. Cloaked in swirling darkness, they are relentless predators, driven by an insatiable appetite for shadows and souls. With glowing eyes burning with unholy light, they exude an aura of menace and aggression, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. With no room for love or compassion, they are a threat to all who dare to cross their path, their violence and aggression unmatched in the endless expanse of the universe."
ZuphinUnited Alliance of Neutral SystemsZuphin Aliens a race that could be the origins of the near human classification.

List of Biomechanical Species

species/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/04 17:36 by whisper