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Aenar Overview
Home System ie, “Sol”
General Characteristics
Average Height ie, “Male: 176.5 cm
Female: 163 cm”
Average Weight ie, “60 - 80 kg”
Life Cycle ie, “Child: 0-12 years
Adolescence 13-18 years
Adult 19-59 Years
Senior Adult 60+ years”

Work In Progress

Magic. If one must define the Aenar elves in one word, it would be magic. The magic they wield, that fuels their machines and everyday life. The magic that defines who they are by how they use it. The magic that flows through their planet and themselves like lifeblood.


Required. What events led the species to where they are today? A full history is not necessary, but please include enough to give players an idea of how their characters may have come into the universe.


Optional. How did the species come to be? You can leave the header as Evolution/Creation or pick just one


Required section. You can leave this intro space blank, if you'd like.

Anatomy and Physiology

Required. Description of the layout of the species' body, how it works, general information about height, weight, etc.


Optional. How do the genetics for this species work?

Life Cycle

Required. How is this species created? What's its gestation period? What is involved in child birth? What are the stages of its life? What is its lifespan and what impacts it? You only need to answer the relevant questions. Feel free to add more, if appropriate.

Habitat and Population

Required. What environments does this species live in? How many of this species are there? You can say something like 'common throughout the sector', 'rare outside of their home system', etc if you don't want to use numbers.


Required. What do they eat? Are they herbivores, carnivores, omnivores?

Biological Variation

Optional. To what extent can one individual differ from another? Can include things like blood type, hair/eye/skin color, height and build, and so on.


Required section. You can leave this intro space blank, if you'd like.

Motivation and Emotion

Required. What drives individuals in this species? What are their emotions like? Feel free to compare them to humans, since we're familiar with that. No need to explain what happy or sad is - just talk about what is specific to this species.

Sexuality and Love

What attracts members of this species to others? Who are they attracted to? Do they feel love and, if so, how is it different (or the same) as humans?


The Aenar's culture much like their biology is intertwined with their magic, Willcrafting.


Optional. What is their language? If already covered in a Nation article, feel free to link and include a basic blurb here.


Required. How do members of this species refer to each other? Examples are really important here, since people will use them to come up with their own names. If using a real world language or culture as a basis, maybe link to some name generators?

Do they have first names and last names? How do they determine them?

If a name generator is not provided, include a list of at least five sample names for each section of your species that has a different naming structure or convention - such as male and female.

Sample Names

  • example
  • names here
  • in a
  • bulleted list.

The Arts

Optional. If already covered in a Nation article, feel free to link and include a basic blurb here.


Optional. How do members of this species prefer to dress?


Optional. If already covered in a Nation article, feel free to link and include a basic blurb here.


Optional. If already covered in a Nation article, feel free to link and include a basic blurb here.


Required section. You can leave this space blank, if you'd like.


Required. How do members of this species group and form relationships? Do they have families?

Government and Politics

Optional. How do members of this species organize themselves into lasting, coherent groups? What are their values and how do they decide who, if anyone, is in charge?


Required. Is this species violent? Do they war amongst themselves or with others? Do they harm each other?


  • Player wolf626 created this on 2022/12/05 05:23.


This content adheres to Project Multiverse's submission and usage rules.

  • This species can be used by (anyone/only those with permission/etc).
  • In the event that species' creator is no longer available, …


Species NameAenar
Short DescriptionElves in a magocracy society. Heavily dependant on Magic.
Origin ShardUnited Alliance of Neutral Systems
For PCs?Yes
species/aenar.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/05 09:28 by wolf626