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Animalia (Anthros)

In the immersive world of Project Multiverse, the term “Animalia” encompasses a rich tapestry of beings, blending the traits of animals with the faculties of human-like intelligence and communication. Born from the intricate weave of magical upliftment spells, these creatures walk proudly on two legs, their forms often adorned with a striking fusion of animal and humanoid features. While they could easily be referred to as “Anthro,” these beings have embraced the term “Animalia” as a symbol of their unique identity, embodying the essence of both the animal kingdom and humanity.

Within the vast realm of Animalia, diversity reigns supreme. From the sinuous grace of reptilian beings to the ethereal beauty of avian creatures, and from the primal strength of mammalian hybrids to the enigmatic allure of those embodying marine life, each member of the Animadae family bears the unmistakable mark of their animal heritage. Whether adorned with feathered wings, scaled tails, or fur-covered limbs, every individual reflects a harmonious blend of form and function, a testament to the boundless creativity of the Multiverse.

But it is not merely physical attributes that define the Animalia. Beneath the surface, each species harbors its own unique abilities, honed through generations of evolution and magical adaptation. Some possess heightened senses, allowing them to perceive the world with unparalleled clarity, while others wield elemental powers, harnessing the forces of nature itself. From the swift agility of the cheetah-inspired Swiftclaws to the elemental mastery of the dragon-blooded Wyverns, the diversity of talents among the Animalia knows no bounds.

Yet, despite their myriad differences, the Animalia share a common bond forged by their shared ancestry and shared experiences. Bound by a deep-seated kinship, they navigate the complexities of the Multiverse with resilience and unity, drawing strength from their diversity and collective wisdom. And though they may walk the line between two worlds, neither fully animal nor wholly human, they stand as living testaments to the beauty of hybridity and the limitless potential of magic. In the world of Project Multiverse, the Animalia are not merely inhabitants; they are pioneers, explorers, and guardians, shaping the fate of their world and beyond with every step they take.

(SPECIES) Overview
Home System Alorosi System
General Characteristics
Average Height Male: 176.5 cm Female: 163 cm“ Though there are really small individuals
Average Weight ie, “60 - 80 kg” There are really light individuals
Life Cycle Life Cycle varies between species. Most Canids (Dogs maybe wolves and Fox’s) are old by the time they are 14 years old, though only with technology could they match the other species. The rest of the species, Felidae, Equins and so on have a “normal life cycle”


In the annals of cosmic history, the emergence of the Animalians stands as a testament to the boundless ingenuity of the Precursors, enigmatic beings whose mastery of magic and science transcends mortal comprehension. Millennia ago, in a display of unparalleled creativity, these ancient architects of reality embarked on a daring experiment, seeding a pristine world with the raw materials of life itself.

Gathering a menagerie of creatures from across the cosmos, the Precursors carefully selected specimens representing the vast diversity of the animal kingdom. From the towering majesty of giraffes to the cunning prowess of wolves, from the delicate grace of butterflies to the fierce beauty of lions, every species was meticulously chosen, their genetic potential poised to be reshaped by the whims of cosmic artistry.

With meticulous precision, the Precursors guided the evolution of this burgeoning world, sculpting its environment to suit the needs of their chosen creations. Lush forests teemed with life, rivers flowed with crystal-clear waters, and mountains soared majestically towards the heavens, providing the perfect backdrop for the grand experiment unfolding upon its surface.

And then, with a flourish of incantations and the flicker of cosmic energy, the transformation began. A radiant cascade of light swept across the land, infusing the very essence of the planet with the transformative power of magic. As the spell took hold, the animals underwent a profound metamorphosis, their bodies suffused with the subtle essence of humanity.

At first, the changes were subtle. The creatures stood taller, their forms elongating and straightening until they walked proudly upon two legs, their gait mirroring that of their newfound human progenitors. Minds once bound by instinct now blossomed with intellect, as the infusion of human genes bestowed upon them the gift of reason and comprehension. No longer driven solely by primal urges, they gazed upon the world with eyes that beheld its wonders with a newfound sense of wonder and curiosity.

But it was the final touch of the spell that truly set the Animalians apart. Where once they possessed claws and paws, they now found themselves endowed with fully formed hands, each bearing five dexterous fingers akin to those of monkeys and apes. With these versatile appendages, they grasped tools, crafted works of art, and forged bonds of kinship that transcended the boundaries of species.

Thus, the Animalians were born, a testament to the boundless potential of magic and the enduring legacy of the Precursors. In their veins flowed the blood of countless creatures, their minds a fusion of animal instinct and human intellect. And as they roamed the verdant landscapes of their newfound home, they carried with them the echoes of a distant past, forever shaped by the creative whims of those who came before.


After their evolution was a time of turmoil where beast fought the beast, reptile bit and poisoned reptile and beast, and Avians just flew or if they had to ambush with talons and claws. This was until the Lions had risen to the top. Lead by a lion that was banished from their pride as a result of mutation. He had created a kingdom that used Fox, and chimp intellect and cunning, to pacify the other animals and have them focus on building a new kingdom.

Once the Kingdom was established and a chain of leadership, and economy, and way of life was made, they began focusing on science and leaving the planet. Animalians are usually wonderers and as such, as the territory is established, there is concern over whether an individual might want to attack and kill them. Though as the years passed, the violence in the species ebbed. They gave the carnivores meat of a new species created through cunning science that developed into cloning.

This seemed to sate the carnivorous need to eat prey, and the prey were allowed to eat the vegetables they loved in peace and work amongst each other. Later on, with the discovery of Fox’s intellect, and their canned species exceptional sense of smell as well as their hearing, Felidae’s agility and climbing ability, Avian’s exceptional eyesight, and the other species special ability, a scientist took the genetics of every species and created a new species that would have all gifts to use as a soldier race.

Unfortunately, this didn’t work out so well. As while they were able to create the species, it was too weak and unusable in battle. It was just too unstable, though the race would be returned again later on after they made the first contact with the Zuphin and their technology advanced to where they now had access to cybernetics.

When the race joined United Alliance of Neutral Systems they added their capability to it. But for some Animadae, it wasn’t enough, and they wanted to go out into the universe and find their fortunes elsewhere. This resulted in some joining the other nations especially the New Dusk Conclave.

Habitat and Population

In the vast expanse of the universe, the habitats of the Animalians span a diverse array of environments, reflecting both the ingenuity of their kind and the adaptability forged through eons of migration and exploration. While some find solace in the subterranean depths, fashioning underground dwellings reminiscent of ancient bomb shelters, others embrace the open skies, crafting lofty abodes among the boughs of towering trees. Yet, regardless of their chosen habitat, one truth remains constant: the Animalians are a ubiquitous presence throughout the sector, their influence felt far and wide, from the bustling metropolises of the United Alliance of Neutral Systems to the untamed frontiers of the New Dusk Conclave and beyond.

For those who dwell beneath the earth's surface, the subterranean realm offers both sanctuary and security. Deep within the labyrinthine tunnels and caverns, Animalians carve out cozy burrows and cavernous chambers, fortified against the ravages of the elements and the uncertainties of the outside world. Here, amidst the cool embrace of the earth, they find refuge from the chaos above, their homes serving as bastions of stability in an ever-changing universe. Though their dwellings may lack the grandeur of surface architecture, they are imbued with a sense of intimacy and camaraderie, fostering tight-knit communities bound by shared experiences and mutual reliance.

Meanwhile, high above the forest floor, Avian Animalians take to the skies with effortless grace, their wings carrying them to the very canopy of existence. Here, amidst the rustling leaves and dappled sunlight, they fashion elaborate treehouses, their airy abodes suspended among the branches like jewels in a verdant crown. From these lofty perches, they enjoy panoramic views of the world below, their homes a testament to the boundless spirit of exploration and adventure that courses through their veins. Yet, despite their affinity for the heavens, many Avian Animalians maintain connections to the earth, often choosing to reside in traditional homes alongside their grounded brethren, bridging the divide between sky and soil with ease.

But it is not merely habitat that defines the Animalians; it is their unwavering spirit of wanderlust and discovery that truly sets them apart. From the bustling streets of cosmopolitan cities to the remote outposts of distant colonies, they traverse the stars with a sense of purpose and determination, their presence felt in every corner of the sector. Whether as traders, diplomats, or adventurers, they leave an indelible mark upon the tapestry of galactic civilization, their contributions shaping the course of history and forging bonds of friendship that span the vast expanse of space and time. In the ever-shifting mosaic of the Multiverse, the Animalians are not merely inhabitants; they are pioneers, explorers, and ambassadors of goodwill, their presence a testament to the enduring power of unity and cooperation in the face of adversity.


The diversity among the Animalians extends beyond their physical forms and habitats to the very essence of their biology. As carbon-based life forms, they possess a remarkable versatility in their dietary preferences, able to consume a wide array of foods in accordance with their individual needs and tastes. From the succulent fruits of the forest to the savory meats of the hunt, their culinary traditions reflect the rich tapestry of their cultural heritage and the bountiful resources of their homeworlds.

Yet, beneath this outward diversity lies a fundamental distinction that sets certain Animalians apart: the nature of their blood. While some members of the species are endowed with the warmth of circulating blood, others find solace in the cool embrace of their cold-blooded kin. This dichotomy of blood physiology not only shapes their metabolic processes but also influences their behavior, preferences, and adaptations to their respective environments.

For the warm-blooded Animalians, life pulses with the steady rhythm of internal warmth, their bodies maintaining a constant temperature regardless of the external conditions. Endowed with an innate ability to regulate their metabolic rates, they thrive in a wide range of climates, from the icy wastes of polar regions to the sweltering heat of equatorial jungles. Blessed with boundless energy and endurance, they are well-suited to pursuits that demand sustained activity, whether it be hunting, gathering, or engaging in complex social interactions.

Conversely, the cold-blooded Animalians draw sustenance from the ambient temperatures of their surroundings, their metabolic processes dictated by the ebb and flow of external heat. While this may render them more susceptible to fluctuations in temperature, it also bestows upon them a unique set of adaptations tailored to their specific needs. Basking in the warm glow of sunlight or seeking refuge in the cool shadows of the underbrush, they exhibit a keen awareness of their environment, using its rhythms to their advantage in the pursuit of survival.

Despite these physiological differences, the warm-blooded and cold-blooded Animalians share a common bond forged by their shared ancestry and collective experiences. Whether basking in the sun-dappled serenity of a woodland glade or huddling together for warmth in the depths of a subterranean burrow, they find strength in unity and solidarity in diversity. And as they navigate the trials and triumphs of life in the Multiverse, they stand as living testaments to the resilience and adaptability of carbon-based life, their presence a testament to the endless possibilities inherent in the tapestry of creation.

Anatomy and Physiology

The physical attributes of the Animalians reflect the rich tapestry of their genetic heritage, a mosaic woven from the strands of countless species that once roamed the wilds of their ancestral homeworlds. Standing proudly alongside their humanoid counterparts, the average Animalian male boasts a height of 176.5 cm, while their female counterparts tend to be slightly shorter, averaging at 163 cm. However, within this spectrum of heights lies a vast array of variations, ranging from diminutive individuals to towering giants, each bearing the distinctive traits of their animal ancestry.

Indeed, the diversity among the Animalians is as boundless as the stars themselves. Some are adorned with luxurious fur, their bodies wrapped in a tapestry of soft pelts that offer both warmth and protection against the elements. Others boast shimmering scales that glint like jewels in the sunlight, their sleek forms evoking the grace and majesty of the serpentine creatures from which they draw their lineage. And then there are those whose bodies are adorned with feathers, their vibrant plumage reminiscent of the avian species that once soared through the skies.

But it is not merely external features that define the Animalians; it is the very essence of their biology that sets them apart. Warm-blooded creatures pulse with the vitality of internal heat, their bodies maintaining a constant temperature that fuels their boundless energy and endurance. Yet, alongside these warm-blooded brethren, there exist those whose metabolisms are governed by the ambient temperatures of their surroundings, their cold-blooded nature necessitating periods of hibernation during the chill of winter, much like the Ursin species with whom they share this trait.

In matters of reproduction, the Animalians exhibit a remarkable diversity of strategies, reflecting the myriad adaptations of their ancestral lineages. Reptiles and birds lay eggs, nurturing their young within protective shells until they are ready to hatch into the world. Meanwhile, mammals and other live-bearing species bring forth their offspring into the world fully formed, their bodies serving as the cradle of life for their developing young.

And yet, despite the vast array of physical forms and reproductive strategies, the Animalians share a common bond forged by their shared experiences and collective aspirations. From the bustling cities of their homeworlds to the uncharted frontiers of the universe, they stand united in their pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and the timeless quest for unity amidst diversity. And as they gaze towards the stars, they do so with hearts full of hope and minds open to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the horizon.


Within the intricate web of genetic diversity that defines the myriad races of the Multiverse, the bond between Animadae and Zuphin stands as a testament to the boundless ingenuity of evolution. While these two races share many similarities, from their humanoid physiologies to their capacity for intellect and emotion, it is their unique genetic traits that set them apart and render them compatible in matters of reproduction.

For the Animadae, beings born from the fusion of animal and human characteristics, the intricacies of their genetic makeup preclude them from successfully mating with other races to produce offspring. Though they may engage in intimate relations with individuals from different species, the complex interplay of their genetic codes renders the prospect of viable offspring an impossibility. Whether it be the subtle nuances of biochemical compatibility or the intricate mechanisms of reproductive physiology, the genetic pathways of the Animadae remain closed to the genetic contributions of other races.

However, the Zuphin, with their distinctive biology and unique genetic traits, possess the remarkable ability to bridge the divide between species and produce offspring with individuals from disparate races. Born with a genetic quirk that allows them to overcome the barriers of species incompatibility, these individuals serve as conduits for the mingling of genetic material, offering hope for unity and understanding in a universe fraught with division and discord.

Yet, even in the face of such genetic diversity, the bonds forged through love, companionship, and shared experiences transcend the limitations of biology. Whether through friendship, camaraderie, or romantic affection, the Animadae and other races find solace in the connections they share, drawing strength from the knowledge that, despite their differences, they are bound together by the common threads of humanity that unite them all.

And so, amidst the tapestry of life in the Multiverse, the Animadae and Zuphin stand as beacons of hope and understanding, their union a testament to the enduring power of love and the infinite possibilities that arise when beings of different worlds come together as one.

Life Cycle

The cycle of life among the Animalians is a wondrous and varied tapestry, woven with threads of birth, growth, and maturation, each step guided by the rhythms of nature and the hand of destiny. From the moment of conception to the twilight of old age, their lives are marked by milestones both profound and fleeting, shaping the course of their existence and binding them to the eternal dance of creation and renewal.

At the heart of this cycle lies the miracle of childbirth, a sacred journey that begins with the union of two souls and culminates in the emergence of new life into the world. For the Animalians, this process is as diverse as the species themselves, with some giving birth unaided, while others require the assistance of advanced medical technology to bring their offspring into the world. Yet, regardless of the method, the result is always the same: a precious bundle of joy, born into a world brimming with possibility and potential.

But the passage of time is not uniform among the Animalians, for each species carries within it the seeds of its own unique destiny. Some mature at a rapid pace, reaching adulthood in a matter of years or even months, their bodies and minds developing with astonishing speed. Others progress more slowly, their journey towards maturity measured in decades or even centuries, each passing year a testament to the patient wisdom of age.

Yet, even as they age, the Animalians are bound by the inexorable march of time, their bodies gradually succumbing to the ravages of entropy and decay. Wrinkles form upon their skin, joints grow stiff with age, and once-sharp minds begin to falter beneath the weight of accumulated memories. Yet, for those who seek to defy the passage of time, technology offers a tantalizing promise of eternal youth, allowing them to cast off the shackles of age and embrace the boundless possibilities of the future.

In the end, whether through the natural rhythms of life or the marvels of science and technology, the Animalians navigate the journey of existence with courage, resilience, and an unwavering faith in the power of love and community to guide them through the trials and triumphs of life. And as they stand upon the threshold of the unknown, they do so with hearts full of hope and minds open to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the horizon.


Within the rich tapestry of culinary traditions that define the Animalians, dietary preferences reflect the diverse array of species from which they draw their lineage. While many are carnivorous by nature, their diets centered around the consumption of meat, others have embraced a more herbivorous lifestyle, finding sustenance and satisfaction in the bountiful offerings of the plant kingdom.

For those who trace their ancestry to creatures of the hunt, the taste of meat holds a primal allure, evoking memories of the chase and the thrill of the kill. From succulent steaks to savory stews, their meals are a celebration of the bounty of the hunt, each morsel a testament to the skill and cunning of their forebears. Yet, even among these carnivorous species, there are those who choose to eschew meat in favor of a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains, their reasons as varied as the individuals themselves.

Among the descendants of rabbits, deer, and other herbivorous creatures, the taste for meat is rare, if not entirely absent. Instead, they find solace and sustenance in the verdant abundance of the natural world, their diets consisting primarily of leafy greens, crunchy vegetables, and sweet fruits. From crisp salads to hearty root vegetable stews, their meals are a celebration of the earth's bounty, each bite a testament to the harmony and balance of nature.

Yet, even as dietary preferences vary from species to species, the Animalians share a common appreciation for the simple pleasures of food and fellowship. Whether gathered around a roaring fire to share a hearty meal of roasted game or sitting down to a leisurely picnic amidst the dappled shade of a sun-drenched glade, they find joy in the act of nourishing their bodies and nourishing their souls.

And so, amidst the bustling cities and untamed wilderness of the universe, the Animalians gather together to break bread and share stories, their meals a reflection of the rich tapestry of life that binds them together as one. For in the act of eating, they find not only sustenance but also communion, a reminder of the timeless bonds of kinship and the enduring power of community in a universe fraught with uncertainty and change.

Biological Variation

The diversity among the Animalians extends beyond their physical forms and dietary preferences to the very essence of their biological makeup, including their blood types. Much like their human counterparts, the Animalians exhibit a wide range of blood types, each with its own unique characteristics and implications for health and compatibility.

From the universal donor type O to the versatile type AB, the Animalians possess a rich tapestry of blood types that mirror the complexity of their genetic heritage. Some individuals inherit blood types common among mammals, while others carry the markers of reptilian or avian ancestry, each type imbuing its bearer with a distinct set of traits and tendencies.

For the mammalian Animalians, blood types A, B, and O are prevalent, reflecting their warm-blooded nature and mammalian lineage. Those with type A blood may exhibit traits such as empathy and nurturing, while individuals with type B blood may be characterized by traits of independence and adaptability. Meanwhile, those with type O blood may possess a resilient and pragmatic nature, well-suited to the challenges of survival in a harsh and unforgiving world.

Among the reptilian Animalians, blood types C and D are more common, reflecting their cold-blooded physiology and reptilian ancestry. Those with type C blood may display traits of cunning and patience, while individuals with type D blood may exhibit characteristics of resilience and stoicism. Despite their differences, these reptilian blood types are united by a shared instinct for survival and a deep connection to the ancient rhythms of the natural world.

Finally, among the avian Animalians, blood type A is predominant, reflecting their affinity for the skies and their avian heritage. Those with type A blood may possess traits of freedom and wanderlust, drawn to the boundless expanse of the heavens and the thrill of flight. Yet, despite their soaring ambitions, they remain grounded by a strong sense of community and a deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all living things.

But regardless of their blood type or species, the Animalians are bound together by the shared experience of life in the Multiverse, their diversity serving as a source of strength and resilience in the face of adversity. And as they navigate the challenges of existence with courage and determination, they do so with hearts full of hope and minds open to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the horizon.


The Avians stand as living embodiments of the boundless freedom and grace that comes with flight, their bodies adorned with feathers and their spirits soaring high above the earth. With limbs ending in dexterous talons and beaks designed for precision and efficiency, they navigate the skies with unparalleled skill and finesse, their wings beating in perfect harmony with the currents of the wind.

Feathers, like delicate works of art, adorn the bodies of the Avians, each plume a testament to the beauty and intricacy of nature's design. From the soft down that lines their bodies to the sturdy flight feathers that adorn their wings, their plumage is a reflection of their avian heritage, a source of both protection and adornment.

But it is their wings that truly set them apart, granting them the gift of flight and the freedom to explore the boundless expanse of the heavens. With a single beat of their powerful wings, they rise effortlessly into the air, their bodies buoyed by the invisible currents that cradle them aloft. And as they soar through the clouds with grace and ease, they embody the timeless spirit of freedom and adventure that lies at the heart of their being.

Yet, it is not only their physical attributes that define the Avians, but also their keen instincts and sharp senses. Some among them possess eyesight so keen that they can spot the faintest movement from miles away, their vision unaided by technology and honed through countless generations of evolution. With this gift, they navigate the skies with unmatched precision, their eyes scanning the horizon for signs of danger or opportunity.

In their quest for sustenance, the Avians turn to the insect world, their nimble talons adept at capturing their prey in mid-flight. And as they feast upon the bounty of the air, new insect species emerge to fill the niche created by their voracious appetites, their presence shaping the delicate balance of the ecosystem in ways both subtle and profound.

But above all else, it is their love of flight that defines the Avians, their wings beating in perfect harmony with the rhythms of the universe. Whether gliding on the wind or diving towards the earth with breathtaking speed, they embody the spirit of freedom and exploration that lies at the heart of all who take to the skies. And as they soar ever higher towards the heavens, they do so with hearts full of wonder and minds open to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the horizon.


The reptilian inhabitants of the Multiverse are a formidable and enigmatic race, their bodies adorned with scales that shimmer like precious gems in the sunlight. Cold-blooded by nature, they bask in the warmth of the sun's rays, drawing energy and sustenance from the radiant heat that bathes their world. It is this affinity for warmth that led many of them to migrate to the planet Repton, drawn by its close proximity to its parent star and the balmy climate it offers.

The scales that adorn their bodies serve not only as a source of protection but also as a reflection of their ancient lineage. Each scale is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of their species, a living testament to the trials and triumphs of countless generations. And while their cold-blooded nature may render them vulnerable to fluctuations in temperature, it also imbues them with a deep connection to the natural world, a primal instinct that guides their every move.

Yet, it is not only their physical attributes that define the reptilians, but also their remarkable intellect and aptitude for engineering. Renowned throughout the Multiverse for their ingenuity and resourcefulness, they possess a keen understanding of mechanics and technology, their minds capable of unraveling the most complex of mysteries and devising solutions to the most daunting of challenges. Whether designing spacecraft or constructing towering skyscrapers, the reptilians excel in fields that demand precision, creativity, and innovation.

But alongside their talents as engineers, the reptilians also possess a darker aspect, one born of their predatory instincts and insatiable hunger. As meat-eaters by nature, they hunt and consume the flesh of non-sentient creatures, their sharp teeth and powerful jaws capable of rending even the toughest of prey. To satisfy their appetites, non-sentient creatures are cloned and raised for consumption, their flesh providing sustenance for the reptilians and fueling the economy of the black market.

It is this appetite for meat that has led to the widespread production of poison among the reptilian population, as certain species possess venomous glands that produce potent toxins. While the United Alliance of Neutral Systems may frown upon the use of such poisons in warfare, they are highly sought after on the black market, fetching exorbitant prices from those who seek to gain an edge in the shadowy world of espionage and assassination.

But despite their formidable reputation and penchant for darkness, the reptilians are not without their virtues. With their keen intellects and indomitable spirit, they stand as beacons of strength and resilience in a universe fraught with uncertainty and danger. And as they continue to forge ahead, blazing a trail through the cosmos with hearts full of ambition and minds open to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond, they do so with a fierce determination to carve out their own destiny amidst the stars.


Mammals, the diverse and resilient inhabitants of the Multiverse, form a formidable contingent within the galactic tapestry of life. Comprising a significant portion of the population after the reptilians, they bring with them a wealth of abilities and adaptations honed over eons of evolution.

One of the most notable traits among mammals is their keen sense of smell and tracking ability. From the sleek felines prowling the shadows to the mighty bears stalking through the forests, certain species possess an acute olfactory prowess that allows them to discern the faintest of scents and track their prey with unparalleled precision. With noses finely attuned to the nuances of the natural world, they navigate the complexities of their environments with ease, their senses serving as a guide through the labyrinthine depths of the wilderness.

Yet, it is not only their tracking ability that sets mammals apart, but also their formidable arsenal of natural weapons. Some, like the felines, possess razor-sharp claws that can rend flesh with ease, while others boast powerful jaws and formidable fangs reminiscent of their reptilian counterparts. Though lacking the potency of venom, these fangs are nonetheless capable of delivering a lethal bite, serving as a potent deterrent to would-be predators and a fearsome tool in the hunt for sustenance.

But beyond their physical attributes, mammals possess a remarkable versatility that allows them to thrive in a wide range of environments and occupations. Whether as skilled artisans, cunning merchants, or brave explorers, they excel in fields that demand creativity, adaptability, and determination. From the bustling metropolises of the United Alliance of Neutral Systems to the untamed frontiers of the outer rim, mammals can be found in every corner of the Multiverse, their indomitable spirit driving them ever onward in the pursuit of knowledge, wealth, and adventure.

And in matters of sustenance, mammals are omnivores by nature, capable of deriving nourishment from both plants and meat. From the succulent fruits of the forest to the savory meats of the hunt, their diets are as varied as the landscapes they inhabit, reflecting the rich diversity of life that surrounds them. With their insatiable appetites and voracious appetites, they tread lightly upon the earth, mindful of their place within the delicate balance of the ecosystem and the interconnected web of life that sustains them all.

In the end, it is this adaptability and resilience that defines the mammals of the Multiverse, their hearts full of courage and their minds open to the endless possibilities that lie beyond the horizon. And as they journey forth into the unknown, they do so with a sense of purpose and determination, knowing that no challenge is too great and no obstacle too daunting for those who dare to dream and strive for greatness.

Omni Soldier

The Omni Species stands as a testament to the boundless ambition and ingenuity of those who sought to create the ultimate soldier race, capable of wielding power and influence across the vast expanse of the Multiverse. Conceived as a fusion of cold-blooded reptiles, warm-blooded mammals, and avian creatures, the Omni Species represented a bold experiment in genetic engineering, combining the strengths of three distinct lineages in the hopes of creating a force to be reckoned with.

Yet, from the outset, the endeavor was fraught with challenges and setbacks. The inherent differences between cold-blooded and warm-blooded physiology proved to be a significant hurdle, as the two systems struggled to coexist within the same organism. The reptilian members of the Omni Species found themselves sluggish and lethargic in the presence of their warm-blooded counterparts, their metabolisms unable to keep pace with the demands of a rapidly changing environment.

Similarly, the avian members of the Omni Species faced their own unique challenges, their delicate bodies ill-suited to the rigors of combat and warfare. With wings ill-suited for manipulation of weapons and bodies optimized for flight rather than ground-based combat, they found themselves at a distinct disadvantage compared to their mammalian and reptilian brethren.

As a result, the Omni Species languished on the brink of extinction, their weaknesses laid bare for all to see. Yet, in the face of adversity, they refused to succumb to despair, instead turning to science and technology in search of a solution to their plight. Through tireless experimentation and innovation, they developed new technologies that helped to mitigate some of their shortcomings, from advanced climate control systems that regulated body temperature to cybernetic enhancements that enhanced strength and agility.

Despite these advancements, the Omni Species remains a rarity in the sector, its numbers dwindling in the face of ongoing challenges and conflicts. Yet, for those who call themselves members of this unique race, the struggle for survival is not merely a battle for existence, but a testament to the resilience and determination of those who refuse to be defined by the limitations of their biology. And as they continue to carve out their place in the galaxy, they do so with a fierce determination to prove that, even in the face of adversity, they are a force to be reckoned with.


Motivation and Emotion

The annals of Animalian history are etched with tales of struggle and survival, where the doctrine of “survival of the fittest” reigned supreme, casting a shadow of fear and uncertainty over their ancestral homelands. In those harsh and unforgiving times, strength was revered above all else, and those deemed weak or vulnerable were cast aside, their fates left to the whims of a merciless world.

Yet, amidst the chaos and carnage, there arose a beacon of hope and enlightenment in the form of a wise and noble King, whose name would be whispered in reverence for generations to come. Recognizing the folly of endless conflict and bloodshed, he sought to forge a new path for his people, one built on the pillars of peace, compassion, and understanding. With wisdom and foresight, he ushered in a new era of prosperity and harmony, laying the foundation for a kingdom where all beings, regardless of strength or status, could live together in unity and mutual respect.

Under the benevolent rule of this enlightened monarch, the Animalians found themselves free to pursue their true passions and aspirations, liberated from the shackles of fear and oppression that had plagued them for so long. With newfound confidence and purpose, they turned their gaze outward, to the vast expanse of the Multiverse beyond, their hearts filled with a sense of wonder and excitement at the endless possibilities that lay on the horizon.

Driven by a deep-seated desire for exploration and adventure, many Animalians set forth into the unknown, their spirits unbound by the constraints of their homeworld. With each new discovery and each distant horizon, they sought to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos and carve out their own destinies amidst the stars. Yet, even as they journeyed forth into the great unknown, their hearts remained tethered to their ancestral home, their loyalty and allegiance unwavering in the face of adversity.

But not all Animalians shared in this spirit of peaceful exploration and enlightenment. For some, the tranquil neutrality of the United Alliance of Neutral Systems held little appeal, their restless souls yearning for the thrill of battle and the glory of conquest. Venturing forth into the far reaches of the galaxy, they sought out conflict and confrontation, their blades and blasters eager to taste the heat of battle once more.

And amidst the vast tapestry of Animalian society, there existed those whose inclinations leaned towards laziness and indolence, content to while away the hours in idleness and leisure. Yet, even among these seemingly slothful individuals, there were those whose hearts burned with a fierce passion for hard work and diligence, their dedication and determination serving as a shining example to all who knew them.

In the end, the Animalians are a reflection of the complexities and contradictions of sentient life, their behaviors and beliefs shaped by a myriad of influences both internal and external. And as they navigate the turbulent currents of existence with courage and conviction, they do so with a steadfast determination to forge their own destinies and leave their mark upon the annals of history.

Sexuality and Love

The concept of sexuality and love among the Animalians mirrors that of humans in its depth, complexity, and diversity. At the heart of their understanding lies a profound recognition of the power of attraction, intimacy, and emotional connection to shape their relationships and experiences.

For the Animalians, sexuality is a multifaceted aspect of their identity, encompassing a broad spectrum of orientations, desires, and expressions. Just as among humans, some Animalians are drawn to partners of the opposite sex, while others find themselves attracted to individuals of the same sex or non-binary genders. This rich tapestry of sexual diversity reflects the myriad ways in which love and desire manifest themselves within their society, challenging traditional norms and expectations while celebrating the beauty of individuality and self-expression.

Yet, beyond mere physical attraction, love among the Animalians is a deeply emotional and spiritual bond that transcends the boundaries of gender and species. Whether expressed through tender gestures of affection, passionate declarations of devotion, or quiet acts of kindness, love is a universal language that speaks to the depths of the soul, forging connections that are as enduring as they are profound.

In matters of romance and courtship, Animalians follow a similar trajectory to humans, navigating the complexities of attraction, desire, and compatibility with a mixture of hope and trepidation. From the heady rush of infatuation to the steady comfort of long-term partnership, their relationships evolve and grow over time, shaped by shared experiences, mutual respect, and unwavering commitment.

Yet, like all sentient beings, the Animalians are not immune to the challenges and complexities of love and sexuality. Jealousy, insecurity, and heartbreak are universal experiences that transcend species boundaries, testing the resilience of their bonds and the strength of their resolve. Yet, even in the face of adversity, the Animalians draw upon the power of love to overcome obstacles and forge ever deeper connections with one another.

In the end, the concept of sexuality and love among the Animalians is a reflection of their shared humanity, a testament to the universal desire for connection, intimacy, and belonging. And as they navigate the intricate dance of romance and relationships with courage and compassion, they do so with hearts full of hope and minds open to the endless possibilities that love brings.



Communication among the Animalians is a rich and multifaceted tapestry, woven with threads of language, gesture, and intuition that bridge the gaps between species and foster understanding in the diverse tapestry of the Multiverse.

At the heart of their communication lies a common language, a lingua franca spoken by beings of all species and races, enabling them to exchange ideas, share stories, and forge connections that transcend the boundaries of language and culture. Whether spoken in the bustling markets of the United Alliance of Neutral Systems or whispered in the shadowy corners of the outer rim, this shared language serves as a bridge between worlds, uniting beings of all backgrounds in a common bond of understanding and camaraderie.

Yet, alongside this universal tongue, there exists a multitude of other forms of communication unique to the Animalians themselves. Among the felines, for example, communication takes on a subtle and nuanced form, where gestures, expressions, and even the slightest shifts in body language convey meaning in ways that are imperceptible to other species. With a flick of the tail or a tilt of the head, they communicate complex emotions and intentions with astonishing clarity, forging bonds of trust and kinship that transcend the limitations of spoken language.

But the felines are not alone in their unique modes of communication. From the melodious songs of the avians to the intricate dances of the reptilians, each species possesses its own distinct language of expression, a rich tapestry of sounds, movements, and gestures that speak volumes about their culture, history, and identity. And while these forms of communication may be incomprehensible to outsiders, they serve as a powerful reminder of the diversity and complexity of life in the Multiverse.

Yet, even as they celebrate their differences, the Animalians recognize the importance of finding common ground and fostering understanding between species. Through diplomacy, cooperation, and mutual respect, they seek to build bridges of communication that transcend the barriers of language and culture, forging bonds of friendship and cooperation that span the stars.

In the end, communication among the Animalians is a testament to the power of language and expression to unite beings of all backgrounds and species in a common quest for understanding and connection. And as they journey forth into the vast expanse of the Multiverse, they do so with hearts full of hope and minds open to the endless possibilities that await them on the horizon.


The naming scheme among the Animalians is a reflection of their rich cultural tapestry, blending elements of tradition, geography, and personal preference to create names that are as unique and diverse as the beings themselves.

At the heart of their naming conventions lies a deep reverence for nature and the animal kingdom, with many Animalians being given names that reflect their connection to the natural world. Just as humans might name their pets after characteristics or traits, so too do the Animalians often receive names that evoke images of strength, agility, or cunning. Names like Fang, Claw, or Swift are not uncommon among their ranks, serving as a reminder of their primal instincts and animal heritage.

Yet, alongside these more evocative names, there exists a multitude of other naming traditions that vary depending on the region and cultural background of the Animalian in question. In some regions, names may be derived from the languages of their ancestors, with meanings that speak to their history and lineage. For example, like the characters of the Lion King who received names based on Swahili, so too might the Animalians draw upon the rich linguistic traditions of their own cultures to bestow names upon their offspring.

In other regions, naming conventions may be influenced by popular culture or contemporary trends, with names inspired by literature, mythology, or even popular media. Just as in the movie Zootopia, where characters have names like Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde, so too might the Animalians adopt names that reflect their own unique identities and aspirations.

But regardless of the specific naming tradition, one thing remains constant: the importance of names as a reflection of identity and belonging. Whether given at birth or chosen later in life, a name is more than just a label; it is a symbol of individuality, a marker of heritage, and a testament to the bonds that unite us all.

In the end, the naming scheme among the Animalians is a celebration of diversity and creativity, a reflection of the myriad ways in which they embrace their animalistic nature and forge connections with the world around them. And as they continue to journey forth into the great unknown, they do so with names that echo with the echoes of the past and the promise of the future, each one a unique expression of the indomitable spirit of the Animalian people.

Name List

Here's a list of example names for Animalian characters:

  • Fang Swiftclaw
  • Luna Moonshadow
  • Rex Thunderpaw
  • Willow Silverwing
  • Blaze Fireheart
  • Luna Nightshade
  • Rocky Stonebreaker
  • Ember Wildfire
  • Shadow Darkclaw
  • Hunter Swiftwind
  • Sapphire Skydancer
  • Leo Sunseeker
  • Luna Starlight
  • Storm Thunderhoof
  • Nova Frostfur
  • Blaze Emberheart
  • Luna Swiftclaw
  • Zephyr Stormwing
  • Aurora Moonbeam
  • Ivy Greenleaf

These names incorporate elements of strength, agility, and nature, reflecting the diverse backgrounds and personalities of the Animalian characters.

The Arts

Art, music, and other forms of creative expression hold a special place in the hearts of sentient beings across the Multiverse, serving as a means of communication, connection, and self-discovery. Yet, among the Animalians, these artistic pursuits have long remained elusive, their society focused more on survival and practicality than the pursuit of beauty and creativity.

For generations, the Animalians have lived in a world shaped by the imperatives of survival, where strength, cunning, and adaptability are valued above all else. In such a society, the arts have often been relegated to the sidelines, considered a luxury rather than a necessity in the struggle for existence. As a result, few Animalians have had the opportunity or inclination to pursue artistic endeavors, their energies instead focused on more practical pursuits.

Yet, despite this lack of formal training or education in the arts, there are those among the Animalians who feel a stirring within their souls, a longing to express themselves and explore the depths of their creativity. These pioneering individuals have taken it upon themselves to seek out opportunities for learning and growth, venturing forth into the wider galaxy in search of knowledge and inspiration.

In the bustling cities of the United Alliance of Neutral Systems or the New Dusk Conclave, they have found a wealth of resources and opportunities for artistic expression, from classes and workshops to mentorship programs and cultural exchanges. Here, amid the vibrant tapestry of galactic society, they have immersed themselves in the study of art, music, and literature, eager to unlock the secrets of their own creativity and share their unique perspectives with the world.

Through trial and error, experimentation and collaboration, these intrepid Animalians have begun to carve out their own niche in the world of the arts, drawing upon their instincts and experiences to create works that are as diverse and vibrant as the species themselves. From paintings and sculptures to music and dance, they are exploring new frontiers of expression, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and challenging the conventions of their society.

And as they continue on their artistic journey, the Animalians are discovering that creativity knows no bounds, transcending species and cultures to unite beings of all backgrounds in a shared celebration of the human spirit. With hearts full of passion and minds open to the infinite possibilities of the cosmos, they are forging a new legacy for themselves and their people, one brushstroke, one note, one masterpiece at a time.


Clothing among the Animalians is as diverse as the species themselves, reflecting not only practical considerations but also cultural traditions and personal preferences. From the lush fur of the mammals to the sleek feathers of the avians and the scaled hides of the reptiles, each species has its own unique relationship with clothing and adornment.

For the mammalian species of Animalians, clothing is often a matter of practicality rather than fashion. With their bodies already adorned with thick fur, they have little need for additional layers to keep them warm. As such, many mammalian Animalians eschew clothing altogether, preferring instead to revel in the natural beauty of their own pelts. For them, wearing clothing made from animal hide is seen as a great insult, a violation of the sacred bond between themselves and their fellow creatures. Instead, they may opt for garments made from lightweight materials such as cotton or silk, allowing them to move freely and comfortably without compromising their principles.

Among the avian species, clothing takes on a different significance, with outfits designed to complement their aerial lifestyle. Lightweight and airy fabrics are favored, allowing them to move with grace and agility through the skies. From flowing robes to intricate tunics adorned with feathers, avian Animalians take pride in their appearance, using clothing as a means of expression and identity. For them, clothing is not merely a necessity but a form of art, a reflection of their connection to the natural world and the boundless expanse of the heavens above.

For the reptilian species, clothing serves a more practical purpose, providing warmth and protection against the elements. With their cold-blooded nature, reptilian Animalians are particularly sensitive to changes in temperature, making specialized outfits a necessity in many climates. Thick, insulating fabrics are favored, along with accessories such as gloves and scarves to help retain body heat. Yet, even as they bundle up against the cold, reptilian Animalians take care to ensure that their outfits are both functional and stylish, with intricate patterns and designs that reflect their cultural heritage and personal tastes.

In the end, clothing among the Animalians is a reflection of their rich diversity and cultural heritage, a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of sentient beings across the Multiverse. Whether practical or ornamental, clothing serves as a means of expression and identity, allowing each individual to carve out their own unique place in the world. And as they continue on their journey through life, the Animalians do so with hearts full of pride and minds open to the endless possibilities that await them in the great unknown.


The origins of the Animalians are steeped in a history of struggle and survival, where the doctrine of “survival of the fittest” reigned supreme, shaping the very fabric of their society and culture. In those early days, strength and prowess were revered above all else, and those deemed weak or vulnerable were cast aside, their fates left to the merciless whims of nature.

Yet, amidst the chaos and carnage of their ancestral homelands, there arose a visionary leader whose name would be whispered in reverence for generations to come. The first Animalian King, a figure of wisdom and compassion, recognized the inherent flaws of a society built on the principles of competition and aggression. With courage and determination, he set out to forge a new path for his people, one guided by the principles of cooperation, compassion, and mutual respect.

Under the enlightened rule of their benevolent monarch, the Animalians underwent a profound cultural transformation, casting aside the shackles of their violent past and embracing a new ethos of harmony and unity. No longer bound by the dictates of survival of the fittest, they began to cultivate a society that celebrated diversity and cooperation, where every member was valued for their unique contributions and talents.

Yet, even as they embraced this new philosophy, the Animalians remained keenly attuned to the world around them, recognizing that their environment played a crucial role in shaping their identity and culture. From the dense forests of their ancestral homelands to the bustling cities of the United Alliance of Neutral Systems, each region left its mark on the collective consciousness of the Animalian people, influencing their beliefs, traditions, and way of life.

Over time, this symbiotic relationship between the Animalians and their environment gave rise to a truly unique cultural identity, one that reflected the rich tapestry of their experiences and aspirations. Whether through art, music, literature, or tradition, the Animalians expressed themselves in ways that were deeply rooted in their surroundings, drawing inspiration from the natural world and the diverse array of species that inhabited it.

And so, as they journeyed forth into the great unknown, the Animalians did so with a sense of purpose and pride, their hearts filled with hope and their minds open to the endless possibilities that lay ahead. For in the end, they knew that it was their shared commitment to cooperation, compassion, and mutual respect that would guide them on their journey, ensuring that they remained true to the principles of their enlightened monarch and the legacy he left behind.



When two Reptilian, Mammals or Avian Animadae love each other they date, and eventually, after a period they get married. Then they have families by sticking what they call a Key (male genitals) into the lock (you get the point) and after a duration of time gestation for specific species families form with kids. Things like a single-gender couple aren't an issue for them.

Government and Politics

Animadae have organized themselves into a Kingdom, led by a king. Those who are clever and intelligent more than what had been given were organized into a Department of Intelligence where they think things and create technological creations. Those strong like gorilla, hippos, and such strong and durable species are organized in another department where they could put their strength and durability to good use. The other species were similarly organized though the military does use species from all groups.


The race can be violent if pushed or bothered, they will strike, slash, peck and even bite back at the annoyance that kills them. Though there has been a millennia-long attempt at curving this aggressive streak. It will likely take time to get over their previous animal nature. The King has attempted to create a Tribunal to handle all issues,

Outside UNS

Outside of the United Alliance of Neutral Systems, where distinctions are clearer, the perception of Animalians—beings descended from uplifted animals—can blur with that of genetically modified organisms (Genemods), especially in regions like the New Dusk Conclave. Here, where the boundaries between species and technologies are often nebulous, misunderstandings arise.

Animalians, unlike Genemods, are the products of upliftment, a process where animals are genetically enhanced to possess human-like intelligence and abilities. This can range from simple cognition to complex linguistic skills and societal structures. The process of upliftment is both a scientific marvel and an ethical quandary, as it raises questions about the nature of consciousness, identity, and the relationship between humans and animals.

In contrast, Genemods are creatures whose genetic makeup has been directly altered through genetic engineering, often for specific purposes such as enhanced strength, agility, or resistance to disease. While both Animalians and Genemods may exhibit extraordinary traits, the origins and implications of these traits differ significantly.

The confusion between the two arises from the superficial similarities in their appearances and abilities. In places like the New Dusk Conclave, where experimentation and innovation thrive in a legal grey area, distinctions can become even more blurred. Here, hybrid creatures roam the streets alongside genetically modified organisms, and the line between natural and artificial life is constantly challenged.



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Species NameAnimalian (Anthro)
Short DescriptionThe universes version of Anthros
Origin ShardUnited Alliance of Neutral Systems
For PCs?Yes
species/animadae.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/14 18:16 by charaa