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Tower Of Babel

The Tower of Babel is a reference to two towers linked to the bts. The first was a state of the art Space Elevator that was made to bring the people of the Conglomerate's homeworld into stars but was destroyed after a decade-long war over ownership of the tower which resulted in the Babel Armed Military Force - 'BAMF' destroying the tower and ultimately crippling their homeworld.

The second tower is a carbon copy of the first and is on the world of Ereshkigal. It is considered the capitol building of the Remnant Conglomerate and the home of the Lady Ishtar who is rumored to be in seclusion somewhere in the tower.


  • Player char created this on 2021/10/07 16:21.


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nation/bts/tower_of_babel.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/07 16:24 by char