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Ishtar, often referred to by her people as the “Lady Ishatar,” the “Revered Lady,” or simply “The Lady” is the reigning monarch and lead board member of the Remnant Conglomerate, and is described by the Cult of the Lady as an immortal, all-powerful godlike being and the shepherd of the Conglomerates herd.

Ishtars age, race, and overall likeness are marginally unknown but she is often depicted in statues and murals as a thin and young beauty often clad in robes and a hood that cover her face. Her skin color and nationality shift depending on a multitude of factors but is usually left to the interpretation of the masses.

What is known is that she is, or was, definitely female. And despite often being depicted as a youthful individual the history of Babel would imply she is rather old if she is the same Ishtar that founded BTS and Babel over forty1) years prior.

Much is unknown about Lady Ishtar and remains a mystery due to her being in self-imposed seclusion for much of the War for the Heavens and even is rumored to remain so even when the Conglomerate moved to Ereshkigal. The last and only living people who are widely considered to know the truth about Ishtar are her Board of Directors and a spattering of military officers she was said to have personally appointed at the start of the war; Few of which remain after the end of the conflict.


  • Player char created this on 2021/10/07 16:11.


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seventy by the arrival at Ereshkigal
nation/bts/ishtar.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/07 16:21 by char