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Cult of The Lady

The Cult of The Lady is the unofficial and only religion of the Remnant Conglomerate. It is devoted to the worship of the Lady Ishtar as a living god among them, savior, and supreme shepherd of the Conglomerate.

Those who believe in the cult's teachings hold that The Lady is a living spiritual entity and a being of unrivaled intellect and unfathomable powers. It is preached by the cult that the Lady Ishtar foresaw the coming death of their homeworld and actively tried to use her powers and hidden knowledge to steer the world towards salvation, but was betrayed by the hubris and jealousy of its people.

It is widely believed within the Cult that the Lady Ishtar instead decided to personally save her own and most loyal of followers and to bring them to a world (Ereshkigal) made only for them. And that the hostility of the world is a final hurdle to overcome for her people to show their faith and devotion to her and to conquer it without her help so that she may someday return from her seclusion and lead her people once again having restored her trust in them and strengthened them for the trials to come.

These beliefs are not universal among the people of the Conglomerate but of this singular and growing sect. The cult takes a gentle approach towards recruitment and is not hostile towards those that do not show the same belief but are zealously hostile to those that speak against the lady and her people.

Recently, having arrived on Ereshkigal the cult has grown in power and has even garnered some political power as of yet linked to rumors of a board member being one of them.

The symbol of the cult of The Lady is a matte-black silhouette of a feminine figure in supplication and is stated to be a fetish of Ishtar herself.


  • Player char created this on 2021/10/07 16:25.


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nation/bts/cult.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/23 21:01 by char