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Golems, also known shorthand as Gol are a form of military war-cyborgs used exclusively by the bts in its military wing; The Babel Armed Military Force - 'BAMF'. Golems are highly advanced and moderately rare weapons that were once soldiers for BAMF or the various natrion of its former homeworld who suffered irreparable damage in a distant war and had their brains placed in a life-support cyborg for the purpose of prolonging their life and creating a deadly weapon.

About Golems

Golems are a byproduct of a distant war from the Conglomerates previous and taboo homeworld. A war that, while lost to history the same as all mention of their homeworld once encompassed the entire world itself in a great war. The war itself, its cause, and its outcome are widely lost to history just as much as the creation of the Golems.

The Cult of The Lady, however, widely believes and spreads their version of history that Gol were created through the hand of their god;Lady Ishtar and her advanced knowledge as a method of preserving her most worthy of soldiers and followers to continue fighting in the past during a unification attempt to unite a world well before her formation of Babel Technology Solutions a century later. The cult has less to say about how the other nations acquired their own Golems and how they were used in all sides in what was clearly a world war and not a grand crusade.

The theory is given some credence, however, as the techniques to create the advanced cyborg bodies, weapons, and techniques to transplant a human brain into a Golem only resurfaced shortly after the formation of BTS; Who prior to the War for the heavens had manufactured the first Golems in nearly half a century.

Mental Corruption

Golems are not perfect replacements for a human body and lack a sensation of touch or feeling or even senses such as smell or taste that most human bodies have. A Golem is, in essence, a brain trapped in a body without the ability to feel any sensation ranging from pain to pleasure or anything in between.

While this might be considered a boon to some it ultimately drives the Gol into a slow spiral into depression, anxiety, and even lunacy and hysteria over time as life living in an automaton without the ability to experience life in a non-monochrome sense.

This essentially means that over years and decades the Golem will eventually lose their sense of self as they lose the phantom sensations of their past sensations and experiences and are unable to reclaim them. This often leads to Golems deteriorating mentally as time goes on and is a good indicator as to a Golems age depending on how expressive they are or how they react; A younger Golem may still have emotion in their voice and actions and seek to stay active through work and activities to stimulate their serotonin levels, while older Gol will often act unnaturally mechanical and as emotionless and monotone machines with simple and efficient actions and will spend their free time either idle or shut down.

This is often delayed and temporary remedies through the application of a built-in serotonin device in the Golems skull that will regulate their serotonin levels to keep them moderately normal compared to the average person. Though over time as decades pass even that too fails to stimulate older Golems.

The older a Golem gets the more unstable it becomes and is prone to violence or unstable tendencies. As such it is common to have Golems placed into a half-sleep where the body is shut down and the brain is put into artificial REM sleep for extended periods of time in order to extend the efficiency of younger Golems over time and to keep older Golems stable short term.

Creating a Golem

Golems are a unique and rare sight even in the Conglomerate and its ability to manufacture them. As such it is common for only one or two to ever be seen in a military unit and are never deployed large-scale. As such it is uncommon1) for Golems to ever be deployed enmass2).

Golems are also viewed as property by the Conglomerate and as such do not have the same rights or even a contract that most of its citizens have. This is due to the nature of Golems being weapons of war and not suitable for civilian life or activities. Also due to the fact that Golems are not safe to be around civilians due to their mental corruption of weaponized bodies.

When creating a Golem you should answer these questions:

  • Age - How old is your Golem? The Conglomerate started creating golems again ten years before they left their homeworld. That means the oldest Gol should only have been a Golem for at least ten years max. Golems were once people and lived full lives up until they were injured to the point they needed to be turned into Gol.
  • Gender - Golem, once being people, had a gender identity. This can be male, female, or any gender. What this means is that while they lack reproductive organs they still have a gender identity and it often shows in their bodies that may have their armor in the shape of breasts, a codpiece, wider hips, nanomuscle, armored abs, etc.
  • Height - Golem are not as limited to their genetic forms as you or I and can be taller or shorter than some people.
  • Weight - Golems are very heavy. Their bodies are completely armored cyborgs and as such can weigh hundreds of pounds even in their smallest forms and almost half a ton in the largest ever fielded.
  • Armor/skin - Golem do not have skin. They are armored cyborgs that can have synthetic skin in places like their arms, breasts, face, neck, etc. But are largely and noticeably cyborgs. Their armor is largely customizable, however, and it is not uncommon for Golems to customize their armor by painting it or requesting that they be treated with a synthetic skin to feel more normal. All Golems have a recreation of their past-bodies face from the neck up.
  • Hair - Golems are often given a recreation of their own head on their cyborg bodies to help them feel more human when they look at their own reflection. As such they will have hair to match. Facial hair, beards, and head hair are common and often made of small and realistic fiber-optic cables that are fire retardant.
  • Eyes - Golem can have realistic eyes. But they can also have clearly cybernetic eyes. Their eyes are more powerful and offer better resolution than human eyes and can see in multiple spectrums ranging from IR to night vision.


Gol, being weapons of war often have weapons built into their bodies. This can range from simple claws on their fingertips to much more advanced or intricate weapons hidden inside them. Such examples include:

  • Claws on hands or feet
  • Spikes on knees, shoulders, elbows, heels
  • Prehensile tails ending in blades or other weapons such as spikes, thagomizers, guns, maxes, whips, etc.
  • Sharpened teeth
  • Multi-jointed arms
  • Hidden blades or firearms
  • Retractable wrist or knee spikes/blades
  • Flamethrowers
  • Limbs replaced with weapons such as blades, chainsaws, or heavy weapons


Golem Types

Not all Gol are the same. Generally Golem are created into X categories that play to a specific role.


Assault-type Golems are the most common type of Gol. They are a midline type that specializes in no particular category such as armor, speed, or weaponry and is generally considered the most normal looking type of Golem due to having the least modifications done to their base form and as such have a typical human-cyborg body and minimal modifications.

Assault golem is based off the need to have a ground soldier platform for carrying heavier weapons or as acting as an anchor for a unit by having a durable and tactically coefficient soldier in a unit. As such assault Gol often carries typical squad-issued weapons, heavy weapons, large amounts of an ordinance, or act as pack-mules for a unit.

Assault Golem are typically less modified than other types of Golem in regards to weaponry and instead favor modifications that will improve combat performance such as sensors, targetting aids, rangefinders, laser designators, simple retractable weapons, etc.


Recon-type Golems are Gol modified to be sleeker, leaner, and all-around more mobile than their typical Assault cousins. Recon-type Gol are typically the lightest armored and favor modifications that make them faster and more agile than other types such as longer or specialized legs like reverse-joint legs, stilt-style modifications, etc.

Recon-type Gol also favors stealth-oriented weapons and modifications such as suppressed or silent weapons, blades, sniper rifles, camoflague systems, IR nullifying systems, modifications to help them climb or hide or infiltrate, etc.

Recon-type Gol are lighter armored than most all other types, and typically smaller and sleeker but by no means are any less deadly if encountered.


Macro-type Golem are typically modified to be the largest, heaviest, most armored type of Golem the conglomerate is able to field. Usually the largest type of Gol, they are twice again as large as your typical Golem and are bulkier and slower than all the others. They are made to take immeasurable amounts of damage and carry weapons usually reserved to be mounted on vehicles.

Due to a low amount of Utility Macro-type golems are rare and often saved for the most front-line units where breakthrough is required. They favor modifications that increase their strength and power such as fist-replacement weapons, gorrila-style longer knuckledragger arms, and modifications that make it easier to wield or fire large weapons such as shoulder-mounted cannons, foot-locking spikes that brace the Macro golem into the ground to fire heavy weapons, mortars, etc.

While slower and stronger than most other types of Golem; Macro-type golems are still faster than most humanoids and are devastating if encountered.


Hunter-Killer type Golems are typically specialized duelist Gol modified to wreath as much carnage as possible. They are a hodge-podge of weapons and modifications and usually look the least human of all their fellow Gol.

Replacing limbs with guns or melee weapons, Prehensile tails with weapons attached, specialized modifications to operate alongside shock-troops are all common with this type of Golem.

HK-type Golems are often made from Golems whose personality or lack thereof has seen a dissolution of their sense of humanity or hesitation to kill. As such they are typically the least stable type of Gol and require long periods of down-time or a dedicated handler(s)

War Mask

Just like the cyborg body of the Gol is iconic, so too are their armored War Masks. Usually custom-tailored to the Gol they can be either a simple mask or a full-blown helmet so long as they protect the head and the Golems only weak point; The brain.

These masks usually come tailored with sensors and optics and do not hinder the Gol in any way. It's typical for a Gol to have their mask on or with them at all times and is usually just as armored as the rest of their body.

A Golems mask is designed to attach seamlessly to their face or head and cannot be removed externally.


  • Player char created this on 2021/10/10 17:33.


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though not unheard of
this means there should only ever be one Golem PC in a plot for balance reasons unless the plot is based around Golems
nation/bts/gol.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/10 20:22 by char