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Soulweaver Religion


A recent revelation for one very science grounded answer, but as answer to a spiritual question, has become a source of debate in the NDC.

What is a soul? What defines the creation, or emergence of a soul?

Scientist Liam Havrow thought about all the high volume data systems and the digital transference system the NDC uses. With time, came up with a theory that DNA is not only the data of the genetic roadmap to living things, but as the threads of the soul too. This could go for synthetic, digital, or mechanical life as well, as they are an amalgamation of data. Which DNA is just transcribed organic data. Sperm and eggs are simply droplets of data, and therefore droplets of soul used to create another.

Quickly gaining traction among the science community, and those who are familiar with the high tech, and high data volume civilization that the NDC has become. Later it would become the foundation for a theory to support all sentient life having a soul, and how even things not born of natural means, are able to have souls. Offering a line of thinking, that would lead to why genetic, and programming of AI studies are so important and fast advancing despite how some might find the idea absurd. As well as why organics and non organics are now so widely viewed as equals.

This theory supports some of the notes on why the anima system was made in the first place, and why it's so rooted in their culture with the neural implants and such. And natural to even a small degree, falls in line, with even the partial views of those not followers of any particular belief system. As a newer system not lacking in material and history, like most religions pre-war. It has steadily begun to attract supports from the much younger range of the NDC populace.

Psychological Theory

The idea of self is that everyone is made up of multiple parts, that contribute to their identity and who they are. Together, these parts are extremely potent and constitute what most of us would consider 'ourselves'.

Some examples would be:

The Body:

These are the physical things, and it is very important. For instance, things that alter your body will alter other parts of you too, because they are where all your information is stored. if you cut off your arm, then you lose that part of your identity potentially. Likewise, if your brain changes, or suffers damage in some way, that does too. Losing an arm and losing a chunk of your brain, can be functionally seen as the same. The ability of digital transference does also bring up a more radical debate on this subject. The soul can be influenced but not controlled; you have fundamentally changed a part of your being. because now, your body (the thing that stores your information) is different. As a result, you will behave differently, even if it is only slightly.

The Personality:

this is the part of you that determines a lot of your behavior. From here on out, these concepts are abstractions. Think of the difference between a d20 and the result of 7. If the d20 is on the face '7', that would be the body part. The personality part would be physically looking at it being on '7' and getting the idea of a '7' in your head. In the same way, a personality is the abstract concept of yourself. Every person has at least one perception of self, one concept of who they are, which stays true subconsciously in most cases. However, there are cases where people will form a second subconscious concept of self, resulting in a second personality. These views of multiple perceptions of the self, raise more questions that still seek deeper answers in this philosophy system.

The Meme/Legend:

A combination and amalgamation of all the things you have done, and all the stories that have been told about you. In a lot of ways, human society is a superorganism, and that superorganism can grow a collective consciousness which forms a part of who you are.

Additional Theorem

Scientist Liam Havrow believes that personality is more a product of the consciousness, then solely the body, but the body is indeed a very contributing factor to what shapes the mind. However, the interesting part of it is, these parts all feed into each other. If the personality changes, the body must too, and by proxy your memes will be altered in the future. People's expectations of you, that you have gained through your memes, can alter your personality which then in turn can possibly change your body. Likewise, hormonal changes in your body can alter your personality.

The theory has been quickly held in popularity, as the reason to give non organics, the same sentient life form rights as organics. One question raised, has been, “But how do you distinguish between a soulless AI and an AI with a soul?”. As well as such questions like, “What happens if you remove these threads from someone's coding”? “With all the neural implants, would someone's “soul” be under threat”?

There are still many answers to such questions that Liam’s growing associate following, are trying to find answers for. Some answers are admittedly part speculation, and part bound in science and psychological studies. If it can meme, or be influenced by the memes of society, it has a soul, has been one such answer. But those the group most believe in, are as follows.

  • Must be self aware.
  • Have an innate sense of self preservation.
  • Show signs of free thought.
  • Shows signs of unpredictability.
  • Eventually manifest some form of analog to emotions.


Most agree that the soul can be quantified into a few set things, that together form the overall idea of a soul. The metaphysical soul that exists in a spiritual magical sense, and the conceptual soul, the mark of sentience. Some believe more in the spiritual explanations of old. Like magically attuned people that think you need the metaphysical soul to be “alive”, while those whose beliefs follow more hard science ideologies, believe more in the conceptual soul. However this new philosophy by scientist, Liam Havrow, tries to take the views of old and new into account.



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nation/the_soulweaver_religion.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/29 07:00 by jack_pine