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The Silvis​

A strong, but spiritual group of individuals which find their home among their treetop town of Tyrvik; a series of winding tree houses within Earea of Praeth. Silvis have a high respect for nature and worship the trees, known for their skills in stealth, bow wielding and healing. Rumors say they can even communicate with trees.

  • Homeland: Wistman Woods
  • Capital: Tyrvik

“The forest cradles my shadow as hers”

Physical appearance​

Remember! We encourage variation; this is merely to be used as a reference guide not a requirement

The children of the forest, the Silvis can vary greatly, many of the forest kin adorn attributes rich in the colors of the earth so they might blend in with the forests they inhabit. Dark, rich earthy skin and dark hair are among the most common however almost anything is possible, hair often well kept or tied back for convenience sake and keeping it up and out of the way; although nobles and higher ups may prefer to keep their hair down. They tend to adorn their body in elements of the earth, adding natural accessories to their hair and clothing but tend to stay away from objects from deceased animals, including but not limited to: feathers, flowers, plants & other herbs. The most cherished eye color among the Silvis, is green. Clothing can vary depending on stature their clothing predominantly consisting of colors of all shades of green, brown, white & gold. Their attire's cut and shape often mimicking that of leaves and other plants. Higher ups often prefer to wear long flowing coats (for men) or gowns (for women), whereas warriors, hunters or those in the lower class may wear less flashy clothing. Tall knee high boots are the most often used and cloaks are a favorite addition to any Silvis wardrobe. The most notable and most commonly used weapon is a bow.


  • A wide variety of skin & hair colors.
  • Pointed, elvish ears are the most common
  • Most notable eye color is green, but they may come in any color
  • They like to use natural accessories, but never bones or fur from dead animals (exception of leather.)
  • Wood elf-like attire consisting of colors of mostly green and brown.
  • Cloaks are a very common accessory.
  • Bow is the most notable & most common accessory.

Social Norms​

  • Disrespecting nature is a criminal act
  • Disrespecting elders is frowned upon
  • Elders are held to a high standard ensures they are well taken care of, as the Silvis know these are the next to become the trees.
  • Dual of honor: duels of honor are not to be entered into lightly. Before entering a duel one should be certain the offense was great enough to warrant it. Typically the duel is set for the next day. The reason for this is to allow both parties involved time to put all their affairs into order. At the given time both parties arrive at the assigned location and bring a trusted friend to act as a witness to ensure things are fair and to defend against any lies that may be spread after by the winning party. In addition, if a neutral party can be found, there will be one extra person to serve as an official referee.

Leadership & social classes​

  • Good leadership is often depicted with age as it brings wisdom as opposed to physical strength
  • The ruling council: Unlike most other cultures who ruled with a single individual, usually a king, the Silvis rule by council, made up of 5 - 7 individuals.

Religion & Ethics​

Faith in the forest & the earth mother are the utmost importance to these people, losing faith in the earth mother may result in a Silvis losing their sanctity within the forest, not only in the homeland of the Silvis, but also their souls right to be rebirthed as a tree in their next life. (details unknown)

Holidays & Festivals​

  • Sindarin: The birth of the forest & the Silvis culture, this historic event takes place on ??? (details unknown)
  • Lornatála: The sleeping; when the trees go into hibernation for winter. (details unknown)

Stories & History​


Relationships & Family dynamics​

Though women are treated as individuals and highly cherished, ultimately her place is viewed only in the home. Love typically plays little part in marriage, The marriage is set up by the other members of the family. This arranged marriage is usually arranged after both people reach maturity. Common purposes for the marriages are often wealth, social standing, allying families, and many other reasons. (details unknown)

Death Practices​

  • Lára Vista: When a Silvis dies a ceremony is held to aid their transition into their next life. Dressing the body in beautiful plants & flowers and including any significant personal items. The Silvis is laid beneath the base of an elder tree for safe travels (details unknown)
  • Mourning: Unknown

Symbols & Statues​

  • Grandfather Alda: A sacred tree symbol based off of the oldest & largest tree in their forest few of the Silvis know the true age of Grandfather Alda. Believed by the Silvis to be the first wolf soul to have been reborn into a tree & the father of the entire forest, they believe should his tree perish the entire forest will die with him.


  • Player aistiva created this on 2021/10/12 20:25.


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nation/ashiaver/silvis.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/12 20:29 by aistiva