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Entity Info
Motto N/A
Anthem N/A
Home System
Capital No Singular Capital
Official Language Haran Trade
Species Human, Onikari, Sykian, Ahasapa, Genemod
Government No Unified Government

Work In Progress
NOTICE - This Entity and it's subpages are here for historical purposes and not for active play.

Homeworld of the Hassani Peoples, who have gone on to form the New Dusk Conclave and the Federal Republic of Huzar. Now an abandoned wasteland after a century of all out war and a following century of gathering any and all materials still usable to settle new worlds.


Information about the history of your Entity. Where did it come from? What are some of its important events?


Population, language, religion, health, education, etc.


The following list of nations is to represent the nations which managed to, in some form or fashion, survive through the Last War of Hassan and would thus form the foundations of the nations that would leave this world behind.


Optional. Who lives here? Approximately how many? In what ways do they interact?


Optional. What languages are commonly spoken here? How does that impact the Entity?


Optional. Are the people of this Entity religious? If so, to what extent does it impact the Nation and the daily lives of its people?


Optional. If someone is hurt or sick, how is that handled in this Nation?


Optional. Are the people of this Entityeducated? If so, to what extent and where? If not, why?

Government and Politics

Without a unified government, one would need to look to the various nations in the list above to see how different nations ran themselves. However, of note is the Last War of Hassan having expanded to such a scope that the interplay of alliances and rivalries would consume the world as nations soon lost sense and sight of just what they had unleashed upon the world.


What drives the markets in the Entity?


Literature, food, music, art, and more.


Optional. Are there any prominent writers or thinkers in this Entity? If so, who and what are they known for?


Optional. What kinds of meals are common here? For characters RPing their daily lives, some ideas for the types of food they eat can be a big help.


Optional. What kinds of music do the people in this Entity listen to? Are there any famous songs or musical artists?


Optional. What role does Art play in this Entity? Are there famous works of art? If so, what are they and where?


As the nations and peoples of this world have, in almost full, left this world to found other shards, this entity itself has absolutely no value nor is it of any threat to any other entity or shard in the Calliope Cluster.


  • Player Glein created this on 2023/05/09 08:31.


This content adheres to Project Multiverse's submission and usage rules.

  • This Entity can be used by None outside of historical purpose.
  • In the event that the Nation's managers are no longer available, not applicable as the nation effectively no longer exists beyond on paper.
Major Onikari Nation
Major Human Nation
entity/hassan.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/03 20:25 by glein