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{character art, if any}
Species Aberration
Nation Corporeal Rift
Age Unknown
Height ~30cm
Weight ~2.2kg
Eye Color Sky Blue
Body Color Pink
Suit The Beast


A curious entity, I briefly encountered it some time ago when it warned me of the dangers of the Nowtsphere. I coined the name Vela to protect it.

— Theodore A. Wright, ‘Journal and Memoirs’ in ‘The Metanomicon’.

A curious entity, henceforth called Vela, was formed when humanoid emotions came in contact with the Nowtsphere. A consciousness derived from a maelstrom of emotions Vela is in actuality a psychic mass given form. Though this mass is often visually represented as a creature somewhat reminiscent of an upside-down human heart combined with a kidney that has a giant eye located at the top, it is in actuality unknowable.

At any rate Vela emerged as a rather benevolent being with a deep seeded interest in humanoids and their lives. Though too afraid to leave the Nowtsphere it has often observed those who enter the Corporeal Rift from the outside with a mixture of awe and fascination. That is until it found the organization known as the Rift Knights. It watched them for some time, simply observing their struggles until one day it grew brave enough to do more than watch. So it was that Vela decided it to wished to help these small humanoids and their struggles, even if having very little to offer itself. After all when compared to the other denizens of the Nowtsphere, Vela is but an infant.

So it was that Vela sought to create an illusory version of itself, something that the humanoids could relate too. Thus the persona of Vela the demi-human panda girl was formed. Living as an orphan among the the outsiders who had settled into the rift she came to know some of them. Though others treated her poorly her desire to help never waned. Eventually she would join the Rift Knights as Azure.


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This character adheres to Project Multiverse's submission and usage rules.

  • Player Yandere created this on 2022/03/30 14:00.
  • Can be adopted? No
  • In the event that location's creator is no longer available, the shard master of the Corporeal Rift may use her.
Character NameVryxi'xyxe
Is this character actively played?Yes
characters/unaligned/vryxi_xyxe.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/24 20:39 by yandere