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Caelfind of Brynkeith

A woman of the Wyrwycky, Caelfind is a potential witch of the Wyrd despite what others might tell you.

Species Wyr
Nation Wyrwycky
Age 18
Height 162 cm
Weight Undisclosed
Eye Color Strawberry Pink
Hair Color White+


Born on the Wyrwood moon of Mabino like so many others in this age, she hails from a small village known as Brynkeith. A forested hamlet where few folks live anymore and where peace and quiet can be found. According to her father her mother was a war witch but she died not long after Caelfind was born. Her father, a retired familiar, looked after her growing up in this idyllic little village. As a child Caelfind was inquisitive and explorative. Often mistaken for a boy, she would come home after hours of play in the woods covered in dirt, scratches, and mud.

As she got older her inquisitive nature turned to questions about her mother. Her father always seemed a little gruff when it came topics of mom or the duty of a war witch and though he'd answer some questions he'd refuse to talk about others. Of what little Caelfind learned of her mother, she learned that she attended Falbreck college as a young woman. Otherwise she learned to stop asking after one particularly loud argument.

At some point Caelfind decided that she would follow in her mother's footsteps. Perhaps a childish belief in being closer to her mother but one that would set her on a path towards the great conflict of this age, the war against the Droma and the slaughter of her kind. So it was that around the age of of thirteen she began to train her body even though she had no idea what it would take to be a war witch. On most days she'd run long distances through the forest and do body weight exercises. On the others she'd test her progress by trying to climb the tallest of trees or getting onto roofs so she could look up at the night sky and dream.

One year later, an older woman moved to Brynkeith. A retired war witch who was forced out of service due to injury who was essentially wishing to live somewhere peaceful until she passed. Though she was abrasive and sharp tongued Caelfind got to know her and eventually even made somewhat of a friendship with her. Coblaith, the retired witch, eventually agreed to mentor the young girl. Though she refused to teach her how to connect with the Wyr, she taught her a great deal of conceptual information, history, and other academic topics.

Though at the age of fifteen Caelfind's father passed. His life having been shortened by his work as his wife's familiar. While the people of Brynkeith were supportive it never felt the same. By the same time a year later she closed up her childhood home, said her goodbyes to Coblaith and made the trek to Braeroch, the capital of the moon. There she did odd jobs for folks to get by, even as she continued her physical training. Maybe it was foolish to do so as the wyrd would enhance her anyway, but she felt like it had become a ritual at this point. Something to focus her mind and let her think.

However life in Braeroch wasn't all sunshine and roses. A non insignificant amount of people would make prejudicial remarks about her appearance when they learned she was a girl. Mainly because her animalistic traits were reminiscent of a warder under a familiar pact. Whether it was sly remarks insinuating she lacked the gift or outright mean comments, they left their mark. Caelfind slowly began to turn inward, becoming shy and introverted as these interactions persisted. What kept her going was her dream.

Finally in her eighteenth year it was the time of season when Falbreck college opened its gates to new potentials. This what she had been training for, what she had been studying for, what she had been waiting for. So it was that she put out offerings for her parents as was tradition on Samhain, before heading off to the gates of Falbreck college…

Samhain, somewhere

The entrance to Falbreck College was nothing short of unexpected. With a colorful cast of new characters now met, Caelfind, and all the others, were given one task: survive.


A Wyr whom is slightly above average in height for a girl her age, she would normally be wholly unremarkable save for her elongated pointed ears, cat-slit like irises, and antler like horns that adorn either side of her head. With brilliant strawberry pink colored eyes she bears a rather androgynous face. She keeps her white hair roughly chin length, and though its often streaked with the same pink as her eyes and/or a chocolate brown her hair is not dyed strangely enough. Where the other colors come from she doesn't know, they just tend to change now and again.

Caelfind's body is clearly athletic in that it bears a low percentage of body fat, but otherwise her muscles are not overly pronounced. She has little in the ways of curves and with a different haircut might wholly be mistaken for a man. Even still she sometimes is.

Her preferred choice of clothing tends to evoke modern sensibilities more than traditional witch attire. Though her choice of colors sticks close to those of the wood. Tending towards greens and browns or grays.


Caelfind is often described as a weird loner with a mean look, but the reality is she's a kindhearted introvert who shies away from others due to treatment received in her youth while living in Braeroch. Fond of nature's beauty and and the timeless wonder of the stars she often spends her time stargazing atop the tallest buildings or otherwise running through untamed land.


Physical Fitness: Even without the Wyr, Caelfind is physically fit and has high endurance from years of training and running odd jobs for people. She is what would in another world would be described as a star athlete.

Education: Tutored by a former war witch, Caelfind is knowledgeable about the Wyr, the categories of magic, and battles from an academic standpoint. Though she has yet to use the Wyr, she understands the ramifications and why one would accept such a thing.

Magic of the Wyr

Coming Soon….


  • Player Yandere created this on 2022/10/24 21:29.
  • Can be adopted? No
  • Looking for RP? No
  • Does this content comply with Project Multiverse' setting and submission rules? Yes
Character NameCaelfind
PlotSamhain, Somewhere
Is this character actively played?Yes
ShardThe Wyrwycky
characters/nation/caelfind.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/01 09:24 by yandere