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Species Robot
Model Midas Cooperation Epsilon-27 Composite Nurse-Rescue Macro Automaton (Demonstrator)
Nation Independent
Age 16ish
Height 8“9ft
Weight 340lbs
Eye Color Yellow


Originally an upscaled nurse/rescue model robot for the Midas cooperation, that was only intended for expo demonstrations. E27 was sold off when the robot line they represented became outdated. Underworld dealers found their use as a pit fighting robot to be highly profitable, though they occasionally acted as a maid or household bodyguard.

A thief and hacker named Tiamont gave them a hasty reprogramming during a robbery gone wrong, and now it's not entirely clear what counts as a 'hard coded' loyalty in E27's head or not, despite their complete change in employers.


A tall wasp-like humanoid construct of dark purple panels and thin ball-jointed limbs, E27 retains the feminine features of the standard nursing model, but is also close to nine foot tall.

Her head was supposedly made less human to avoid the uncanny valley effect, though that really just results in a smooth bird-like visage with two adjustable antenna sprouting from the forehead like horns, plus another larger one at the back of the head. Glossy yellowish eyes complete the face, triangular and rather piercing.

The arms are thin and lithe but very strong, containing oversized container pods in the shoulders and wrists, for carrying medical supplies or attaching upgrades (such as auto-injectors or surgical chainsaws). The legs are considerably more heavyweight in order to improve their center of gravity, and simply end in solid robust hooves.

They have difficulty finding attractive clothes, as their bodily construction is strange by human standards. They tend to wear dresses and coverings specifically designed for their model.


Tremendously straightforward and loyal, E27 obeys orders very literally, sometimes assuming a more violent edge simply because of their previous experience with humans. They don't experience emotions like fear or being tired, though the program designed to make them emulate human behaviour sometimes makes them uncomfortable.

Put simply, they are protective and loving to an almost psychotic degree.

Pros and Cons

  • +Very strong and fast in a straight line.
  • +Tough exoskeleton.
  • +Medical programming makes them excellent at melee.
  • -Poor traction, clumsy in turning at speed.
  • -Not tremendously smart or creative.
  • -Actually a bit short sighted, not great with firearms.


This character adheres to Project Multiverse's submission and usage rules.

  • Player lavalung created this on 2023/06/07 07:41.
  • Can be adopted? No
  • Looking for RP? Yes
Character NameE27
PlotWelcome to Syn City
Is this character actively played?Yes
characters/epsilon_27.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/14 13:01 by lavalung