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Hecate Light Rail

The Hecate Light Rail System is one of the ways that movement throughout a station could happen. 1) Light Rail Transit (LRT) is a transportation system based on electrically powered light rail vehicles (LRV) that operates on a track in a segregated, right of way.

Technological Components

  • Hecate Control
  • Stations
  • Rail
  • Passenger Cars


The overall size tends to vary depending on location. For most of a Station, the length may be bigger, while for City locations the length may be smaller.

Main Station

Overall: Number: multiple with a upper limit of 6

  • Length: 115 feet in all
  • Width/Height: 7.5 to 13 feet

City Transit

Passenger area: Number: 3

  • Length: 80 to 95 feet
  • Width/Height: 10 to 15 feet


• A dedicated and efficient automated system that adds space for passengers • Safety and Comfortable Travel • Passenger Security Cameras • Destination Terminal

The Light Rail Transit

Hecate Crossroads Transit Station (HCTS)

The specific layout of the Stations varies between the Space Structure and City. In a Space Station, the Stations are designed similarly to subway stations specifically how it all appeared to be an underground tunnel. On either side of the tracks were platforms raised to the doors allowing passengers to exit and to go to the specific part of the Station. The City portion is different. It’s a lot more open concept, though, in terms of platforms, it’s the same thing. In the City, there is a Station for the Town Center, Downtown, Mid Town, and then it goes up ramps to each of the residential areas.

LR Control

The Lightrail Control area is located in Station Control of stations and places on planet.. From this area, the speed can be adjusted, or even stopped in case of traffic jams or derailment, and traffic patterns can be analyzed. If on the off chance Criminals get on the train then the system can be stopped so that Law enforcement can come in to retrieve them.

LR Switching Area

The LRS Switching Area is located in the core above the maintenance area. This is where train cars from the arms can be routed to other arms. This is also how additional carriages are added to the system, and carriages removed due to low traffic or damage.

LR Rail

The Rail system runs along routes throughout the Station and the City. This is in a pattern reminiscent of Veins in a body. There were crossover points allowing the cars to be moved to new tracks and systems that stop the car at each station.

LR Cars

Passenger Cars are the parts of a Light Rail Transit that transport individuals from one location to another. The Material makeup of the trains are steel, zinc and with some being Ultrite. The “Windows” are merely screens made to look like windows and are made to show what's outside the train car. On either side of the car, is an entrance. The whole light Rail train runs on Mag-lev suspension with a special magitech that keeps the cars in place securely. This also causes, prevention just in case the Station’s Gravity was affected in any way. They have a max speed of 105 kph (65 mph) but typically run at 50 kph (31.25 mph). The higher speed is normally reserved for when the station goes on alert to expedite personnel movement. There are four sideways facing bench seats 2.5 meters long, two additional benches at the front and the back of the carriage, and 6 vertical poles that can be used by personnel wishing to stand. Four lamp fixtures in the ceiling can light up the interior.


The Light Rails are sturdy enough that they can stop at stations that are exposed to the environment and those not exposed to it.



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Hecate is the Goddess of Crossroads and it is said she was a goddess of travels for the Greek pantheon.
technology/vehicles/hecate_light_rail.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/12 15:37 by charaa