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Synthetic Military and Non military Sensor Package

The main function of the Synthetic Sensor Package is to allow the Synthetic, in this case, Androids, Gynoids, and other less human-looking robots the ability to perceive their environment, and to interact with the other inhabitants that they might encounter, or speak to. The specific Sensors are listed below.


Their optic sensor allows them to visually perceive the world around them. All Synthetics are capable of “Normal Vision” and the rest is usually reserved for military-based Synthetics.

  1. Normal vision
  2. High powered Zoom
  3. UV vision
  4. IR, NV, as well as HUD
  5. Geist interface implant

Aura Sight

Normal Vision

Normal Vision is self-explanatory, it’s where a Synthetic or Cyborg will be able to see their view in front of them unchanged by the other settings of their optics. Though some things might not be prevented, like their Aura Sight. They will be able to see everything, but won’t be bothered by how bright something is.

High Powered Zoom

Much like a pair of binoculars, a Synthetic or at least someone with cybernetic eyes will be able to zoom in on a target or something very far away to get a closer look without really going anywhere near the location they wish to look at.

Night Vision (NV)

Night Vision allows those with mechanical eyes to see in the dark. This is especially so for those combat-based warriors who need to see in the dark to attack.


The Synthetic or Cyborg’s HUD vision displays data, such as whether the target of their sight is alive or simply unconscious with data showing heartbeats and breathing. When using the Flight Matrix it changed this data to show airspeed, altitude, a horizon line, heading, turn/bank, and slip/skid indicators. Navigation data and symbols for approaches and landings, the flight guidance systems can provide visual cues based on navigation aids such as an Instrument and other flying-based data.

Besides the flight-based data, in a combat Synthetic, there is weapon status — includes type and number of weapons selected, available, arming, etc. The HUD also allows for Aura Sight capability on one condition mentioned further.

Ultraviolet Vision (UV)

The Optics have sensors that allow for the detection of Ultraviolet light, and they will be able to see the effect of this on the environment. They will also be able to see camouflaged individuals with this system, allowing them to take out hidden people.

Infrared Vision (IR)

The Optics have sensors that allow for the detection of infrared light, and they will be able to see the effect of this on the environment. In this case, they will be able to see the head of a person and be able to track them by the effect their heat had on the environment.

Geist Interface

As with most anyone with a Geist, interface implant will be able to see messages and things that the Geist can do.

Burial Steel Sight

On the off chance that someone is using a The Psyche class Positronic Brain, they’d be able to see the effect of the Burial steel in visual hallucinations In addition, they might be able to see the Aura of a person and know if they are speaking to a bad guy or not.

Auditory Receptors

  • Normal mode - sounds in the 20 Hz (cycles per second) to 20 kHz (20,000 Hz) (Basic human range)
  • Expanded mode - expands range up to 60,000 Hz
  • 20 dB boost

Auditory Info

Most Synthetics have Bionic Auditory Receptors that are made in the shape and the technique of a human ear. This is especially true for Gynoids, and Androids, this allows them a normal mode of hearing comparable to that of ordinary human beings. But depending on subtle changes to the ears, they can expand this and also get a DB boost if they wanted to.

Olfactory Receptors

Another set of Bionic technology that allows the Synthetic the sense of smell. They are able to discriminate, identify specific scents accurately. This means a Synthetic will be able to know if there are harmful gasses in the environment


Much like with their sense of smell, when they intake gasses they can analyze the air that they intake to identify specific gasses.


Synthetics can determine how much pressure they are exerting when she grips an object. They can also determine the temp of a specific object or liquid. They can then decide whether the environment is safe or harmful for either themselves or their comrades.



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synthetic/part/synthetic_sensor_package.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/27 10:56 by charaa