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Infant Pod

The Infant Pod allows infants to be carried from place to place, safely and securely. This allows the parents to keep their hands free for doing daily tasks as the pod follows and their baby is protected and close.


The interior of the pod is measured at 24 inches for the length, 30 inches in height, and 12 inches in width for the infant to have wiggle room for comfort. The inside has a specialized gravity device that allows the infant to be in relative comfort, but also keeps it from bonking its head on the side.

Some key features of the Infant pod are

  • Mobility through the use of Hover Technology.
  • Adaptive Nutrient Intake.
  • Nanites to take care of Damage to Unit.
  • Careful Air Circulation for Respiratory Requirements.
  • Shielding to Protect from Harm.
  • Sound Dampening for Naps

Core Systems

The Infant Pod is powered by a Plasma Power Core. Its propulsion systems use technology derived from basic low level repulsors which control the anti-gravity units to allow it to float. A computer system is in charge of its mobility and it uses a derivation of the AutoDoc's systems to ensure that the infant within remains healthy.

Primary Systems

The primary purpose of the Infant Pod is, foremost, to keep the infants of the New Dusk Conclave safe from harm. The secondary purpose after that is to allow the infant to be transported to new destinations and kept close to their parents. The AutoDoc systems are probably the most important part of the Infant Pod due to its capability to keep the infant safe from harm.1)

Inner Systems

  • Air Circulation System
  • Specialized Gravity System
  • Inertial Dampers
  • Sound Dampening for Naps

Air Circulation

The Pod has a ventilation system which allows the infant to breathe the air outside the pod. Should the air be polluted, then the system filters out the toxins and pollutants to keep the child safe. Should air quality decline, the Infant Pod verbally alerts the parents or guardians of the situation.

Specialized Gravity System

This system keeps the infant in a soft, comfortable field which allows the infant to take a nap if it needs to. While the pod moves the inertial dampers prevents the infant from being jostled and protects their body, especially the head, from harm. Explosions around the pod or the need to vacate an area will likewise not cause the jostling of the infant inside.

Sound Dampening

When it's nap-time or the infant feels tired, the system will sense this and gently begins to turn the noise that the infant can hear from the outside down gradually so that the infant can sleep. The Pod will also dim the window so that the light won’t disturb the baby unless the parents or Guardian had turned the surrounding lights off. The system also dampens the noise when the Pod is traveling through a noisy area, or if there’s a loud argument.

In Case of Premature Birth

  • Adaptive Nutrient Intake
  • Micro-Machines to Heal Damage
  • Strict Air Filtration
  • Automatic Care

Adaptive Nutrient System

The Pods can use an adaptive nutrient tech to feed infants who might be too small and vulnerable to be fed the normal way. Using Nutrients from a tank, the Pods feed these nutrients intravenously to the infant, while allowing their airways to be unblocked. The nutrients contain vitamins and minerals that the body needs in a small form. This was so that the tubes aren’t clogged as the Pods feed the infants. This lasts until the Infant grows to a stage that they can be removed from the Pods for feeding. 2)

Because of the tank becoming empty, the Parents or Guardians will need to go to the Hospital's stores to refill it. 3)

Stricter Air Filtration

The systems for air circulation are very strict when the pre-mature setting is activated. The strictness of the setting prevents even bacteria from entering the pod, which could put the infant in even more danger. Only clean, healthy air is given to the infant.

Automatic Care

Parts of the technology derived from the AutoDoc is capable of observing the infant as he or she sleeps and rests. The mere second there’s an issue, such as the infant shivering due to the cold or from fever, the technology will send medication that the baby will need for the latter while the temperature will be carefully turned so it warmer inside the Pod. When the infant is allowed to be taken out, it will keep an IV line attached, so that the baby can receive what it needs while also receiving hugs and closeness of parents.

The machine will also employ Micro-machines in its part for the help of the infant including allowing vaccinations to go into the infant.

Micro-Machines to Heal Damage

Once the Pod’s System detect that the infant has passed the state considered to be pre-mature, or is no longer sick, the Pod will employ the use of Micro-machines. Part of this is to deliver vaccinations to the infant, but also do what it can to gently boost the body’s immune system further. It does spray a toxin that makes the immune system from attacking the tiny machines as it works to force the body to develop immunity to diseases that would be problematic for an infant or even an adult who has not received these illnesses.

Outside Systems

  • Shielding
  • Anti-Kidnapping Devices
  • Armor


For the Pod’s shielding needs, it uses a pylon of Shields that have been made to surround the Pod with the shield. The gel that is used in most starship hulls has been smoothed over the Pod’s hull and, as with starships, it has been moved into the crevices and layers of the metal. This gel protects the interior of the Pod, including the electronics and the infant.

Anti-Kidnapping Technology

The Pod scans all who approach the Pod or is near it, and the Computer uses a database to determine whether this person is a threat or a member of the family and if said member if the family has permission to touch the infant. It uses a biometric scanner, the moment someone touches the Pod. If someone is neither a parent nor a sibling based on Fingerprint and genetic scans, the would-be kidnapper will receive up to 50,000 volts. This is to deter them from trying to remove the infant or move the pod to where they can get the infant.


The Pod’s hull structure is composed of a composite alloy Ultrite. This is primarily for the heat resistance of the alloys, to prevent the outside environment’s heat from causing problems in the pod. While the Pod can adjust its warmth inside, the creator wanted to make sure it was manageable.

The Shields and the Gel covering were deemed enough for the Pod’s purpose as something for Infants.


The Infant Pods cost 80k DS(20k KS).



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Art by Wikilord Charaa using copilot
Though Primarily only Nutrients, breast milk is also added, to be fed to the Infant.
It's like a Pharmacy, only with Nutrients.
shards/ndc/technology/infant_pod.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/14 17:47 by charaa