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The New Dusk Conclave Standard Communication Systems

These standard communications systems are found on most ships in the New Dusk Conclave as well as the worlds controlled by the nation. They are controlled by the NDC Department Of Communications.

About and History

After the formation of the New Dusk Conclave, they began researching new and old technology. One of these was a means of communication that might prove useful to the new nation. They already had some communication thanks to the ships they owned during the exodus fleet, but others were technology they’d managed to receive through trade deals. These systems have seen major upgrades. Some things were added and removed as more reliable, advanced, and secure technology became available. Primarily it was the Department of Advanced Research and Development that developed this technology, and the Department of Engineering created it.

NDC Standard Communications System
Faction New Dusk Conclave
DesignerDepartment of Advanced Research and Development
Manufacturer Department of Engineering
Fielded by New Dusk Conclave, fleet_forces, S.A.B.E.R, Duskerian Legion
Type of Product NDC Equipment
Production Mass Production

Civilian Communications

Within the New Dusk Conclave the Starships and the Comm buoys use a quantum network1), to pass messages instantaneously from one end of the NDC territory to another. It is also used within technology such as the Geist Network and the Anima System.

However, Quantum isn’t cheap, and while the buoys use a Quantum network, on the civilian level, it is less prominent, instead, something new is used.

Comm Buoy

The New Dusk Conclave’s Comm buoy uses a Quantum communication network to transmit communications from one buoy to another. These Buoys are which are evenly spaced, to provide a clear connection for long-distance interplanetary communication. These are located along with side Space Station but also moreover the planet. While the Comm Buoy can pick up radio signals, these are mostly from the planets to the Comm Buoy, and common on the civilian level.

  • Effective Broadcast Range: Infinite
  • Transmission Speed: Instantaneous

Planetary Communications

The planets within the New Dusk Conclave use radio waves to facilitate communication, these are primarily towers, which like the Comm Buoy catch and direct the waves coming from their devices. And some Towers broadcast public services announcements from the government or a news outlet. But to talk inter planet they can use these towers which direct radio emissions to the Comm buoy that sends it to the next comm buoy using the Quantum network until it reaches the intended planet.

Military Communications

The New Dusk Conclave military uses the full Quantum network as part of their communications. They use it via the Geist, and they use them to receive orders from their superiors.

Quantum Communications System

The New Dusk Conclave can use the system that uses the principle of Quantum Entanglement Communication. When a pair of quantum-entangled particles is separated, a change to one particle will affect the other instantaneously, wherever it lies in the universe. The Quantum Entanglement Communicators or QEC exploit this effect to transmit binary data across any distances. These pairs of particles are bonded, and are necessary for transmission and reception.

Much like any communication system, the location of the receiver must be set before a connection can be established. Once that is done, the two devices remain connected on a quantum level, so that when particles in one device are manipulated to convey information, the particles in its counterpart are instantaneously changed in the same manner, regardless of the distance between the two devices.

Within the Conclave, the NDC maintains a QEC at its headquarters, military bases and each flagship in the fleet. Further, it is limitedly used by Civilians as part of the Buoy Network.

Additional Info

  • Effective Broadcast Range: Infinite
  • Transmission Speed: Instantaneous

Tech Using the Quantum communications


  • Player Wikilord Charaa created this on 2021/10/25 23:05.
  • Art by Charaa using copilot


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Starships use this was so that they are aware of new orders and aware of situations that happen in real-time.
shards/ndc/systems/ndc_communications_systems.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 15:31 (external edit)