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Private Islands

A Private Island is a disconnected body of land wholly owned by a private citizen or corporation. Although this exclusivity gives the owner substantial control over the property, private islands remain under the jurisdiction of local government.


The Private Islands were formed during the strategic bombardment to create specific land for use. Much like the Eclipse Isles, the Private islands were once mountains that were bombarded and, as the water came in, were transformed into islands. Much like with the Eclipse Isles Once the Life Seed erupted on the planet, it gave the islands a tropical environment of sandy beaches, jungles.

Signposts were soon set up, and the islands were cataloged and marked down in a database for purchase. Walkways were made to allow walking through the jungles, but the settlement or any houses weren’t built, but places were marked down where they could be.

Geography and Climate

The Geography of the islands is similar to that of the Eclipse Isles in terms of how most of the island is a tropical jungle until settlers came in to buy the land and build their homes. Their position also allowed for a comfortable climate for both warm and cold-blooded animals.


The Prazoan designated Private Island’s number in 127,000 individual islands and much like Eclipse Isles they are a distance 1,500 miles 1) away from the continents, though some were also close to the Eclipse Isles but still far enough away to not mistake them as being a part of Eclipse. These islands were sprinkled around the continents and outside them.

In terms of the specific size of the islands, they may vary by specific location. Some land maybe 60 miles and 30 miles wide, and some islands were smaller at 12 square miles and at 1,290 feet. These likely would go to the wealthy individuals. Most were 6 to 10-acre islands at the small range.

Private Island 1 Private Island 2


Purchasing an Island

For a buyer to be able to have their island, they must go to the City hall, in either Eclipse or the Capital of Prazoa. There is an office within that had been created that will deal with the purchase and selling of Islands. The prospective buyer must pay a fee to buy it, then the clearing costs, as well as the costs to build before they can live there.

Island Home

The island homes can be customized to the buyer’s specific choices, so no houses are alike, though the islands themselves can be different. This is because some islands can be large, others can be small. Due to governmental restrictions, the buyer is restricted to only one island per person/family. This was both due to the limit and to allow others to buy islands if they wanted to.

They also didn’t want people to buy a whole bunk and create something huge from it.

Private Beaches

As a result of the fact that Private Islands have their own beaches, like Eclipse, they can have a large beach to play or relax. Like the homes, the beaches can be customized and have a different than normal sand if the owner so desired to. Should the owner desire to serve the waves, they would be able to as like Eclipse the waves are large though only on Eclipse Island would they be larger.



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2,400 kilometers
Private Island Art was created by Wikilord Charaa using Artbreeder
prazoa/locations/island/private.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/28 11:17 by charaa