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Sky Lands

The Floating landmarks of Planet Prazoa.


The Sky Lands are a series of accidental islands that are now gravity defying and floating in mid air. The famous of these is Dragon Mount, the habitat that the Dragon eggs taken from poachers were brought. Since the rescuers wanted a place that was perfect for hatching conditions as well as the means in which young Dragons could exercise their flying capability.


The Floating Islands came about on accident because during the construction phase for the Planet Prazoa several Velryba were released to begin their work, but the builders weren’t ready yet, and a few of the Molton rocks fell onto the colossal creatures which began covering parts of the creature and when the Life Seed was used, the rocks that had merged became an island that now floated. Occasionally a part would open up as the Velrba did its thing in making sure the planet’s atmosphere was cleaned.

The builders saw that they couldn’t do anything without damaging the Velryba encased, so they left them alone. It wasn’t hurting anyone after all, and some found they liked being on the Floating islands. The environment was comfortable despite the island’s height, and the movement was gentle, unnoticed by the inhabitants.

Eventually, when poachers were captured and Dragon eggs were found, the eggs were taken to one of the islands, and specialists were brought over to care for them until the Dragons no longer needed them. Eventually, the planetary government created a position of liaison officer to bridge the Dragons and inhabitants, and over time, periodically people would come up to bond or link with a dragon. This wasn’t something to be forced, however, and they waited until the Dragons were ready.

Because of the effect of the Velryba, a few rocks were forced to float, and these became a sort of place where Dragons could lounge.

Geography and Climate

Island Size Numbers
Hover lands 4,028.0 sq. miles (10,432.5 km sq) Many Islands
Dragon Mount 5,028.0 sq. miles One large one with a companying smaller ones


The Floating Islands of Prazoa, suspended high above the sprawling landscapes below, exist in a realm of eternal tranquility and warmth. Despite their lofty position in the skies, these floating realms boast a climate that is as inviting as it is comfortable, offering a sanctuary for life in all its myriad forms.

At the heart of this harmonious balance lies Dragon Mount Island, a majestic pinnacle that rises proudly above the clouds, its rugged peaks crowned with verdant forests and shimmering lakes. Here, amidst the towering cliffs and sweeping vistas, life thrives in abundance, thanks in no small part to the tireless efforts of the Velryba.

The Velryba, ancient guardians of the natural world, have long watched over the Floating Islands, ensuring that their delicate ecosystems remain in perfect harmony. With meticulous care and attention to detail, they have crafted Dragon Mount Island into a veritable paradise, where creatures of all shapes and sizes find refuge from the harsh realities of the world below.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Dragon Mount Island is its climate—a warm and temperate oasis that belies its lofty altitude. Despite being perched high above the clouds, the island enjoys a gentle breeze that carries with it the scent of flowers and the song of birds. Here, the sun shines brightly overhead, its golden rays warming the earth below and nurturing life in all its forms.

But perhaps most importantly, the Velryba have ensured that the island's exterior is perfectly suited for life. The air is rich and breathable, providing sustenance for creatures of all kinds, from the smallest insects to the mightiest dragons. And thanks to the Velryba's protective magic, the island is shielded from the harsh winds that sweep across the skies, ensuring that life can flourish undisturbed.

As a result, Dragon Mount Island stands as a testament to the power of harmony and balance in the natural world. Here, amidst the tranquil beauty of its surroundings, creatures of all kinds coexist in perfect harmony, their lives intertwined in a delicate dance of survival and symbiosis. And as the sun sets over the horizon and the stars begin to twinkle in the night sky, Dragon Mount Island remains a beacon of hope and sanctuary for all who call it home.


A few of the islands were rock-covered though grass and dirt can be felt and seen on them. This is especially true for Dragon Mount which had multiple biomes on its surface. The Velryba cause rocks to hover alongside this is especially true for the smaller rock islets beside Dragon Mount. Sadly Dragon Mount is a lonely floating island that seems to be away from the others.

Hover Lands

The Hover Lands of the planet Prazoa are a breathtaking marvel, an otherworldly spectacle that captivates the imagination of all who behold them. These floating islands, suspended in the sky as if defying gravity itself, stretch across the horizon like a patchwork quilt of dreams. From afar, they appear as ethereal oases, their lush greenery and vibrant landscapes contrasting against the endless expanse of the azure sky.

Despite their seemingly impossible nature, the Hover Lands are as much a part of daily life on Prazoa as the sun rising in the morning. They drift lazily across the heavens, propelled by mysterious forces known only to the planet's ancient architects. And while their presence might inspire awe in visitors and newcomers, for the inhabitants of Prazoa, they are simply a part of the natural order of things.

Each island is a world unto itself, with its own unique ecosystem and geography. Some are verdant paradises, teeming with exotic flora and fauna, while others are barren expanses of rocky terrain, devoid of life. Yet, regardless of their individual characteristics, all of the islands share one thing in common: they are uninhabited by sentient beings.

Indeed, despite the abundance of these floating realms, only two are home to intelligent life. The Hover Lands stand as a testament to the boundless creativity and ingenuity of the people of Prazoa. They are a symbol of hope and wonder, a reminder that even in the most unlikely of places, beauty and magic can be found. And as they continue to drift across the heavens, silent sentinels watching over the world below, they serve as a beacon of hope for all who gaze upon them.

Bird Sanctuaries

The Bird Sanctuaries of the Floating Islands of Prazoa represent a harmonious coexistence between nature and civilization, a testament to the planet's commitment to preserving its delicate ecosystems. Nestled amidst the verdant landscapes of these floating realms, these sanctuaries serve as havens of safety and refuge for the avian inhabitants of Prazoa.

Recognizing the vital role that birds play in maintaining the ecological balance of their world, the government of Prazoa took decisive action to protect these winged creatures from the threat of poachers and other nefarious individuals. By designating specific islands as sanctuaries, they created safe havens where birds could thrive without fear of persecution.

The decision to classify birds as S class protected species was not taken lightly but was deemed necessary due to their invaluable contributions to the planet's ecosystem. Birds are not only graceful and majestic creatures but also serve as natural pest controllers, keeping insect populations in check. What sets Prazoan birds apart is their innate knowledge of which insects are beneficial to the environment and which have the potential to become pests if left unchecked.

During mating season or when winter descends upon the land, Prazoan birds instinctively flock to these sanctuaries, guided by an ancient wisdom passed down through generations. Among the most renowned of these sanctuaries are Pigeon, Falcon, and Hawk Islands, each named after the dominant bird species that call them home. However, these are just a few examples, as there are numerous other sanctuaries scattered across the Floating Islands, catering to the diverse needs of different bird breeds.

Visitors to these sanctuaries are treated to a symphony of sights and sounds, as colorful plumage dances in the sunlight and melodious chirps fill the air. It's a breathtaking experience that serves as a reminder of the beauty and wonder of the natural world, and the importance of safeguarding it for future generations. And as the birds continue to flourish in their protected sanctuaries, their presence serves as a beacon of hope for the future of Prazoa and all its inhabitants.

Pigeon Island

Pigeon Island is a captivating marvel, a floating sanctuary where the skies are painted with the fluttering wings of countless pigeons. Nestled amidst the azure expanse of the heavens, this island serves as both a haven for these resilient birds and a vital part of Prazoa's delicate ecosystem.

As winter descends upon other regions of the world, Pigeon Island becomes a beacon of warmth and refuge for migratory flocks seeking respite from the cold. Here, amidst the tranquil beauty of the island's lush vegetation and shimmering lakes, the pigeons find shelter in the safety of their nests, nestled among the branches of ancient trees.

Yet, despite the idyllic setting, life on Pigeon Island is not without its challenges. With such a large population of pigeons congregating in one place, the risk of overpopulation looms large. To prevent the island from becoming overrun, natural predators play a crucial role in controlling the pigeon population, maintaining a delicate balance between predator and prey.

However, while predators may help regulate the pigeon population on the island, their presence does little to deter the pigeons from venturing into the bustling cities of Prazoa. Indeed, the sight of these resilient birds perched upon rooftops and statues has become an integral part of urban life, their cooing melodies providing a soothing soundtrack to the hustle and bustle of city living.

Despite their ubiquity in urban environments, the majority of Prazoa's pigeon population can still be found on Pigeon Island, drawn by an instinctual pull to return to their ancestral home. And so, day after day, a steady stream of pigeons makes the journey from all corners of Prazoa to Pigeon Island, their wings carrying them across the vast expanse of the sky.

For the people of Prazoa, Pigeon Island serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all life on their planet, a sanctuary where nature and civilization coexist in perfect harmony. And as the pigeons continue to thrive amidst the tranquil beauty of their island home, they stand as a testament to the resilience of life in even the most unlikely of places.

Falcon Island

Falcon Island emerges from the endless expanse of sky like a fortress of solitude, a sanctuary where the majestic falcons of Prazoa gather to fulfill their primal instincts and forge bonds that transcend generations. Much like its avian inhabitants, the island exudes an aura of strength and resilience, its rugged cliffs and sweeping vistas standing as a testament to the untamed beauty of the natural world.

As winter blankets the lands from which they hail, falcons from all corners of Prazoa embark on a pilgrimage to Falcon Island, drawn by an instinctual call to return to their ancestral breeding grounds. Here, amidst the rocky crags and windswept plains, they find refuge from the chill of winter and the harsh realities of life beyond the safety of the island.

What makes Falcon Island truly remarkable, however, is not just its role as a seasonal sanctuary for migrating falcons, but the rich tapestry of diversity that thrives within its borders. Over the ages, falcons of all species have converged upon the island, their paths crossing in a symphony of flight and song.

As falcons from different regions and habitats come together, a process of intermingling occurs, giving rise to a new breed of falcon unlike any seen before. This hybridization of species results in a fascinating array of characteristics, blending the strength and agility of one species with the adaptability and resilience of another.

The newly born falcons of Falcon Island inherit a legacy forged from centuries of evolution and adaptation, embodying the spirit of their ancestors while charting a course into an uncertain future. With each passing generation, they become more attuned to the rhythms of life on the island, their instincts honed by the challenges they face and the bonds they forge with their fellow falcons.

For the people of Prazoa, Falcon Island is more than just a natural wonder—it is a living testament to the power of diversity and the resilience of life in all its forms. As the falcons continue to thrive amidst the rugged beauty of their island home, they serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of preserving the delicate balance of the natural world.

Hawk Island

Hawk Island rises from the horizon like a sentinel of the skies, its rugged cliffs and sweeping vistas cloaked in the timeless beauty of the natural world. Much like its avian inhabitants, the island exudes an air of strength and majesty, a sanctuary where hawks from all corners of Prazoa converge to fulfill their ancient instincts and forge bonds that transcend time.

Following in the footsteps of Falcon Island, Hawk Island serves as a seasonal refuge for migrating hawks seeking respite from the harsh realities of winter in their native habitats. As the chill of the season descends upon the lands below, hawks take to the wing, guided by an innate sense of direction that leads them unerringly to the safety of the island's embrace.

Here, amidst the rugged terrain and windswept plains, hawks find solace in the company of their kin, their cries echoing across the landscape like a chorus of freedom and defiance. Much like Falcon Island, Hawk Island boasts a rich tapestry of diversity, with hawks of all species converging upon its shores.

As hawks from different regions and habitats come together, a process of intermingling occurs, giving rise to a new generation of hawks unlike any seen before. With each passing season, new species emerge, their characteristics blending the strength and agility of one lineage with the adaptability and resilience of another.

The newly born hawks of Hawk Island inherit a legacy forged from centuries of evolution and adaptation, embodying the spirit of their ancestors while carving out a destiny uniquely their own. Guided by the rhythms of life on the island, they learn the ways of the hunt and the art of survival, honing their instincts and skills in the crucible of the natural world.

For the people of Prazoa, Hawk Island is more than just a sanctuary—it is a living testament to the power of diversity and the resilience of life in all its forms. As the hawks continue to thrive amidst the untamed beauty of their island home, they serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of preserving the delicate balance of the natural world.

First Island

Neirul Island: First Island, Neirul Island stands as a beacon of mystic energy and arcane wisdom amidst the vast expanse of the floating realms of Prazoa. As the first island inhabited by people, it holds a special place in the hearts and minds of its inhabitants, serving as a sanctuary for those who seek to unlock the secrets of magic and harness its boundless power.

While the lands below are focused on the practicalities of farming and governance, with capital cities dotting each continent and the moon serving as a hub for scientific research and military operations, Neirul Island exists in a realm of its own. Here, magic reigns supreme, and those who possess the gift are drawn to its shores like moths to a flame.

At the heart of Neirul Island lies the Astral Academy, a prestigious institution dedicated to the study and mastery of magic in all its myriad forms. For the past half-century, mages from across Prazoa, hailing from diverse species and backgrounds, have journeyed to this enchanted isle to further their magical training under the guidance of the Conclave's esteemed masters.

Dragon’s Mount

Dragon island home of Dragons

Dragon’s Mount is the name of a large isolated floating Island in the Sky. It as chosen as the place to have the Dragons that heroes had rescued, since they didn’t want the general public encountering and bothering them as they grew up. They knew how much fun it might be to ride Dragons and thought forcing them to give those inhabitants a ride would anger the Dragons and cause problem.

The Government knows about the island and the Dragon’s existence, and periodically when they were certain it was time, they’d send people other than those mature enough and capable enough to medically treat the dragons. These were given the chance to be chosen by a Dragon, to spend time with them. Those rejected had to be returned, and the liaison officer will mark down who got rejected so that they wont forget. Dragons mount was primarily rocky, but there were water based biomes as well as grassy tree covered biomes. The caves also dot the island sheltering those that would inhabit them.



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prazoa/location/island/hovering/flying_islands.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/28 11:15 by charaa