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Dragon's mount

Dragon island home of Dragons

Dragon’s Mount is the name of a large isolated floating Island in the Sky. It as chosen as the place to have the Dragons that heroes had rescued, since they didn’t want the general public encountering and bothering them as they grew up. They knew how much fun it might be to ride Dragons and thought forcing them to give those inhabitants a ride would anger the Dragons and cause problem.

The Government knows about the island and the Dragon’s existence, and periodically when they were certain it was time, they’d send people other than those mature enough and capable enough to medically treat the dragons. These were given the chance to be chosen by a Dragon, to spend time with them. Those rejected had to be returned, and the liaison officer will mark down who got rejected so that they wont forget. Dragons mount was primarily rocky, but there were water based biomes as well as grassy tree covered biomes. The caves also dot the island sheltering those that would inhabit them.

The Upper levels of Dragon’s Mount is a tall area of the floating island, it is composed of the Rim, which has the Dragon landing area where those seeking to bond with the Dragon go, as well as the Medical area where those trained in the care of Dragons go to work. There's also an additional lounging area for Dragons and those they have chosen to bond with. The very rim area of this place can be very cold, providing an endurance test for those volunteering. this area is also neutral ground with the agreement that untill it was time, people won't leave the area unless going back to the continents or islands below and Dragons wont attack.

Dragon Landing

A large, flat area has had wooden rails set up around the perimeter to make it safer for people to stand around on, look out over the view. This area is kept away from the nests as to not disturb the Dragons too young or too vulnerable.

Dragon Medical Area

The Dragon Mount Medical Area stands as a testament to the unwavering dedication of its caretakers, a sanctuary nestled within the heart of a cavernous expanse. Here, the very essence of healing intertwines with the formidable presence of dragons, creating an environment where the boundaries between myth and reality blur seamlessly.

The sheer magnitude of the cavern is awe-inspiring, with vast expanses of space stretching out in all directions, echoing with the faint whispers of ancient magic. It is a sanctuary large enough to accommodate even the most colossal of dragons, their majestic forms navigating the towering ceilings with grace and power.

Within this labyrinthine network of tunnels and chambers, a team of skilled healers and caretakers stands ready to tend to the needs of the resident dragons. Each member of this dedicated cadre is not only well-versed in the arts of conventional medicine but also possesses a deep understanding of the unique physiology and temperament of their draconic charges.

From minor ailments to grievous injuries, the medical staff of Dragon Mount Medical Area approach each case with unwavering determination and expertise. Utilizing a blend of traditional remedies and cutting-edge techniques, they work tirelessly to ensure the health and well-being of every dragon under their care.

But it's not just the physical needs of the dragons that are tended to within these hallowed halls. The medical area also serves as a place of solace and communion, where dragons and their human counterparts forge bonds that transcend mere caretaker and patient. It is a place where stories are shared, secrets whispered, and the ancient wisdom of dragons passed down through the ages.

Indeed, the Dragon Mount Medical Area is more than just a facility; it is a testament to the unbreakable bond between humanity and dragonkind, a beacon of hope and healing in a world fraught with uncertainty. And as long as dragons grace the skies above the gravity-defying island, the healers of Dragon Mount Medical Area will stand ever vigilant, their commitment unwavering, their resolve unyielding.

Flaming Heights

The Flaming Heights, a mystical and breathtaking area accessible solely through the assistance of dragons, stands as a testament to nature's grandeur and the ancient bond between humans and these magnificent creatures. Situated atop the highest point on the Island, its very existence is shrouded in legend and wonder.

This elevated realm is crafted from a unique type of rock that possesses a remarkable quality - it absorbs the sun's radiant energy ceaselessly. As a result, the Flaming Heights are perpetually warmed by the gentle caress of sunlight, regardless of the hour. This constant warmth imbues the atmosphere with a comforting glow, painting the landscape in hues of amber and gold from dawn till dusk, and beyond into the starlit nights.

However, this perpetual warmth renders the Heights inhospitable to ordinary travelers. The intensity of the sun's embrace makes it too hot for people to comfortably linger, let alone lounge. Only the hardy and the resilient dare to venture into this domain, knowing full well that they must do so atop the backs of the island's guardian dragons.

It is the dragons who truly call the Flaming Heights their domain. They perch upon the rugged cliffsides or recline upon the sun-soaked slopes, basking in the warmth that courses through the land. Their iridescent scales gleam like molten gold in the sunlight, casting shimmering reflections across the landscape.

From their vantage point high above, the dragons survey the entirety of Dragon Mount, the majestic island that floats amidst the clouds below. They watch over their domain with a vigilant gaze, guardians of the land and its secrets.

For those brave enough to venture to the Flaming Heights, the sight is nothing short of awe-inspiring. To witness the harmonious coexistence between dragons and nature, to feel the warmth of the sun's embrace amidst the clouds, is an experience that etches itself into the very soul of those fortunate enough to tread upon this sacred ground.

Dragon’s Mount Central

Dragon Mount Central serves as the beating heart of the island, a hub of activity and diplomacy where dragons from all corners of the realm converge in a harmonious display of unity and cooperation. Situated at the very center of the island, this enclave is nestled within a natural depression, its topography resembling a vast bowl carved by the passage of time.

Evidence of the area's significance is etched into the very earth itself, manifesting in the telltale claw marks that scar the landscape. These marks, a testament to the countless landings and takeoffs of dragons over the ages, bear witness to the steady flow of traffic that has graced Dragon Mount Central throughout its storied history.

Despite its seemingly remote location, Dragon Mount Central is far from desolate. It pulsates with life and activity, as dragons of every size, shape, and hue alight upon its rugged terrain. Here, beneath the open sky and amidst the whispering winds, dragons of diverse species come together to engage in dialogue and discourse, fostering a sense of camaraderie and understanding that transcends the boundaries of their individual clans.

At the heart of this bustling nexus stands the governmental liaison officer, a figure of utmost importance in facilitating communication and cooperation between the dragons and the human authorities. Charged with the responsibility of addressing the needs and concerns of both parties, the liaison officer acts as a bridge, bridging the gap between the mystical realm of dragons and the pragmatic world of governance.

It is within the confines of Dragon Mount Central that crucial matters are deliberated upon, decisions reached, and alliances forged. Here, beneath the watchful gaze of the towering cliffs that surround the bowl-like depression, the fate of the island and its inhabitants hangs in the balance as dragons and humans alike work hand in claw to shape a better future for all.

Feeding Grounds

The Feeding Grounds, a vital and meticulously maintained region of the island, serve as both a sanctuary for dragons in search of sustenance and a haven for those fortunate enough to share in their company. Nestled at the southern extremity of the central depression, this verdant expanse sprawls across the landscape, its boundaries demarcated by swathes of lush, emerald-hued grass.

Here, amidst the gentle sway of the grasses, herd animals such as cows and bulls graze contentedly, drawn by the promise of nourishment provided by the fertile soil. These creatures, carefully cloned and bred with the sole purpose of serving as sustenance for the island's draconic inhabitants, roam freely within the confines of the Feeding Grounds, unaware of their fateful destiny.

For the dragons, the Feeding Grounds represent a veritable paradise, a bountiful hunting ground where prey is plentiful and sustenance abundant. With keen eyes and graceful agility, they stalk their quarry, their powerful wings beating silently as they descend upon unsuspecting prey with primal grace.

Once the hunt is concluded and the hunger sated, the dragons retreat to the tranquil expanses of the Feeding Grounds to rest and recuperate. Here, beneath the azure sky and amidst the symphony of nature's song, they sprawl languidly upon the soft grass, their massive forms bathed in the warm glow of the sun.

For those fortunate few who have forged a deep bond with a dragon, the Feeding Grounds offer a rare opportunity for communion and relaxation. It is a place where human and dragon alike can share in the simple pleasures of companionship, their spirits intertwined amidst the tranquil beauty of the natural world.

As the sun dips below the horizon and casts its golden hues upon the landscape, the Feeding Grounds exude an aura of serenity and tranquility, a testament to the delicate balance that exists between predator and prey, human and dragon, amidst the untamed wilderness of Dragon Mount.

Great Lake

The Great Lake, a shimmering jewel nestled amidst the rugged terrain of Dragon Mount, holds within its depths a multitude of mysteries and marvels, drawing dragons of all ages to its tranquil shores.

Bordered by expansive fields of verdant grass and swathes of worn dirt and sand, the Great Lake stands as a testament to the elemental forces that have shaped the landscape. Here, the earth itself bears the scars of countless dragon claws, evidence of the creatures' primal power and untamed grace.

At the water's edge, the shallow depths of the lake provide a welcome respite for dragons seeking to cool themselves beneath the warmth of the sun. Here, dragon hatchlings splash and frolic amidst the gentle ripples, their diminutive forms buoyed by the embrace of the calm waters. With each stroke and kick, they strengthen their muscles in preparation for the day when they will take to the skies in glorious flight.

As the lake stretches outwards, the waters deepen, their surface mirroring the azure expanse of the sky above. Yet beneath this placid façade lies a hidden realm of untold depths, where the secrets of the deep await those bold enough to venture forth.

For older dragons, the Great Lake offers a sanctuary of serenity and solitude, a place where they can bask in the tranquility of the natural world and commune with the ancient spirits that dwell within its depths. Here, amidst the ebb and flow of the waters, they find solace in the timeless rhythm of the earth, their spirits soaring high on the wings of the wind.

As the sun sets upon the horizon and casts its golden glow upon the waters, the Great Lake stands as a timeless testament to the enduring bond between dragon and earth, a sacred sanctuary where the echoes of the past mingle with the promise of the future.

Hatchling Training areas

The Training Areas, a pivotal aspect of life on Dragon Mount, serve as the crucible in which young dragons are forged into formidable beings capable of navigating the complexities of the world with skill and finesse. Nestled amidst the rugged terrain of the island, these expansive fields of flat, pebbly ground provide the perfect canvas upon which dragon parents of all species impart the wisdom and knowledge necessary for survival.

Here, beneath the open expanse of the sky, dragons of varying sizes and colors gather to partake in the age-old tradition of training and instruction. With watchful eyes and patient guidance, elder dragons oversee the education of their offspring, imparting upon them the secrets of flight, the nuances of combat, and the intricacies of survival.

The ground itself serves as a natural amphitheater, its flat surface ideal for a myriad of physical exercises and training regimens. Under the watchful gaze of their parents, young dragons engage in mock battles, honing their reflexes and sharpening their instincts in preparation for the challenges that lie ahead.

Above, the sky becomes a playground for flight maneuvers, with dragons weaving intricate patterns through the air with the grace and precision of dancers. Here, amidst the boundless expanse of blue, young dragons learn to harness the power of their wings, mastering the art of flight with each graceful swoop and daring dive.

Yet amidst the camaraderie and excitement of training, there is an unspoken understanding that safety must always come first. When a drill is underway, the skies above the Training Areas become a designated no-fly zone, with strict warnings issued against unauthorized entry. It is a testament to the seriousness with which the dragons approach their training, recognizing the inherent dangers that come with the mastery of such formidable abilities.

For those fortunate enough to witness the spectacle of training upon Dragon Mount, the sight is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Against the backdrop of the rugged landscape and the boundless expanse of sky, dragons of all shapes and sizes come together in a display of unity and determination, their spirits soaring high amidst the timeless beauty of their ancestral home.


Nest are places where Dragons lay the eggs that they spent time creating during Dragon intercourse. Each species has Nests specific to their species, and their own territories. 1)

Earth Dragon (Mountain Dragons) Nest

Earth dragons prefer the caves to make their nests, though some might use the forest canopy to hide it from view too.

Fire Dragon (Red Dragons) Nests

These Dragons prefer to make their nests in volcanoes or at least areas where the magma was active enough to keep their eggs warm. There were a lot of places like that, where the magma didn’t cool as it was contained.

Black Dragon Nests

These Dragons prefer dark places where it is hard to see to hide their eggs. The Islands had inner corridors like that that made it easy for them.

Water Dragon (Blue Dragons) Nests

These Dragons prefer the waters of the rivers, and lakes to make their homes, unfortunately, their nests are on sandy beaches

Sky Dragon Nests

These Dragons prefer high mountains to make their nest and they prefer being n the air for most of their time.


The Coast, a realm of rugged beauty and untamed majesty, marks the outermost boundary of Dragon Mount, where land meets sea in a dramatic clash of elements. While traditional sandy beaches may be scarce, the Coast is a spectacle unto itself, with towering cliffs and jagged rock formations that jut defiantly from the turbulent waters below.

What sets the Coast apart, however, are the enigmatic floating rocks that hover and soar alongside the island. These massive stone monoliths, suspended in mid-air by forces unknown, lend an otherworldly ambiance to the already surreal landscape. Some are weathered and worn, bearing the scars of countless ages, while others gleam with an ethereal sheen, their surfaces polished by the ceaseless passage of wind and time.

Despite the absence of traditional beaches, the Coast offers ample space for relaxation and repose. The sheer expanse of the area provides a sanctuary for dragons seeking respite from the rigors of daily life, with enough room for five fully grown dragons to lounge comfortably amidst the rugged terrain.

Here, beneath the vast expanse of the open sky, dragons gather to bask in the warmth of the sun and revel in the freedom of flight. With wings outstretched and spirits soaring, they take to the air, their majestic forms silhouetted against the backdrop of the ever-changing horizon.

For those fortunate enough to witness the spectacle of dragons at rest upon the Coast, the sight is nothing short of mesmerizing. Against the backdrop of crashing waves and swirling mists, these ancient beings exude an aura of timeless grace and power, embodying the very spirit of Dragon Mount itself.

Lounge Rocks

The phenomenon of the Island's gravity effect, stemming from the enigmatic Velryba core that grants Dragon Mount its ability to soar amidst the clouds, has far-reaching implications that extend beyond mere physics. Among the most striking manifestations of this gravitational anomaly are the large rock formations that have become inexorably bound to the island, hovering alongside it as faithful companions in its celestial journey.

These majestic stone monoliths, drawn inexorably towards the island by the pull of its Velryba core, serve as both a testament to the island's mystical power and a practical resource for its inhabitants. Towering and imposing, these formations are not merely inert geological features but living, breathing entities in their own right, imbued with a sense of purpose and guardianship that transcends the limits of their physical form.

Nestled within the embrace of these towering monoliths lie vast expanses of rocky outcroppings, their surfaces weathered by the relentless passage of time and the ceaseless caress of wind and weather. Here, amidst the rugged terrain, dragons of all shapes and sizes find refuge and solace, gathering to rest and recuperate amidst the timeless beauty of their ancestral home.

With enough space to accommodate at least five fully grown dragons, these rocky sanctuaries offer a welcome respite from the rigors of flight and the trials of daily life. Here, beneath the watchful gaze of their towering sentinels, dragons lounge languidly upon the sun-warmed rocks, their massive forms silhouetted against the backdrop of the boundless sky.

Yet these formations serve a dual purpose, acting not only as sanctuaries for rest and relaxation but also as vantage points from which dragons can keep a vigilant watch over the borders of their domain. Perched atop the highest peaks and ridges, dragons stand as silent sentinels, their keen eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of approaching danger.

Whether it be the distant silhouette of a ship on the horizon, the fleeting shadow of a passing bird, or the telltale glint of sunlight upon the scales of an approaching dragon, these vigilant guardians stand ready to sound the alarm and alert their brethren to any potential threats that may encroach upon their territory.

In this way, the rocky formations that dot the landscape of Dragon Mount serve as more than mere geological oddities; they are living monuments to the enduring spirit of the island and the unwavering vigilance of its inhabitants, standing as silent witnesses to the ebb and flow of time amidst the boundless expanse of the sky.



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Might need to check and e if this is correct though
prazoa/location/island/hovering/dragonmount.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/27 21:59 by charaa