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Farm Hubs Example

Farm hubs are Towns on Planet Prazoa


After things on the planetary scale were created, they decided early on that the Mining Guild and the NDC wanted to make sure that Agriculture was high on the list of things for the planet. But a few people knew that the Farmers would need support which is why the Hubs were created as a way to support the Farmers by allowing them to sell what they wanted to and to buy what they wanted to. They also wanted to regulate how many farms there were so that they can keep track. In Secunda Major System Farmers aren’t being taxed for their work as such if they are capable of finances they could end up being wealthy.

Geography and Climate

Most of Prazoa is a paradise world with a temperature fit for all kinds of species the same is true for the Hubs as well as the Farmlands, everything was made comfortable to individuals to all species.


Management Center

The management center stands as the nerve center of the Farming Hub, a bustling hub of activity and innovation. Nestled within the heart of the hub's area, this center serves as the epicenter for all matters related to the management and coordination of agricultural activities.

One of the primary functions of the management center is to serve as a gateway for those eager to delve into the world of farming. Aspiring farmers and enthusiasts alike flock to this institution to sign up for training programs and educational workshops aimed at equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to embark on their farming journey. Whether it's mastering the art of crop cultivation, learning about sustainable farming practices, or understanding the intricacies of agricultural management, the management center offers a comprehensive array of resources and support to nurture the next generation of farmers.

Moreover, the management center serves as a hub of information and expertise, providing valuable guidance and assistance to both novice and seasoned farmers alike. From offering advisory services on crop selection and land management to facilitating access to essential agricultural resources such as seeds, fertilizers, and machinery, the center plays a pivotal role in empowering farmers to maximize their productivity and optimize their yields.

Beyond its role as an educational institution, the management center also serves as a dynamic hub for collaboration and networking within the agricultural community. Farmers, researchers, policymakers, and industry experts converge at the center to exchange ideas, share best practices, and forge partnerships aimed at driving innovation and fostering sustainable growth in the agricultural sector.

In essence, the management center embodies the spirit of progress and collaboration that defines the Farming Hub, serving as a beacon of opportunity and knowledge for those seeking to cultivate a brighter future through agriculture.

Farmers Market

The Hub’s Commercial District is a massive market where Farmers sell both their crops and their animals and where Farmers or those interested in farming could buy both. This area is massive, to support nearly thousands of local farms. The walkways are huge in order to allow trailers containing cows, oxen, chickens, pigs and sheep to pass through. The first two cows, and oxen, are large creatures and thus need to be huge to contain them.

To the left is a massive maze of stalls, where crops are delivered, each separated and each paying an equal amount of money. The Stalls themselves are made of wood, but they are held up by non-degradable metal. The surfaces had containers for the specific crop, like baskets for apples and other round fruit, while there was a vase-like container for things like wheat. Rice was contained in large bags at the side, and a few were on the surfaces.

The opposite side was the area for the livestock cows, oxen, chickens, pigs and sheep. They are kept in humane habitats that allow for comfort and well being of the animals themselves.

Residential District

In the residential district of the Farming Hub Towns, a unique blend of functionality and community thrives. At the heart of this district are the hotels, serving as temporary homes for the farmers who journey from far and wide to sell their bountiful crops. These hotels, though transient in nature, play a crucial role in accommodating the agricultural entrepreneurs, providing them with a comfortable haven during their visits to the hub towns.

Adjacent to these bustling hotels are the modest yet welcoming apartments that serve as the permanent residences for the diligent workers of the hubs. These apartments stand as a testament to the enduring commitment of the workers to the agricultural enterprise, providing them with a sense of stability and belonging amidst the dynamic rhythm of the farming seasons.

Moreover, interspersed among these residential abodes are the dwellings of the hub's leaders, who oversee the operations and steer the course of the agricultural endeavors. These residences not only symbolize authority but also serve as focal points for community engagement and decision-making, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose among the residents of the hub towns.

Together, these diverse residential spaces form the vibrant tapestry of the Farming Hub Towns, where the transient and the permanent converge, and where the spirit of agriculture thrives in harmony with the rhythm of life.



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prazoa/location/hubs/hub.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/29 23:32 by charaa