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Tevoo Flower

Tevoo is a flower found in dark places in New Dusk Conclave's territory.


Tevoo is a midnight sky blue flower, which resembled the Terran Dahlia flower 1) but with a more star shaped appearance. There were white spots that dot throughout the flower, making one think they were stars in a night’s sky. They can range in size from petite 2-inch lollipop-style pompoms to giant 15-inch “dinner plate” blooms. Most varieties grow 4 to 5 feet tall.


To the touch the Tevoo's petals feel soft. They are breakable for rough forceful action, or cold temperature, including cold hands. They give a smell that is reminiscent of roses, but unique enough that it has its own smell. It doesn’t smell bad, but rather pleasing to most organic creatures. It also has bioluminescence that allows it some glow at night.

The glow stops if the plant is removed from an environment with a source of water. A few periodic drops are enough to sustain it.


The Tevoo flower was an experiment by New Dusk Conclave Scientists and Gardeners to see if they can create a unique-looking plant that was alien to any world in their growing Territory. The endeavor, while possible, was a very large project to work through. The work produced failures that were still beautiful plants, but not at all what they wanted.

A year into their settlement on Sirris II they finally succeeded. They were impressed by their success in creating a similar bioluminescence that some of the plants of Sirris 2 had.

Once they learned how to let the plant flourish on its own, they secretly created a tradition that would be unique to the flower.


It is believed that if the flower is given as a gift by a lover, or future husband/wife, that the receiver will receive eternal health.

A Tevoo flower given to an Ex means that the giver wishes for peace and resolution.



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plant/tevoo_flower.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/23 15:12 by charaa