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Peacekeeper Corps

The Peacekeeper Corps is an organization whose purpose is to maintain international peace and security across the calliope star cluster through both diplomatic and military means. Led by the incorruptible and resolute Kritarch Bellaluna Qinsys, the peacekeeper corps offers its services to those in need across the star cluster as a means of protection, enforcement, and as skilled diplomats no matter how small the nation or the plight of its peoples!

The truth, however, is much darker and sinister…

Nation Info
Motto Peace in our time
Home System
Capital Point Tephysea
Species Dark Elves
Government kritocracy
Strengths Powerul and unified people under one common goal, Large and efficient military
Weaknesses Inherently corrupt by practice, easily influenced by money.

Mission Statement

The public goal and mission of the Peacekeeper corps is to offer a safe and neutral party to conflicts and escalations to de-escalate tensions and offer diplomatic solutions or otherwise render military aid to duressed nations and peoples across the star cluster.

This is accomplished through a cadre of skilled diplomats whose arrival in any tense situation of a conflict zone can lead to a swift de-escalation or armistice with the knowledge that should diplomacy fail the righteous arm of the Peacekeeper Corps is never far behind to ensure peace talks commence or otherwise an aggrieved party may find themselves freely backed by on of the star clusters most dependable military forces to aid in forcing their opponent to the negotiating table.

Payment is never demanded by the Peacekeeping Corps and if any remunerations are to be had they are often collected by the defeated party.

Power for Profit

While on the outside the Peacekeeper corps is a model of noblebright practices of offering diplomacy and no-strings-attached military aid to weak and often defenseless nations of the sector the truth is often not even close to what it seems. The true face of the Peacekeeping Corps is often more evil and corrupt than what a beleaguered nation might be going up against and the true goal of the corps is really a for-profit and corrupt military junta who are more likely to strip you dry of resources than to actually help or aid you in any way.

This is often accomplished through many tasks listed below that the corps often partakes.

Diplomat Actions

The corps truly does have more diplomats than some nations have soldiers! And not only are they numerous but they are equally as skilled in diplomacy as they are corrupt and sinister.

The diplomats of the corps will often offer their services freely to beleaguered nations and peoples as a means to get their foot in the door for future actions. While they are genuine in their services if only to keep face to their potential client they rarely ever go far enough to seal the deal on actually ending conflicts and only ever go far enough as to stall conflicts or even intentionally drag them out long enough for the host nation to agree to military aid.

While they stall and drag on conflicts they and their team often list and compile information on not only the potential enemy but just as much about the host nation including their resources, military, and more for future exploitation.

If a conflict is already too far gone it is not uncommon for the diplomats to instead approach the aggressor party and offer their services outright for the next service…

Ownership Enforcement

The corps offers its services in property or ownership disputes over territory or assets. If a territory or asset is in conflict it is always helpful to have a skilled diplomat or fleet around to settle the dispute.

In this matter it is not uncommon for the large and powerful peacekeeper corps to outright fabricate claims or documents for a party if properly incentivised. A planet might find itself suddenly under pressure by a rival with a new claim on their stolen land and with their rival suddenly having the backing of the corps and its army of diplomats and military at its side to enforce the claim.

Likewise, it is not uncommon to end a dispute with an aggrieved party suddenly coming into possession of ancient and certified documents relating to ownership or claims or stake in their enemys' territory and with a powerful ally ready to assist them in performing such a transaction.

This is never self-serving and is often a means for the corps to get a presence in a conflict zone where they can take advantage of the chaos to seize assets or material and blame it on the enemy.

Strategic and Military Resource Protection

The corps when entering a conflicted or certain system will often first move their fleets in and around stratgegic and military resources of the host nation under the guise of protecting their assets.

It is not entirely uncommon for the corps to outright embezzle or steal these resources and blame them on an enemy or use some of their non-native troops as faux enemies or mercenaries to attack these locations and make off with them to ensure the host nation needs the remainder protected.

Anything from metals to businesses with solid assets to even starships are subject to this action and it is very rare that the corps leaves a system with less than they arrived.

Civil Protection

The corps will often protect space lanes and the territory of a host nation. While this occurs they often detain or outright arrest passersby in space or raid planetside locations of individuals. After this, they will often try them up on trumped-up charges in order to squeeze money or assets out of them or outright seize their property or assets.

All this while the corps seemingly exposes corruption and criminal activities the host nation was unnawares they had.

Civil Service

The corps has a veteran cadre of military advisors they are willing to offer to host nations who are on edge about accepting outright military aid.

These advisors often train if not the militaries then civilian militias and like groups into ready for action units. More often than not these units are transported by the corps or their ships are under their protection where they are more often than not captured by the corps in swift strikes and declared as dead by ambushes of their enemies.

They are either then sold as slaves, or unleashed on seeming strangers they are made to believe are their enemies before the defenders are offered aid by the corps to eradicate these raiders and enemies in order to start the process all over again.

Lend Lease

The corps has an extensive lend-lease program where they will often unload surplus military supplies onto a nation that they are unable to sell that they took from their victims. While there are no strings attached it is often bottom of the barrel equipment the corps was already likely to chuck into space if they didn't melt it down.

This show of free equipment in good faith pays dividends down the line when a poorly equipped force is no mated for its enemy and the corps is nearby and ready to offer a now decimated nation more military aid.

Military Aid

Millions of troops and thousands of ships are what the Corps has to offer in terms of military aid. On top of all their other shady practices their military is a genuine fighting force.

Their military is famous for targetting an enemy's resource and production centers for invasion where they will hunker down and seize resources and material and potential slaves but not before decimating an enemies forces with overwhelming force to the point that they are unnable to deal with the raiders bleeding their planet or forces dry.

They also do this on their host nations planet but use non-native forces to raid the host nation while they tie up the host nations military by leaving strategic weak points in their line that the host nation must reinforce.


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  • Player char created this on 2022/05/31 18:09.


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nation/pck.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/31 18:10 by char