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BW-QM1 "Fire Walker"

The BW-QM1 or Fire Walker is an attempt at creating a fully functional mech, created by Nyx Pine for use by the ndc_armed_forces_duskerian_legion and the B.R.R.F . it belongs to the New Dusk Conclave.

About the Military Vehicle Name

The Fire Walker is a quadrupedal mobile weapons platform, capable of aiding the Possessor in a combat zone but also the B.R.R.F in their duty to take on much larger infestations that normal human sized beings can handle. In a combat zone, it can carry more fire power due to the weapons attached to it. It has some of the same shields and armor, and the Mech has multiple hard points and removable plates to allow the attachment of exterior equipment.

The unit like the Possessor also has no physical controls, instead uses a specialized neural interface that users must have. When linked in, the user has an assistant AI that gives tactical and logistics support, and reduced reaction time and increased precision. This helps the driver and Gunner, allowing them to work together.

Key Features

  • Neural control interface
  • AI additional pilot
  • extra pilot
  • capable of fighting against BRRF enemies, and NDC ones.


The Fire Walker’s plans were created after Nyx was born in ye_41 and after she had met her family. Before meeting ezriel_esherara and during the times between active SABER operations, and after she created plans for her own ship, she started writing random things to occupy her time when going elsewhere for entertainment wouldn’t be possible. After seeing the Possessor in action, after going in as the replacement AI, she started making her own plans for a different kind of mech. Something that the military, and the b.r.r.f can use.


The Fire Walker is quadrupedal in appearance, with slightly more angler limbs, and feet that were rounder at the top, but flatter at the bottom, and with claws shaped extra bits at the very bottom of the limbs. These were the same for all four limbs. The Command pod has an oval shape to it. The ‘mouth’ also had weapons coming out of it, which were scaled-up versions of bw-hpt_dragon_s_breath One pointed straight ahead and two pointed on either side.

The Command Pod is connected to the body via a ‘tunnel’ that’s armored on the outside. The torso sits atop a curved waist and has a very convex geometrical chest that ends at a point. At the top was an cerberus followed by a torrent. The repeater was attached to a piece that can spin, allowing a 360-degree targeting system of the weapon. Much like the Possessor, Pointed pauldrons cover the “hips”, hiding additional guns on each of them.


Statistics and Performance


1 Driver 1 Gunner 1 Nagging AI


  • Length: 20 meters
  • Width: 7 meters
  • Height: 14 meters


  • Ground Maximum speed 60 KPH
  • Range: 4 months
  • Lifespan: Indefinitely with maintenance, but 5 years without


Unlike the Possessor, the interior of this command pod is slightly larger, to allow space for two beings and a drone docking station. And with the size, it allows a lot more freedom of movement, but not by much. The back part has a lift that can extend and retract from the mech’s chest to allow boarding and disembarking.

Thanks to similar tech to the Possessor, the pilot and gunner can link in, and it presented them with a sphere-shaped space that also represented an avatar of the AI in this space in their mind. It is all a mental manifestation when the pilot has established a neural link with the unit, with the walls of the sphere showing the outside world.

Weapons Systems

The Quadmech uses unique BRRF related weapons' as well as military weapons, making it modular.

Upper Layer of the Back

Four Shoulder Points

torrent x4 Tier 8

Onboard Systems Descriptions

Computers and Electronics

The mech uses a Graphene Computer Core, along with Eve as the currently installed AI.

Life Support Systems

The New Version of the Mech uses biotechnological components from allowing for the elimination of carbon gases, allowing for the user to breathe clean air while fighting.

Engines and power

In order to be active, it uses 4 Plasma Drives and 12 Power Cores.

Shield Systems

When operational, it uses a shield system to protect itself from harm.

Standard Equipment

there are lockers in the ‘Tunnel“ that contains fire suppression tools, and repair tools for the mech. There are also Survival cache in the tunnel.



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Art created by Wikilord Charaa using Doga
There isn’t a version like that, but I thought having the Dragon breath could be neat.
One barrel is a T7 shot.
nation/ndc/military/quadmecha.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/25 16:05 by