Table of Contents
- Homeland: Nainital Jungle
- Capital City; Manaus
“quote here”
Surrounding the Regna, only mystery lives, a guarded people making their homes deep in the jungles of Nainital are rarely seen; and their customs completely unknown to outsiders. The only thing that outsiders know about them for certain; is that those who enter the Jungles shadow ─ never return. Being extremely guarded the Regna never leave their Jungle, and those that do abandon their people and are not permitted to return.
Physical appearance
Remember! We encourage variation; this is merely to be used as a reference guide not a requirement
- A mix of Troll or Orcish like people with various skin tones most often blues and greens
- They are rarely ever seen without tusks of some sort
- Long pointed ears are most commonly found
- Shamanistic or tribal style clothing is the most popular, but they can have a lot of variation depending on the specific origin within the Regna
Social Norms
Shapeshifting; The Regna prefer to the spend the majority of their time in their shapeshifted wolf forms, they believe with their worship of primarily nature based deities that being in this form for much of their time as they consider their “true” form keeps them closer to their gods and helps them connect with the cosmos.
Body painting; coming soon
The children of Ixchel
- The Regna choose to share their home with an array of wild tigers their presence honored per the goddess Ixchel, impressively large felines with varying colors of base pelts, and stripes and eyes that glow. These big cats roam the village freely and are not pets nor are they permitted to be kept by any specific family not even the upper class. Rather they are welcomed guests among the Regna people and share their grounds in a peaceful alliance. Claiming ownership over any of these tigers or harming them in anyway is strictly forbidden and punishment may result in being sacrificed to the goddess Ixchel herself.
Leadership & social classes
Upper class:
- Kings & Queens; The highest power holder, these people were considered to have direct communication lines with the gods and everyone is required to obey without any doubt in mind, for their order is that of the divine.
- Priests; From birth to burial, marriage and rituals are all overlooked by the Regna priests, They presided over the burial rites of the nobility and since the priests had astrological and astronomical knowledge, the masses relied on their divination for many things.
- High Priests; The high priest was tasked with overlooking the writing of the books, appointment of new priests and inauguration of the ascension of a new king. High priest also look over priestly knowledge and performs important rituals.
- Town Priests; Responsible for dealing with more day-to-day matters. They are charged with the administration of sacraments, carrying out of sacrifices and rituals, preaching on festival days as well as divining at many occasions. The town priest looks over both private and public rituals.
- Oracular priest; Priests with a special knack for astronomy, by observing the celestial bodies closely, they are able to predict certain events, or may posses special abilities of foresight.
- Warrior priests;
- Nobles; The nobles acquired this position on hereditary basis and assisted the King's and Queen's with major decision-making process. The noble class is small in number but very powerful.
Middle class:
- Officers & commoners; This class is made of professionals, officials, bureaucrats, warriors, merchants and artisans.
- Sentinels; Guards that watch the borders of the jungle for potential threats.
Warriors; Regna warriors are the lifeblood of their people, and there lies opportunity for growth and status if they have the skill and bravery.
- Tlamani – A commoner who has taken one captive
- Cuextecatl – A warrior who has taken two captives
- Papalotl – A warrior who has taken three captives
- Cuauhtlocelotl – Eagle Jaguar warriors – A fearsome warrior who would has to take four captives
- Otontin – Otomies – A mighty warrior who would have to capture five or six enemies in battle
- Cuauhchicqueh – Shorn Ones – The uppermost warrior who has to capture many enemies and perform many brave acts in battle
Lower class:
- Workers & slaves; The lowest category in their society that are hardly considered apart of their people at all. Workers work for the upper class performing their day to day work which is considered unimportant to society. And Slaves bare no rights at all, often outsiders the Regna are holding for sacrificial purposes that lead miserable and abusive lives and are forbidden from ever leaving the jungle.
- The children of Nanahuatl; Children born with hair/fur of gold are considered to be descendants of the humble sun god and are honored, promised a fruitful and comfortable life, selected to live in the Golden garden deep within the heart of the Regna's home.
Religion & Ethics
The Regna are above all, a people of faith. Highly spiritual they glory in their close relationships with the supernatural, worship many gods, build temples to house images of supernatural beings, develop complex theologies of spirit and matter, and envision a world filled with living essences.
- Kukulcan: The oldest and most important god to the Regna, represented as a feathered vision serpent regarded as the creator of the world and all creatures upon it. And most importantly; the Regna as his very children. Many Regna believe other cultures or outsiders to be only half children of Kukulcan, and therefore most often reject them as impure or tainted blood.
- Nanahuatl: The most humble of the gods, the sun god who sacrificed himself in fire so that he may continue to shine on the earth. He is considered the protector against evils associated with darkness.
- Ixchel: A tiger moon goddess with dark fur and beautiful stripes and eyes that glow blue She is a goddess of midwifery, medicine, fertility & childbirth. And is also referred to as a powerful female deity with a link to female warriors and as related to the role of “grandmother”. Regna women often visit sanctuaries dedicated to Ixchel when they want a happy marriage or a child.
- Tlaloc: God of rain and thunder, It was by his blessing that the seasonal rains arrived on time for the vital harvest. While he is most often beneficial, he is considered occassionally fickle & the Regna offer sacrifices to him to ensure seasonal rains would arrive on time. For if they arrived at the wrong time, or came in the form of intense storms, the rains could ruin crops and cause drought or flooding.
- Hyracan: One of the most powerful deities among the Regna, and is often responsible for many natural disasters as he can command wind, storms, fire and other elements of the earth.
The Regna underworld; Xibalba; The name the Regna gave to their underworld, translating to “place of fear” of nine levels ruled by the twelve gods of death and struck terror into every individual within the jungle. The Regna can not escape suffering in death and were either subjected to horrific trials in Xibalba, or had to die a violent death to avoid it. Those who entered Xibalba put their wits to the test against the cruel gods, but very few survived. And the Regna believe freshwater sinkholes were the sacred portals to Xibalba.
Human Sacrifice & Torture: captured outsiders are tortured, mutilated, and sacrificed to the gods. Torture and human sacrifice are fundamental religious rituals of their society; they were thought to guarantee fertility, demonstrate piety, and propitiate the gods, and, if such practices were neglected, cosmic disorder and chaos were thought to result.
Bloodletting & Self torture; The drawing of human blood was thought to nourish the gods and was thus necessary for achieving contact with them; hence, the Regna rulers, as the intermediaries between the Regna people and the gods, had to undergo ritual bloodletting and self-torture. Bloodletting is part of every festival. A personal sacrifice. The Regna cut themselves so that their blood would run. The nobles smear their blood on a bit of bark and then burn it, to help their blood get to heaven, so the gods would know they had made a sacrifice in their honor.
Holidays & Festivals
- Sacrifice Rituals; Sacrificing animals and humans live among Regna customs. Human sacrifice was generally offered during rare occasions such as death or ascension of a ruler or a severe drought but may become more often should the opportunity arise to appease the gods and keep cosmic balance. Different methods for human sacrifice includes disembowelment, cutting out the heart, killing with a bow or blade & others. The sacrifice is typically performed by priests at the top of the temples.
- Day of the dead; The Regna believe that death is something completely natural and that the dead had life so honoring and remembering them was fundamental. It was customary to hold a festival with food, incense and music, where the death of ancestors is celebrated.
- Rain festivals; Celebrated three times a year; in February which marks the beginning of the agricultural year. In March when the flowers begin to bloom signifying the arrival of the first new life upon the earth and again in September to encourage rainfall.
Stories & History
- Allied with the Myrkvidr; The brothers & sisters to the Myrkvidr, the Regna & Myrkvidr cultures respect each other more than they do any other culture as they are said to have once been apart of a single culture that eventually split off into two. They are allies, and often consider each other to be family and are always willing to come to each others aid.
Relationships & Family dynamics
Death Practices
The dead are typically buried behind their family home after being laid down in the tombs of their gods. Various objects are buried with them according to their profession.
- Mourning: Unknown
Symbols & Statues
- Yaxche; The tree of life, a vital part of the Regna cosmic view. Regna people believed that the tree of life was a representation of the shape of the cosmos and that this tree connected the three major realms of the cosmos, namely the heavenly realm, the earthly realm and the underworld.
- Player aistiva created this on 2021/10/08 17:01.
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