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Arusi Moon Base

Alpha Mike Bravo, or as a civilian might call it, the Arusi Dusk Orbital Guard Moon Base is a base located on the moon of the Planet Prazoa, Arusi. Later on, a special project was permitted to have a section there close to the base so that the Guard can also protect it if need be.  


The Base was constructed to fill a need for the Dusk Orbital Guard as well as the Duskerian Legions to give them a home of their own, one where they won’t have to share with civilians considering the space for the Cities and land were decided on. Thanks to the efforts of the creation group, they now had a moon to set up shop in. Structures were built on the moon as a near-replica of all Military Bases and the military settled in.

Later on, a Special project was set up nearby and with the military being near it was thought that the new project would be safe.

Alpha Mike Bravo

Arusi base is a massive military complex underneath a big dome made out of Ultrite for its durability, as well as a  flexible screen that allows the outside to be visible via a projection. The projection allows the Nebula and the planet to be visible. The planet is visible because the spot chosen is always the one where the side of the moon is facing the planet.

The structures within the dome are made of an obsidian marble stone in-line with red in the cracks. This allows for visibility. The base also has a gravity generator that allows for ease of movement without the effect of the gravity outside the location.

Ship Landing Pad, and Docking bay

This area of the base is a massive area to contain the ships needed to protect the Secunda Major System. The Landing area is massive enough that nearly thousands, if not billions, of small fighter craft and transports are needed just to cover it. For larger ships like cruisers, frigates and dreadnaughts, there is a specialized docking area where a tunnel just goes to the ship unless transports do.

Warehouses and Greenhouses

The Warehouse area is a massively huge structure, nearly 1000x1000x1000x1000 structure that stores food for the inhabitants to eat, as well as additional other items that the Base needs to function. The Greenhouses are also massive, to create as much food as required, though they do get an amount from the planet as well. 

Duskerian Auxiliary Patrol Garrisons Branch Headquarters

Branch Headquarters of the Duskerian Auxiliary Patrol Garrisons (DAPF) is huge in that it nearly covers most of the dome. Within the building are a Command Center, offices for the commanding officers and officer ranked soldiers, and base leadership. The Command Center is at the center of the base with offices around that in a circle. The Pilot’s quarters and the Duskerian Legion quarters are off to the side. The Armory is a smaller part of the base through a courtyard, in the same place as the Training area.

Command Center

The Command Center is literally at the center of the base. It’s about the size of a typical gym and in the center is a holographic display, that shows, situational info like a battle that happens in space. Around this display table with a walking room, are the communications area, where the base leaders speak to fighter pilot leaders and where they can get reports that update the holographic display.

There’s also a Quantum communications area, where they speak to the other branch headquarters.


The Offices are located behind doors in a curved hallway. Each room has a desk with a terminal and an intercom unit, allowing for communications throughout the base. There is also a display where they will see info that their rank allows. The rooms are not large since there is no need to put beds in there, but it is well lit and comfortable.


The Quarters are the rooms in which the military personnel sleep. It usually bunked these beds to safe on room and in Barracks were 16 bunk beds. At the head of the headrests on their right and left sides were the footlockers, one for the bottom bunk and the other for the top bunk. They can decorate this locker to personalize it, but it’s recommended that they add nothing that can’t be removed.


The Base’s armory was an expansively huge complex much more so than what has been seen in a number of the other NDC claimed Starships. Throughout this area of the ship were multiple weapons lockers that contain extra weapons, or weapons ready to be given out to recruits that were assigned to the base. Beyond a transparent wall, to the east from the doors, were rows of microfabrication devices that can churn out bullets as needed as long as it has the materials that were fed into its loading port, To the North of this was a half-circle desk behind which were the quartermasters, one machine-based, and organic.

The two-act as extra security because the Synthetic has scanners that can detect whether someone was intoxicated, and they would have a memory of the being having already received their weapon if applicable. Both also have a good eye when it comes to weapons and giving them to the right type of Soldier.

Training Area

The training area is a large area that fits in the area. It is also split into two one is a gun range where soldiers shoot at moving targets to train their hand-eye coordination and specifically their accuracy. When hit the targets display a point, display that shows how the attacker did. Simulations can also enhance the environment around them to test their stress. The secondary half is where they train their bodies, this is done in simulations and also a fighting ring where they fight opponents that were usually a member of their species.


The Special project known as Syuen represents the apex of the New Dusk Conclave's commitment to exploration and discovery, serving as a beacon of scientific ambition and curiosity within the cosmos. As a cornerstone of the Conclave's Exploratory mission, Syuen is tasked with unraveling the mysteries of the universe through a multifaceted approach that combines cutting-edge technology with rigorous scientific inquiry.

At its core, Syuen harnesses a formidable arsenal of tools and instruments, each meticulously calibrated to fulfill its specific role in the quest for knowledge. Central to its operations are state-of-the-art scanners, capable of probing the depths of space with unparalleled precision and sensitivity. These scanners serve as the vanguard of the project, scouring the cosmos for signs of celestial bodies ranging from planets to entire solar systems, including the elusive rogue planets that wander the void unbound by the gravitational embrace of a parent star.

Complementing the scanners is a powerful telescope, a marvel of optical engineering and technological ingenuity. Equipped with advanced imaging capabilities and enhanced by additional technology unique to the Syuen project, this telescope serves as the project's eyes, peering into the depths of space with unparalleled clarity and resolution. Its mission: to unveil the hidden treasures of the cosmos, from distant exoplanets to enigmatic cosmic structures.

Yet, the ambitions of Syuen extend beyond mere observation. In the event of a momentous first contact with extraterrestrial intelligences, the project stands ready to pivot its focus towards the exploration of ancient precursors. Leveraging its vast array of resources and expertise, Syuen aims to locate and study these enigmatic beings, unraveling the secrets of their civilization and unlocking the mysteries of their existence.

Driven by the spirit of exploration and fueled by the thirst for knowledge, the Syuen project stands as a testament to humanity's boundless curiosity and relentless pursuit of understanding. As it ventures ever deeper into the unknown reaches of the cosmos, guided by the guiding principles of the New Dusk Conclave, it promises to illuminate the darkest corners of the universe and rewrite the annals of scientific discovery for generations to come.


The Syuen project is a groundbreaking endeavor in the realm of astronomy, propelled by the utilization of cutting-edge technology and innovative systems. At the heart of this ambitious project lies the Mega Optics, a colossal telescope of unparalleled magnitude and precision. Standing as a beacon of human ingenuity, the Mega Optics represents a monumental leap forward in the NDC’s ability to observe and understand the cosmos.

However, the Mega Optics is not a solitary entity in the Syuen project; it is complemented by an array of supplementary systems, each meticulously designed to synergize seamlessly with the telescope's capabilities. These additional systems serve various functions, ranging from data processing and analysis to environmental control and calibration.

Central to the operation of the Syuen project is its emphasis on automation. While the scale and complexity of the Mega Optics and its associated systems may seem daunting, the project's engineers have implemented advanced automation protocols to ensure its smooth and efficient functioning. Through sophisticated algorithms and intelligent software, the telescope is capable of autonomously executing its observing tasks with minimal human intervention.

Despite the remarkable level of automation, the Syuen project maintains a vigilant stance on monitoring. While physical oversight is limited, a dedicated team of scientists and technicians remains on standby, ready to intervene should any anomalies arise. This approach ensures the integrity and reliability of the observations conducted by the Mega Optics, safeguarding against potential errors or malfunctions.

In essence, the Syuen project represents a testament to human curiosity and ingenuity, pushing the boundaries of astronomical exploration through the marriage of advanced technology and meticulous design. With the Mega Optics at its forefront, this ambitious endeavor stands poised to unveil new insights into the mysteries of the universe, reshaping our understanding of the cosmos for generations to come.

Mega Optics

The Mega Optics telescope stands as a marvel of engineering and scientific innovation, boasting a 100-foot 50-inch mirror at its core. This mirror, meticulously crafted to exacting specifications, serves as the primary conduit for capturing and focusing light from distant celestial objects. Its sheer size and precision enable the Mega Optics to achieve remarkable clarity and resolution in its observations, allowing astronomers to peer deeper into the cosmos than ever before.

However, the capabilities of the Mega Optics extend far beyond the confines of visible light. Equipped with a sophisticated array of sensors, the telescope possesses the ability to observe across multiple regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, including the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared bands. This broad spectral coverage affords astronomers the opportunity to study a diverse range of phenomena, from the birth of stars to the dynamics of distant galaxies.

But what truly sets the Mega Optics apart is its integration of magitech components, pushing the boundaries of conventional astronomical observation to new frontiers. Through the fusion of magic and technology, these specialized components augment the telescope's capabilities, enabling it to penetrate even deeper into the cosmos with unprecedented clarity and precision.

One of the most extraordinary feats enabled by these magitech enhancements is the telescope's ability to peer into distant star systems beyond the reach of conventional light-speed travel. Leveraging advanced FTL (faster-than-light) technology, the Mega Optics can observe celestial phenomena occurring in locations that would otherwise be inaccessible within a reasonable timeframe. For instance, astronomers stationed at the Syuen project's observatory could peer into the enigmatic realm of Sanctuary, a star system located a week away at FTL speeds.

Moreover, the clarity and resolution of the Mega Optics' observations surpass those of conventional telescopes by orders of magnitude. Thanks to the precise calibration of its magitech-enhanced components, the telescope can resolve fine details and faint signals with unparalleled fidelity, providing astronomers with an unprecedented window into the cosmos.

In essence, the Mega Optics represents a convergence of scientific prowess and magical innovation, revolutionizing our understanding of the universe and opening new avenues of exploration beyond the constraints of conventional observation. As astronomers continue to harness its extraordinary capabilities, the mysteries of the cosmos are poised to unveil themselves in ways previously unimaginable.




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moon/arusi/location/dogbase4.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/23 15:11 by charaa