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Work In Progress

Brief description of what the spell or specific function of the magic does.

  • Creator:
  • Rank:1)
  • School of magic?(Fire, death, air, holy, etc.)


How was this spell or magic created? What was the motivation or scenario that required its creation?


A more detailed description of the effect of the spell when cast. What does the spell look like? What does it do to someone/something it is cast on? Does it have specific conditions to be cast? Can it be cast by one individual or in a group?


How is the spell cast? Does it require incantations or gestures? Does it require a catalyst or magic circle or specific materials?


Does the spell or magic have drawbacks? Does it have important information the reader/player will need to know that you wish to pass on?


  • Player @USER@ created this on @DATE@.


This content adheres to Project Multiverse's submission and usage rules.

  • This location can be used by (anyone/only those with permission/etc).
  • In the event that location's creator is no longer available, …
How advanced this spell or magic is. Is it easy for amatures to cast? Is it sufficiently advanced and complicated?
magic/spells/i_template.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/31 21:56 by char