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Planet creation

This page will detail the process and the plan for the creation of an actual planet.


The process to create a planet has been looked into, and that can be found within the Research section of the page. I Charaa will concede that, naturally, this would take a great many years, but because of possible technology, magic and the availability of materials needed to accomplish this. The process would be much, much quicker at least from my belief. However, the availability of things written about is those in Secunda Major System

Research Done

To begin the process, Research was chosen as the beginning part of the creation process to not only create a planet but also to create this page. YouTube was browsed which ended up bringing these videos to the attention. Video 1, Video 2, Video 3. Of the web pages, only Info page was found. Now that the basic things were found, the attention went to Gravity, after all, planets have them. The videos weren’t found, but the pages were. Gravity Info page, Gravity Info page 2, Extra info. Additional info was found here, and here. This Page I was able to find some information According to the research I have done, in terms of the info I have read, molten iron is responsible for our magnetosphere

Ingredients needed

To create a planet roughly Earth-sized the creator will need

6543 Asteroids 1)
More than billions Cosmic dust
Atmosphere 2)
Water 3)
x1 Gravity generator/Gravity Manipulation Magic
Molton Iron (Exact number is unknown according to research)


The Mining Guild of Secunda Major System has the plan to create a planet and they know that they will need a Gravity generator that can create a gravitational strength of 1 4) when close to the new planet’s surface. The Plan to create the planet has been left in stages or phases. This is numbering in 4 phases

Phase 1

The First Phase of the plan deals with gathering the “Ingredients” relocating the cosmic dust particles, and pieces of mined asteroids and iron crusts. These are brought using either magic or technology to a position within the Goldilocks zone of the Star. This is specifically located around an orb of magi, that’s capable of being a Gravity Generator, which is capable of producing a gravitational strength of 9.8 m/s². The power of the gravitational force will have an effect on the surrounding materials, first of which is the dust. Dust is lighter and smaller, therefore it will be the first to be attracted to the gravity.

The Iron Crusts will be the next to follow, and would soon slam into the dust and the orb, and due to the gravity would begin to cover it as the beginning of the core. The other empty asteroids would soon follow along and cover the iron core with an even bigger core. With the number of asteroids around, this expands to cover the core to create a bumpy, almost round shape.


Phase 2

The Second Phase begins when the protoplanet has reached a size milestone that is acceptable to the people. The powerful Gravity Magic-Tech thing has forced the asteroids together, but there were cracks on the surface, which was thought would lead to the core. Sensors detected heat within the core, due to the lack of oxygen things were getting hot within the core of the planet, and so they used Thermal Magic to expand and accelerate the head of the core to the outside.

This was soon helped when they created a tunnel into the Yolus Nebula, which brought the environment of the gas cloud onto the planet and began forming an atmosphere. This had the effect of keeping the heat from escaping. The core becomes molten, causing the development of a magnetosphere, and as it expands, it causes the asteroids to merge. Near the end of this, the Proto-planet is molten with lava spewing from the ground and Volcanos erupting. The Magnetosphere will protect the planet from radiation. They also bombarded strategically the planet to create what would be rivers, lakes, and oceans once the water comes in.Though if scans indicated that the asteroids haven’t quite merged and no longer were broken, then they’d add more heat to it.


Phase 3

The Third Phase begins once satisfaction that the asteroids are merged has been guaranteed. But with the planet being a molten world, the third phase is cooling it off, in addition to being the phase where water is brought in. In the beginning, multiple Ice filled chunks of debris called “iceteroids” will be sent to the planet, this causes the planet to become cool. This would eliminate some of the Lava flow, and cause some volcanoes to become dormant. Because of the heat, some water collects in some of the lakes and the ocean, which also adds to the atmosphere. Next water, that was created by the combo Mining Guild and the Vale Initiative Organization team is brought in, and dumped in the lakes, and oceans. Because the lakes and Oceans sometimes feed rivers, the water flows there as well. With the presence of water now on the planet, some weather starts to form mainly by rain which fills the ponds too. Water causes an effect by creating cracks, allowing it to seep into the ground and form underground streams ad sources which cause an additional change. The water becomes dirty when making contact with the rock.

Phase 3 in a half

With a stable planet of water and solid rock, and a breathable atmosphere, a small part of Phase 3 is preparing the world for habitation. A Life Seed is launched on the planet and it causes a change to the planet, the first of which is adding CO2 to the environment, and the existence and the of assistance of decimilions of the magiworm causes the rocks to be transformed into the dirt. With the gift of the Life Seed, life such as plant life has begun to form as had certain microbes that were beneficial to the world.

Phase 4

Phase 4 continues where the 3rd phase ended. The Life Seed’s power began to bring plant life into the world, using CO2 and Life Magic which has caused the plant life to grow and develop at an extremely accelerated rate. According to the scans, Plantlife including complex ones such as trees and bushes and so on have appeared on the planet within a month. Trees and certain other plant life, have also aided in producing oxygen. Plants will also become the habitat of insects and animals that are soon brought in. During the Mining operations, the miners have discovered organic traces which were able to be used in cloning. Some samples required new parts to be able to create an animal so they were created and then be brought in to perform a purpose and to develop a food chain. And to help take care of the planet as well as deal with overpopulation including those of insects. 5). There won’t just be animals that can fly or walk on land, but those that swim too. There may be some that were cloned to add to the biodiversity.

Phase 4 in a Half

They had noticed that some Islands were flying in midair and soon realized that a Velryba was the cause. This didn’t cause a problem to the Velryba’s function they chose to leave it alone.

Final Result

The final result is a new world, that technically is considered an artificial world, but to the inhabitants of the world, it will feel like any other habitable world. It will have a breathable atmosphere with a good livable temperature. The planet would be stable with no earthquakes anywhere this will likely be controlled via technology. Weather can be controlled via Weather control technology that can be purchased or created.




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answer found online.
326,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons (that's 326 million trillion gallons) of the stuff (roughly 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 liters. The average depth of the ocean is about 12,100 feet (3,688 meters
9.8 m/s²
The Biomechanical species will be explained more on the planet page later on
guide/planet_creation/artificial_planet.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/17 15:11 by charaa