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History L-3000 is a currently unique suit of Power Armour made by Egwene Tai for personal use. As such there is very little to go off for the general public as to what it does, how it does it and to the degree it does it to. Maybe later she'll get famous, drafted or killed and the suit will get more into the hands of people that could get it into the world. Or scrap it for parts and end it's legacy there.

About the L-3000 L-3000 was made by Egwene Tai in roughly Y39/Y40. It has a Durandium Alloy armour, made by Egwene herself from the scrap she collected working in her home town. This made creating the suit painfully labour intensive, but in return kept the cost of it down. Another thing that helped was that the armour is kept somewhat thinner than most power armours to ensure that the thruster capacitors are not only capable of considerable velocity, but that her aerodynamic impact is minimal to allow for flight and dogfighting. It is closer to a jetless fighter jet than a true suit of power armour.

The sliding plates and scale-like mechanics to disperse force also allow it to fold up into a suitcase when not in use, and from ere can have anything attached to the suit, so long as it is not too top heavy, the Servos can only do so much. As a woman of limited finance resources, L-3000 has no true weaponry yet, capable only of usage of the neutron repulsors on an offensive capability.

Sleek and curved, Egwene kept the suit small and far from the boxy nature of other Power Armour. As such it stands 7ft tall and is as wide as a moderately well built man while still being under a ton in weight. It is a silvery-gray colour from the materials used to create it, and appears decidedly humanoid, almost as if it was a large, skinless android. It's palms and the base of its feet hold large ports for the Repulsors, with four smaller repulsors on the chest for surprise attacks or usage in moments she can't move her arms or legs.

The focus is on manoeuvrability and fluid movement, allowing in to move with as much speed as a well trained human can on the ground, and engage with fighter jets in the sky. It has few onboard computer systems, instead hooking up with Egwene's own, to save on space and power requirements that can go elsewhere.

Designers: Egwene Tai Manufacturer: Egwene Tai Fielded by: Egwene Tai Range: The L-3000 can, aided by the low-upkeep body Egwene possesses, keep going as long as required. This can be up to a few months on low energy mode, or a single month to a few weeks in cases of consistently high usage. Maintenance Cycle: Getting help from Egwene's Nanogenus, the suit's minor maintenance is dealt with as and when the situation calls for it, and so it has no real upkeep Cycle. Lifespan: Given that it is made from as-of-yet unmastered technology, the current iteration of the suit will last as long as it takes Egwene to broach into a new realm of understanding that warrants an overhaul.

Appearance The L-3000 is easily mistaken for a large suit of old fashion armour. It has a humanoid shape, grasping hands with fingers, but boot-like feet with no toes and a mostly blank face plate that has “eyes” that contain the auxiliary sensors. The plates are segmented and slide along each other for getting in and out of, though the sleek and slender - relative to other Power Armours - design makes one think of bodysuits before power armour.

In the palms of the hands and the centers of the feet are circular emitters which light up when in use, and are a clear, transparent colour when not in use.

Advantages The slender design, articulated joints and humanoid-conforming shape allows for the Power Armour to move quickly, with agility and grace that one might not consider ground-level Power Armour capable of achieving. It's lack of extraneous bulk allows it to fly with little getting in the way or otherwise making a mess during manoeuvres.

Drawbacks The trouble with being sleek, agile and lithe, is that there is a reason armour is thick and heavy. The L-3000 is poor against heavy weaponry, and most other pilots inside the suit would be battered and bruised by small arms fire, the suit being more akin to a bulletproof vest than a suit of power armour in that regard.

Mobility The propulsion of the suit is the same as it's power source and weaponry. By firing out charged muons through the palms, Egwene can create thrust capable of lifting her off the ground. The palms and feet work together to give her flight capacity and manoeuvrability in flight, with the rapid changing of position allowing her for more sudden and drastic shifts than a normal aircraft, at the cost of not being as fast as most jets.

Ground Speed (Running): 45km/h Max. Atmospheric Speed: Mach 2.1 Armor Size Height 7ft/2.1 meters Width 56cm/1.8 foot Weight 600lb/272kg

Currently the L-3000 is only exploiting some 20% of its damage capabilities due to Egwene's lacking finances and the suit's design making additional weaponry difficult. When she gets better set, this will probably change.

Getting In and Out The sliding segments of the suit are capable of folding in and out to open a hole in the power armour for entry.

Controlling the Armor Egwene controls L-3000 via her remote uplink interface. This does allow for her to use the armour without being in it, but that disconnect causes errors in fine work. Mostly, this remote capabilities can call the suit to her in situations she doesn't have it.

Systems Unlike her body, which is well-stocked with amenities for everyday life, the L-3000 does not have many additionals built into it. An enhanced sensory suite fit for a battlefield that would simply be an annoyance in everyday life and encrypted communications so that her usual commlink is not compromised.

Armor Made from a labour intensive mettalic alloy, the armour is relatively thin for a suit of Power Armour, relying on the durability of the metal to not fold like paper when shot at, though given the metal's durability and the thin layer of it, she doesn't try to take stuff head on if she can avoid it.

Camouflage None

Life Support Given Egwene needs to life support anyway, L-3000 has nothing like that. If there is catastrophic failure in the main power supply, an auxiliary battery releases enough energy for the suit to retract, allowing her to get out of the soon-to-be defunct suit.

Power Systems Much like the armour, L-3000 uses the same miniature energy reactor as Egwene's own cybernetics. In both the sense that the armour's palm-sized reactor is a replica of Egwene's own, and that Egwene's own hooks up to the armour to enhance the requisite power. Though, Egwene's own has subroutines that cuts off the connection at 15% capacity to ensure that she doesn't depower herself in moments of strain.

Given that it is not constantly active like Egwene's own, the Palladium core lasts considerably longer than Egwene's. She considered scaling it up, but given the unfinished nature, the suit would just be running with a high surplus most of the time which struck her as a waste.

Sensors and Communications Connecting with Egwene's own sensory array within her body, the suit enhances the range and wavelengths to give 360 degrees coverage of the battlefield. Communications are a standard radio uplink.

Weapons Palm-located Neutron Repulsors (2)

The main weapons that Egwene has in her suit, the Neutron Repulsors are a brilliant bit of science. It compresses Muons - Neutrons with surprising mass for their subatomic size - into a cylindrical beam shape, and then charges it with a jolt of energy. This charge acts as the propellant that launches the beam out of the palms and collides with the target, delivering massive concussive force. Given this, Egwene can finetune her repulsors to be equal to an unaugmented punch, or any kind of concussive force in between, depending on the situation she requires.

Generally, Neutrons do not travel very far in an atmosphere, but creating an ionized bundle of compressed air for aid in their travel helps fix this. Due to this, if fired off outside of an Atmosphere, there is hypothetically no limit to the distance that they can travel.

Location: Built in to the palms. Primary Purpose: Coincidental - but none the less effective - offence. Range: 3km in atmosphere, Until Impact without an Atmosphere. Payload Effectively unlimited when L-3000 is fully powered.

Hardpoints The suit has no real accessories or hardpoints, to keep the simplistic design, as she has not got access to the reality breaking tech used in more advanced suits of power armour.

gear/other/l-3000.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/18 10:46 by egwene_tai