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SachiTech Shipyards and Refinery Station

The SachiTech shipyards and Refinery station, are a subsidiary of SachiTech for building its larger space worthy tech as well as refining of minerals.


The facilities are assets, gained by SachiTech to produce their Starships. To facilitate an efficient shipyard, they employ a series of robots, built by Sachiko, as well as outside workers originally a part of New Dusk Conclave. Their experience meant that Sachitech had access to advanced technology for their use, and capable of using alternate energy sources.


Sometime after Sachitech’s salvage operation, the soldiers that came along to protect Sachiko Therwood and the operation were revealed to have also been members of another nation, called New Dusk Conclave with their facilitating communications between Kalis System, and eventually the rest of the United Alliance of Neutral Systems. This Allowed for some skilled laborers from the NDC to come over, to assist with things. Mining Guild had brought skilled engineers which helped Sachitech to establish the shipyard and Refinery station. The refinery station soon followed suit, though this was merely Dragon Class Mobile Refinery ships attached to an arm of the station.

The Engineers

The Engineers of the facility were robots, built from salvage parts as well as temporary members of New Dusk Conclave and the Mining Guild sent to teach and train SachiTech engineers to create ships and refine minerals. With these skilled individuals training, Sachitech will be as skilled as their CEO.

Shipyard info

Shipyard (Top view)
Shipyard (Horizontal)


Compartment Layouts


The Passageways run along and inside the Shipyard with an equally large and wide tunnel-based system that on the outside were made with a transparent metal material, allowing those walking the passages to see outside from the Station. Specific positions of these transparent tunnels allow for the viewing of where they and their Miner colleagues worked and any Starship traffic that might occur.


The Shipyard is attached to Eselberg Station by a tunnel, large enough for the tallest of beings and durable enough for the heaviest of beings. This tunnel opens up into a wide area. On one side there was a cafeteria where the Engineers could eat their food, though, with the swift transit, they could eat something in the Station’s city. At the border end of the cafeteria, that divided the cafeteria and the lifts down was a desk where an Employee had assignments for the Engineers to go work on either Starships or the other pieces of technology. Across from this were the lifts and away from the cafeteria were places where there were holo games such as card games.

Starship construction area

The Ship construction area is a massive complex. In this section, there was no gravity, but the ships being built here are kept in place by magclamps. For safety reasons, the Engineers use the NDC’s robot replacements, and a small hovering platform to get them to where they need to go. Sometimes, singing can be heard on the comm channels as the Engineer’s work.

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The top section of the Shipyard was a tier 15 hull structure, composed of a combination of Ultrite and Aggregated Diamond Nanorods, along with layers of graphene spread throughout. This is within a shell of Ultrite, which also makes up the support structure deeper within.

Computers and Electronics

While the Station is controlled by the Esel AI, the shipyard section is controlled by a SachiTech AI which aided the construction of the ship via the management part of the development, with the capacity to remind others of planned construction.

The inhabitants use various communications,

Emergency Systems

A bank of 40 Power cells, acts as emergency power source in the event that Power Core's power die. This will ensure that comms, life support, and sensors continue to receive power for three weeks.

Life Support Systems

The main sections has air, producing technology using standard systems, similar to those used by the Mining Guild.

Waste Disposal

Waste is transferred to a large tank where a huge magnet slides over the ceiling; metal items are picked up by this and are transported to a new tank. It is then where an advanced sorting system sorts the pieces into proper holes. The metal is smelted, and merges into what would normally be a giant ingot, had it all not been separated again before it entered the molds. Manure is dropped into large barrels that are transferred to farms or factories that can turn it into fertilizer. Broken electronics are taken apart, the metal joins the other metal, and the other materials follow suit in their respective compartments.

Other Life Support Systems

Besides the other Life support, some pipes transfer water, and flushing toilets, and working sinks. The water is quadruple filtered so that nothing, not even microbes, can contaminate water. The Salt in the water is sent to a different area where it is made for a new purpose. This allows the Settlers to drink water should they need to.

Production and Build time

2) 3)

Class Commercial Description Build Time
Very Light 4 days
Light 8 days
Very Heavy 20 days
Space Station 60 days
Capital Ship 60 Days
Shipyard was created by Wikilord Charaa using doga
Newly-approved factions and corporations may start out with one shipyard.
The construction process of huge space stations, shipyards, starships, and system defense platforms cannot be “sped up” for any reason.
corp/sachitech/technology/shipyards.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/25 17:45 by charaa