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ArcoBuildings are tall buildings used as an apartment, in any given city in the New Dusk Conclave.1)

Building Info

General Info
Nation/Area New Dusk Conclave,
Year Introduced Construction began after Nation or area formation and finished after
Inhabitants Citizens and military living in there
Apartment Pricing may vary
Maintenance Cycle biannually
Length 1,000 meters (3280ft)
Width 2,000 meters (6561ft}
Height 979 meters (3,212 ft)
Levels 50 (7.10 height walkways meters each)


ArcoBuildings provide services such as residential housing for the people living in any city. This includes entertainment such as television, radio, and video game access. It also provides food, and other services common in the shopping mall experience in a smaller way.


Residential and Staff: 128,000 at maximum, split into 8,000 apartments, with 16 per floor level


Layout Description Size
Entrance Entrance to the ArcoBuilding 7 feet 2)
Merchant Floor Small stores, defense, Exercise 1000×2000 meters
Residential Apartments 8,000 apartments, with 16 per, level 3)

The Building Interior


The Entrance area of the Building, uses a color scheme that’s a bit more comfortable to a person's eye. It also uses special magic runes that allow for the comfort of any species that enter it, to block any color hues or light they might be sensitive to. Inside the building is a large glowing blue conveyer belt, set on a slanted incline plane, allowing visitors and residents to go up.

Car Parking

As you approach the apartment building, you're greeted by a stunning sight: a gleaming car park structure that appears to be an extension of the building itself. The structure rises several stories high, its facade adorned with sleek metallic panels that reflect the sunlight, giving it an almost ethereal glow.

The entrance to the car park is marked by a pair of automated sliding glass doors, allowing vehicles to smoothly enter and exit. As you step inside, you're enveloped by a sense of sophistication and efficiency. The interior is illuminated by soft LED lighting, casting a warm ambiance throughout the space.

The layout of the car park is meticulously organized, with designated parking spaces for residents' vehicles. Each space is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including built-in sensors that detect the presence of a vehicle and automatically adjust the lighting and ventilation accordingly. The spaces are wide enough to accommodate vehicles of all sizes, from compact cars to SUVs.

A central control panel is located near the entrance, allowing residents to easily access the car park and manage their parking preferences. Using a touchscreen interface, residents can reserve parking spaces in advance, adjust the temperature and lighting in their designated spots, and even request valet service if desired.

The car park is also equipped with advanced security features to ensure the safety of residents' vehicles. Surveillance cameras are strategically placed throughout the structure, continuously monitoring activity and alerting security personnel to any potential threats. Access to the car park is restricted to residents and authorized personnel only, with biometric scanners at the entrance ensuring that only authorized individuals can enter.

In addition to its functional design, the car park structure is also aesthetically pleasing, with sleek lines and minimalist architecture that complement the modern design of the apartment building. Landscaped greenery adorns the exterior, adding a touch of natural beauty to the urban environment.

Overall, the car park structure serves as a seamless extension of the futuristic apartment building, providing residents with a convenient and secure parking solution while enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the development.

Package Holding Area

Whenever the residents have ordered something online, or have requested a special item from the Merchants area. The item is held here, in a large warehouse-type room, waiting to be picked up. This area is automated, and only residents are allowed to enter here to pick up their items. As an extra security feature, residents are only able to pick up their items, unless permitted by the true owners.


Integration with Arcology Infrastructure: The warehouse location is seamlessly integrated into the infrastructure of the Arcobuilding. This integration ensures smooth operation and efficient handling of packages within the complex system of the megabuilding.

Automated Processing The warehouse area is equipped with state-of-the-art automation technology to manage the receipt, sorting, and storage of packages. Advanced robotics and AI systems efficiently handle incoming deliveries, ensuring accuracy and timeliness in package management.

Restricted Access Access to the warehouse area is strictly limited to residents of the Arcobuilding. Only residents with proper authentication credentials are allowed entry into this secure zone. This ensures that only authorized individuals have access to the packages stored within the facility, enhancing security and privacy for residents.

Personalized Authorization To further enhance security measures, residents are only able to pick up packages that belong to them, unless specific authorization is granted by the true owners. This prevents unauthorized access to parcels and safeguards against theft or misuse of packages within the warehouse area.

Advanced Identification Systems Advanced biometric identification systems, such as fingerprint or retinal scans, may be employed to verify the identity of residents before they can access their packages. This adds an additional layer of security to the process, ensuring that only authorized individuals can retrieve their items.

Tracking and Monitoring The warehouse area is equipped with comprehensive tracking and monitoring systems to keep a close eye on the movement of packages and individuals within the facility. Real-time surveillance and tracking data allow for quick response to any security incidents or anomalies that may arise.

Efficient Package Retrieval: Residents can easily retrieve their packages from designated pickup points within the warehouse area. Automated retrieval systems streamline the process, allowing residents to quickly locate and collect their items with minimal hassle.

Emergency Protocols In the event of emergencies, such as fires or security breaches, the warehouse area is equipped with robust emergency protocols to ensure the safety of residents and the protection of packages. Emergency exits, evacuation procedures, and contingency plans are in place to address any unforeseen circumstances.

Merchant Floor

Located on what is considered the second floor, the Merchants floor is an open courtyard type area that houses a small marketplace area. This is where residents and staff can conveniently go to purchase things that they need, whether its food, medication or things for defense, or even repair. For convenience of location, there were a few stalls and a complete food court in the area closest to the front and back entrances.

Weapons stores were located on a slightly higher level, and Repair centers were also located there. To the left of the courtyard was the elevator that will take them up to the other floors. And opposite side is a gym for exercising.

Hair Dressers

Hair Dressers are places where people mostly those with hair can go to handle their hair, whether that is cutting, or simply styling it. They also have technology or magic that allow for the growth of new hair should someone loose it for whatever reason.


The hairdressing salon is located on the ground floor of the building, accessible both to residents and the public. Its entrance is marked by sleek glass doors adorned with holographic displays showcasing the latest hair trends and services. As visitors step inside, they are greeted by a sophisticated and inviting atmosphere, with soft ambient lighting and modern furnishings.

Traditional Areas

The salon seamlessly integrates traditional hairdressing stations with cutting-edge technology. Traditional areas feature stylist chairs arranged around large mirrors, allowing clients to comfortably sit while receiving personalized consultations and treatments. Each station is equipped with state-of-the-art tools and equipment, including ergonomic scissors, high-quality hairdryers, and premium hair care products.

Robotic Workers

Non sentient Robotic assistants roam the salon floor, efficiently managing various tasks to enhance the customer experience. These sleek machines are programmed to greet clients, assist stylists, and perform routine maintenance duties such as cleaning and organizing. Equipped with advanced AI algorithms, they can analyze hair texture, recommend suitable treatments, and execute precise styling techniques under the supervision of human stylists.

Magical Hair Restoration Chambers

In a discreet corner of the salon, concealed behind elegant curtains or decorative screens, lie the magical hair restoration chambers. These chambers harness the power of ancient enchantments and modern technology to offer transformative solutions for clients who have experienced hair loss or thinning. Within these sanctuaries, skilled sorcerers and enchantresses work their magic, channeling mystical energies to stimulate hair follicles, promote regrowth, and restore vitality to damaged strands.

Features of the Magical Chambers

  • Enchanted mirrors: Reflecting the true essence of one's inner beauty, these mirrors not only showcase physical transformations but also instill confidence and self-assurance.
  • Healing crystals: Embedded within the chamber walls, these radiant gemstones emit healing energies that nourish and strengthen hair from root to tip.
  • Elemental fountains: Flowing with rejuvenating waters infused with botanical essences and elixirs, these fountains cleanse and revitalize the scalp, fostering an optimal environment for healthy hair growth.
  • Ritualistic ceremonies: Clients undergo immersive rituals conducted by skilled practitioners, incorporating ancient chants, sacred incantations, and aromatic oils to invoke the forces of nature and restore balance to the hair and scalp.

Client Experience

Upon entering the magical chambers, clients are enveloped in a tranquil ambiance, imbued with a sense of wonder and anticipation. They are welcomed by knowledgeable practitioners who conduct thorough assessments of their hair and scalp condition, tailoring bespoke treatments to address their unique needs and desires. Throughout the restoration process, clients are pampered with luxurious amenities and personalized care, emerging with revitalized locks and renewed confidence in their appearance.

Food Central: The Culinary Hub

Nestled within the bustling confines of the apartment building lies a culinary paradise known affectionately as “Food Central.” This vibrant hub is not merely a food court but a gastronomic haven where residents and visitors alike converge to indulge in an array of delectable treats and culinary innovations.

Kiosks and Stalls: A Feast for the Senses

As you step into Food Central, you're greeted by a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and aromas emanating from the numerous kiosks and stalls lining its perimeter. Each stall is a miniature culinary kingdom, boasting its own unique ambiance and specialty. From savory street food to gourmet delicacies, there's something to satiate every craving and tantalize every palate.

Food Replicators: Pioneering Culinary Technology

At the heart of Food Central lie the marvels of modern culinary technology: food replicators. These state-of-the-art machines stand as silent sentinels, ready to transform raw ingredients into mouthwatering masterpieces at the touch of a button. With precision and efficiency, they churn out an endless array of dishes, catering to the diverse tastes and dietary preferences of the apartment's residents.

Innovation and Creativity: A Culinary Playground

Food Central isn't just a place to satisfy hunger; it's a playground for culinary innovation and experimentation. Here, aspiring chefs and food enthusiasts can unleash their creativity, whether it's through crafting artisanal pastries, inventing fusion cuisines, or experimenting with novel flavor combinations. The vibrant energy of Food Central fosters a culture of culinary exploration, where boundaries are pushed, and culinary boundaries are constantly redefined.

Community and Connection: Breaking Bread Together

Beyond its gastronomic offerings, Food Central serves as a hub for community and connection. It's a place where neighbors come together to share meals, swap recipes, and forge lasting friendships over a shared love of food. Whether you're a seasoned gourmand or a culinary novice, Food Central welcomes all with open arms, inviting them to partake in the communal experience of breaking bread together.

Exercise floor

The exercise area in the ArcoBuilding apartment complex is a spacious, well-equipped facility designed to cater to the diverse fitness needs of its residents. Spread across a generous floor space, this area is meticulously organized to accommodate various exercise routines and preferences.

Upon entering, residents are greeted by an array of state-of-the-art machines alongside traditional workout equipment, offering a blend of cutting-edge technology and classic fitness tools. From advanced cardio machines like treadmills, ellipticals, and stationary bikes to weightlifting stations and free weights, there's something for everyone to engage in a fulfilling workout session.

The environment is not only conducive to physical activity but also prioritizes hygiene and cleanliness. Regular sterilization procedures ensure that all surfaces are free from sweat and other contaminants, fostering a safe and pleasant atmosphere for residents to exercise in. Whether one prefers high-intensity workouts or gentle stretching sessions, the exercise area of the ArcoBuilding provides a welcoming and sanitized space where residents can pursue their fitness goals with peace of mind.


The apartment section of this Arcobuilding is a marvel of architectural innovation, combining functionality with aesthetic appeal. The overarching goal is to create a sense of community and interconnectedness while providing residents with all the amenities they need for comfortable living.

Layout and Features

Hallway with Balcony

Upon entering the apartment section, residents are greeted by a spacious hallway adorned with lush greenery and ambient lighting. Along one side of the hallway, floor-to-ceiling glass windows offer panoramic views of the surrounding cityscape. At intervals along the hallway, there are balconies that extend outward, providing residents with a serene space to relax and enjoy the view. These balconies overlook the bustling food court located on a lower level, allowing residents to observe the vibrant activity below while enjoying their morning coffee or evening drink.

Apartment Units

The apartment units themselves are designed with modern comfort and convenience in mind. Each unit features sleek, minimalist interiors with high ceilings and large windows that maximize natural light and ventilation. Residents have the option to choose from a variety of floor plans to suit their individual preferences, ranging from cozy studios to spacious multi-bedroom apartments. State-of-the-art smart home technology allows residents to control various aspects of their living space, from lighting and temperature to entertainment systems, with just a few taps on their smartphones.

this namespace doesn't exist: arcobuilding:apartment

Community Spaces

In addition to private living quarters, the arcology includes a variety of communal areas where residents can socialize and relax. These spaces may include a rooftop garden with panoramic views of the city skyline, and a shared lounge area where residents can gather for events or casual conversations. There are also designated coworking spaces for residents who work remotely, complete with high-speed internet and comfortable seating arrangements.

Observation Areas

To further enhance the sense of connection with the surrounding city, the arcology features dedicated observation areas strategically located throughout the building. These observation decks offer breathtaking views of the cityscape, allowing residents to marvel at the architectural wonders and bustling activity below. Equipped with comfortable seating and binoculars, these observation areas serve as peaceful retreats where residents can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse themselves in the beauty of their surroundings.



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ArcoBuildings were inspired by Cyberpunk 2077, and in particular Megabuilding.
1000 Feet area for other parts
6.9 height walkways meters each
city/locations/building/megabuilding.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/13 15:29 by charaa