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Ladies Landing

Ladies’s Landing is the first stop for new and returning arrivals to Planet Prazoa. The ships and shuttles land on Landing pads, within a domed floating structure within the stratosphere. The dome is made of a substance that allows those to view the outside and the clouds that sometimes are there. In order for the ship to land, a pilot sends a specific code specifically given to them that allows the dome to open and allow the ship passage to the landing platform. 1)

The Dome has an environment that allows organics to breath and gravity to allow them ease of movement. Historically, Ladies Landing was the site of the first visitor’s landing, Lady Nyx Pine as well as another female member of the royal family. To get on the planet properly, there is an attached elevator that lets people go down. The land settlement is about 4,000 KM from Central City. Like any City it uses a Hecate Light Rail as its transit, but there's another station for the Global Hyperloop Network.


Ladies Landing Info

Geography and Environment

While the landing area is up in the stratosphere. The ground part of the settlement is very close to the coast area. It is a mix of marble stone, wood, and metal in its construction material use. A few of the residential areas are on the side of the cliffs in a fashion reminiscent of another culture, 3). This allows for an unobstructed view of the ocean, and access to the water as well for swimming if someone was so inclined.

Landing Elevator

The elevator, a monumental feat of engineering, stands as a testament to New Dusk Conclave innovation and ambition. Rising majestically from the planet's surface, it defies gravity with its towering presence, reaching into the very heights of the stratosphere. Yet, its design is not merely functional; it is a marvel of thoughtful planning and consideration for the environment it inhabits.

At its base, the elevator rests upon sturdy legs, spaced an impressive 66.12 kilometers (41.08 miles) apart, firmly anchoring it to the ground. These legs serve a dual purpose: providing stability for the towering structure above and creating a vast expanse beneath, a sheltered space where pedestrians can wander freely, shielded from the elements by the elevator's towering form.

As individuals stroll beneath its massive frame, they can't help but be awed by its scale, the sheer magnitude of its presence casting a sense of wonder over all who pass beneath. Yet, even as they marvel at its enormity, they are reminded of its purpose, for above them; passengers are swiftly whisked to and from the heavens.

For those fortunate souls within the elevator's confines, the experience is one of both exhilaration and tranquility. Inside the spacious cabins, passengers are transported with ease to one of four stations located at each of the elevator's colossal legs. Here, amidst the hustle and bustle of departure and arrival, they embark on journeys that transcend the boundaries of the terrestrial realm, ascending to heights once reserved only for dreams.

The elevator is more than just a means of transportation; it is a symbol of NDC's boundless imagination and its unyielding quest to conquer the unknown. As it stretches towards the sky, bridging the gap between Earth and the cosmos, it serves as a beacon of hope and possibility, inspiring generations to reach ever higher and strive for the stars.

CrestField District

CrestFeild District is named after a pilot that had managed to get the New Dusk Conclave inhabitants to their new home. The Prazoa Planning Committee had chosen to honor him by naming a district after him. Like most of the Cities, Crestfield is the commercial district of Ladies Landing. Though there are many of the local Corporations are here, the district houses, corporations from the outside of the System, and the NDC at large.

WestGate District

Westgate is the Governmental district with offices for the branches of the NDC government as well as the Visitors center where newcomers will go to register as a permanent resident or a tourist. It is important to be noted in records so that when an emergency happens, they can identify the victims. Also in the Governmental District is where the newcomer can rent or purchase vehicles for use. They can also get an updated map of the continents and the islands and a GPS location so they won't get lost.

Domuway District

Domuway is the residential district of Ladies Landing and as the residential district, it is where people live. Though in the 40th year since the formation of the NDC, the residential area houses the government and staff that work for them as well as those who work in the corporations. Guests also get a place to sleep and live until they move on to their next destination. 4)


As a coastal settlement, Ladies Landing has two separate seaports. These are called WestPort, and ClearPort.

WestPort District

The WestPort district is a bustling hub nestled along the coastline, boasting a sprawling harbor adorned with a vibrant assortment of houseboats and majestic sailing ships. As the heart of maritime activity, it pulsates with the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tides, offering a picturesque haven for both seasoned sailors and adventurous spirits alike.

At its core, WestPort is a gateway to boundless exploration. Here, individuals are beckoned by the call of the open sea, where the promise of adventure awaits on every horizon. Whether one seeks the tranquility of a leisurely cruise or the adrenaline rush of a high-seas expedition, WestPort serves as the ideal launchpad for voyages of discovery.

For those enamored with the romance of traditional seafaring, the harbor is a spectacle to behold, adorned with the majestic silhouettes of sailing ships adorned with billowing canvas sails. These vessels stand as testaments to the enduring spirit of exploration, inviting travelers to embark on journeys fueled by wind and wave.

Yet, in a world where time is of the essence, the Global Hyperloop Network station stands as a testament to modernity's embrace of efficiency. Here, sleek capsules hurtle through vacuum-sealed tubes, propelling passengers at breathtaking speeds across vast distances. While the allure of traditional sailing may captivate the soul, the Hyperloop offers a swifter alternative for those whose schedules demand expediency.

Despite the allure of futuristic innovation, the charm of WestPort's maritime allure remains undeniable. It is a place where the old and the new converge, where the timeless romance of the sea meets the relentless march of progress. Whether one chooses to embark on a leisurely sail or embrace the lightning-fast pace of the Hyperloop, the spirit of adventure beckons from every dock and terminal, promising endless possibilities for those willing to heed its call.

ClearPort District

ClearPort stands as a bustling nexus of maritime commerce, nestled along the rugged coastline where the briny scent of the sea mingles with the mechanical hum of industry. Unlike its counterparts, ClearPort's focus lies singularly on the bounty of the ocean, serving as a vital lifeline for the global seafood supply chain.

As the sun rises over the horizon, fishing vessels adorned with nets and tackle bob gently in the harbor, their hulls laden with the day's catch. From sleek trawlers to weather-beaten schooners, an eclectic array of seagoing ships converge upon ClearPort, each bearing the promise of fresh seafood destined for tables far and wide.

Within the bustling confines of ClearPort, a symphony of automation unfolds, orchestrated by a legion of Synthetics tirelessly working to ensure the seamless flow of goods. These robotic marvels navigate the labyrinthine network of docks and warehouses with precision, their mechanical limbs deftly sorting, packaging, and dispatching the ocean's bounty to its myriad destinations.

From the moment the fish are hoisted from the depths to the instant they are loaded onto waiting transport vessels, every step of the process is meticulously coordinated by ClearPort's synthetic workforce. Advanced algorithms analyze market demand in real-time, optimizing routes and schedules to maximize efficiency and minimize waste.

Yet, amidst the whirring machinery and gleaming steel, the heartbeat of ClearPort resonates with a profound respect for the natural world. Sustainable practices and responsible fishing methods are woven into the fabric of its operations, ensuring that future generations will continue to reap the rich harvests of the sea.

Beyond its function as a mere conduit for seafood distribution, ClearPort serves as a testament to humanity's ingenuity in harnessing the resources of the ocean while safeguarding its delicate balance. It is a beacon of innovation and stewardship, where tradition and technology converge in harmony to nourish and sustain communities both near and far.



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If someone not recognized tries to gain entrance without inputting a code or message, then they will be fired on, same with if they try to land on the planet.
Ladies Landing Art created by Wikilord Charaa
Greek Style
Fun fact Domu is actually Czech for Home.
cities/prazoa/ladies_landing.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/23 16:54 by charaa