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Central City

From its appearance from the skies, the Prazoan Capital appears to be quite the vast metropolis-sized city. According to official records as of the end of the current year, the city’s length was 2,194.07 km2 (847.14 sq mi). The city is arrayed with the tallest buildings like Skyscrapers in the middle of town, around the plaza. The Skyscrapers were the tallest, followed by ArcoBuildingss, which were the second tallest buildings. Shopping Malls came next until finally Residential areas, with typical Suburban housing as the smallest structure in the city. It is a bit of a cross fusion between the NDC Capital, and Secunda City, but equally ordered and comfortable with prefab buildings, more than broken down Starships.

Prazoan Capital City



They established Central City as the second settlement on the Prazoan surface. It was built with technology that allowed a city to be built with efficiency as well as safety in mind. As they built buildings, infrastructure was added, including a Hecate Light Rail system to allow travel within the city. Unfortunately, they couldn’t think of a better name for the city so they chose Central City for its central location.

Central City

Central location

The Central location within the city, affectionately known as the Plaza, serves as its vibrant and pulsating heart. Situated at the convergence of bustling streets and lively avenues, the Plaza is a focal point for both locals and visitors alike, drawing them in with its dynamic energy and captivating charm.

At the center of this bustling hub stands a majestic monument to beauty and serenity: the grand fountain. Rising from a pool of shimmering water, the fountain commands attention with its intricate design and graceful architecture. Adorned with ornate sculptures and embellishments, it is a testament to the city's commitment to artistry and elegance.

The fountain's centerpiece—a towering feature that gracefully shoots water into the air—is a sight to behold, captivating onlookers with its mesmerizing display. As sunlight dances upon the cascading streams, rainbows emerge, painting the surrounding plaza with a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues.

Surrounding the fountain, a spacious plaza beckons, inviting passersby to linger and soak in the lively atmosphere. Here, amidst the hustle and bustle of urban life, people gather to relax, socialize, and partake in the vibrant tapestry of city living. Whether enjoying a leisurely stroll, meeting friends for coffee, or simply basking in the ambiance, the Plaza offers a sanctuary of tranquility amidst the urban landscape.

Flanked by iconic landmarks and architectural marvels, the Plaza serves as a crossroads of culture and commerce, where history meets modernity in perfect harmony. From chic boutiques and quaint cafes to bustling market stalls and cultural institutions, the surrounding streets buzz with activity, offering an eclectic blend of experiences for every palate and preference.

Throughout the day, the Plaza pulsates with life, evolving from a tranquil oasis in the early hours to a bustling hive of activity as the day progresses. Whether bathed in the warm glow of daylight or illuminated by the twinkling lights of the evening, the Plaza remains a timeless symbol of community and connection—a place where memories are made and stories unfold against the backdrop of urban splendor.

Government District

The City hall is a large structure, that’s shaped of a Palace, rather than an actual typical City Hall. The building houses the Servers for the entire city, as well as an archive room where history and citizenship data are stored. It's also where the decisions for the city and the planet happens.

Here is a list of government departments

  • Department of Engineering
  • Department of Communications
  • Public Services
  • Police Headquarters

Commercial District

The business Sector is where the Skyscrapers are where the corporations conduct business and making decisions for their business. While on the outer end, closer to the residential areas the businesses here are restaurants and cafes and shopping malls. Also in the Commercian District is a Pleasure Palace.

Crest (Transit Port)

Crest Station is the transit hub of the entire Capital of the planet. Its also the Main Station for the Hecate Light Rail. There are nearly billions of smaller stations where the trains go to pick up and drop off their passengers. Buses also come from all over to pick up passengers too.

Residential District

The Residential Districts are the places in the city where people live. Closer to the middle are Penthouses, where the wealthy live, and closer to them, are the apartments though this is phased out for the ArcoBuildingss which number in the thousands, to cover the area. Towards the east of the district was New Pole, Krown followed ending with Pearl Village. In a circle, ending at Acre Point

New Pole

The New Pole District is a residential district offering a life of suburban homes. Closer to the Megabuildings were houses for families of three, while further out the space gets bigger, allowing for larger families. Until it gets to the Krown District, which changes even further.


The Krown District houses gated communities in which the properties are inside a walled fence area, with security at the gates only allowing invited guests to join their friends for a visit.

Pearl Village

Pearl Village is a district for the wealthy. The corporate business owners, the influencers, people who have a lot of money, Branch Heads. Their property is huge enough for mansions for huge pools, tennis courts any manner of activities. The servants such as Butlers and cleaning staff may live there on the property too.

Worker Pass

Workers Pass, aptly named for its industrious nature, stands as a testament to the city's vibrant manufacturing prowess. Situated in the eastern quadrant, this bustling district serves as the beating heart of industrial innovation, where the clang of machinery and the hum of productivity echo through the streets.

Stretching from the eastern fringes of the Governmental and Commercial districts to the southern border of Acre Point, Workers Pass occupies a strategic location at the crossroads of commerce and production. Its proximity to these key districts facilitates seamless coordination between governmental initiatives, commercial enterprises, and industrial activities, fostering a symbiotic relationship that fuels the city's economic engine.

Nestled northwest of the Krown residential district and adjacent to the New Pole residential area, Workers Pass is not only a hub of productivity but also a vital part of the city's urban fabric. Its presence serves as a reminder of the integral role that industry plays in shaping the community, providing employment opportunities and driving economic growth for residents across various neighborhoods.

Within the confines of Workers Pass, a diverse array of manufacturing facilities dot the landscape, specializing in everything from automotive assembly to furniture production. The district buzzes with activity as skilled workers ply their trade, meticulously crafting products that find their way into homes and businesses throughout the city and beyond.

From the assembly lines of automotive factories to the workshops of artisanal craftsmen, Workers Pass embodies the spirit of innovation and industriousness. Here, the collision of creativity and craftsmanship gives rise to products of unparalleled quality, earning the district a reputation as a beacon of excellence in the realm of manufacturing.

Despite its industrious nature, Workers Pass is more than just a collection of factories and warehouses; it is a community bound together by a shared commitment to hard work and ingenuity. Through collaboration and cooperation, residents and businesses alike contribute to the continued growth and prosperity of this dynamic district, ensuring that Workers Pass remains a cornerstone of the city's industrial landscape for generations to come.

Acre Point (University District)

The University of Business, nestled within the expansive campus, stands as a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs and budding business leaders. Within its halls, students embark on a journey of discovery, learning the intricacies of commerce, management, and entrepreneurship. From crafting innovative business plans to mastering financial strategies, the curriculum is designed to equip future business owners with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of the corporate world.

At the heart of this educational institution is Astrid Kurosaki, a luminary in the realm of business and entrepreneurship. With a wealth of experience garnered from years of steering her own ventures to success, Astrid embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship. Recognizing the value of imparting practical wisdom to the next generation, she graciously lends her expertise as a guest lecturer at the University of Business.

During her appearances, Astrid captivates students with her dynamic storytelling and insightful anecdotes, weaving together lessons drawn from real-world experiences. Her lectures transcend the confines of textbooks, offering a glimpse into the dynamic landscape of business through the lens of someone who has traversed its highs and lows.

From strategies for effective leadership to the importance of adaptability in an ever-evolving market, Astrid shares invaluable insights that resonate with aspiring entrepreneurs. Her presence serves as a source of inspiration, igniting a passion for entrepreneurship within the hearts of eager learners.

Beyond the confines of the lecture hall, Astrid's influence extends into mentorship programs and networking events, where students have the opportunity to engage with her on a more personal level. Through these interactions, she provides guidance, encouragement, and invaluable mentorship, nurturing the next generation of business leaders.

In the University of Business, Astrid Kurosaki's contributions are more than mere lectures; they are a catalyst for transformation, shaping the minds and futures of aspiring entrepreneurs who will undoubtedly leave their mark on the business world.



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Central City Created by Wikilord Charaa
cities/prazoa/central_city.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/27 21:13 by charaa