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A very tiny techno-slime that pretends to be a robot and is an idol for the NDC's Geist adoption program (Robozoomi)

Species Techno-Slime
Nation NDC
Age Unknown
Height 6 inches
Weight 1 lb
Eye Color Blue (Costume)
Hair Color Silver (Costume)


Momosumi is a very small slime that split off from a larger electro slime that had been consuming technology and didn't get bigger. She continued consuming technology herself, including Geist implants. As she consumed more technology, it combined with her form and gave her the ability to interface with technology herself. She also consumed some algae and color changing electronics, which gave her the ability to change her slime's color. She started to disguise herself as a robot. With her abilities, she was able to build a robotic suit she could use to look like a robot and have a more solid form. She developed a desire to be a star and felt she was only herself when she had her robotic suit on; this is when she became Robozoomi. Given her interests and abilities (especially since she had previously consumed Geists), she was recruited by the New Dusk Conclave to be an idol promoting Geist adoption.


In her robot costume, Robozoomi is chrome colored, appearing to be made of metal. She has a tiny humanoid form, with cat ears and a black electrical cord tail (though tiny). She has hair of the same silver color and and blue eyes that flash when she talks. Her costume's mask does not have facial features besides the eyes. Her true form is a color changing slime that appears to have any electronics she's still in the middle of absorbing inside of it. Her slime looks like it has a techno-organic texture. She can make herself or parts of her slime light up. She still has an electrical cord for a tail. Her form is still a humanoid catgirl unless she shapeshifts, but is very runny and difficult to sustain without her suit. Her core is split into multiple small cores throughout her body, they appear to be mutated and look partially technological.


With her robot suit on, Robozoomi is the star of the show. She likes to make herself the center of attention and craves an audience. She is somewhat egotistical. She insists that she's a real robot, despite her true nature underneath as a slime. When exposed and without her suit though, Momosumi is almost a completely different person. She's shy and tries to hide herself, and will do anything to get back in her suit or another robotic-looking form. She's no longer Robozoomi.


Momosumi is able to interface with technology and is very good with entertaining crowds. She can sing, dance, and perform. Due to her miniscule size, she can fit in small areas. Without her suit, she can also freely shapeshift, though has trouble retaining a form. Her slime nature allows her to stick to and climb walls and ceilings. With her suit on, she can still climb walls and ceilings using magnet technology and other systems built into her suit for non-magnetic surfaces. The magnet technology also allows her to attract, repel, and hold on to magnetic objects, including objects larger than herself. Her electrical cord tail can be used to energize herself and recharge herself if she needs more energy.


  • Player noodlewerfer created this on 2023/05/10 22:31.
  • Can be adopted? No
  • Looking for RP? Yes
  • Does this content comply with Project Multiverse' setting and submission rules? Yes
Character NameMomosumi
Is this character actively played?Yes
ShardNew Dusk Conclave
characters/ndc/momosumi.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/16 10:56 by charaa