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Medic slime

Species Mooze
Shard Gatalia
Age Unknown
Height Varies
Weight Varies


Nina is the medic for a ship that crashed into Gatalia. She is an assimilator type Mooze that uses her abilities to mend crew members. (WIP)


Nina's appearance is highly variable. She is made completely of translucent slime and is usually a cherry red color (most likely as a result of absorbing organic material, blood, and organs to repair crew members) but she's able to change her slime's color. She can shapeshift into any shape. She has a tendency to leave slime everywhere she goes.


Nina enjoys helping the crew to the point where she is sometimes obsessed with removing ailments on sight. She highly prefers using her slime to repair injuries rather than conventional medical methods. She does not like it when her methods are questioned. She likes to keep her medical room covered in slime and likes to leave slime wherever she goes. She often gets a bad reputation for being an assimilator type of Mooze and does not like hearing this. (WIP)


Nina is very skilled at healing. Her slimy nature allows her to change appearance and shapeshift to enter minutely small crevices. As an assimilator Mooze, she can technically bond with a host, but she generally does not do this. (WIP)


  • Player noodlewerfer created this on 2023/06/11 18:41.
  • Can be adopted? No
  • Looking for RP? No
  • Does this content comply with Project Multiverse' setting and submission rules? Yes
Character NameNina
PlotBackwater Reserve
Is this character actively played?Yes
characters/nation/nina.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/11 18:45 by noodlewerfer