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Freki Tillery

Freki The son of Fenrir Tillery of 'BAMF'. While he morns the loss of those who fought the destruction of their home world and the city. Freiki aims to serve the babel and to reunite the Conglomerate back under the Lady Ishtar and usher a new and peaceful age for babel.

Species Human
Nation Remnant Conglomerate
Age 30
Height 6“2ft
Weight 190
Eye Color hazle
Hair Color Ginger


Freki Tillery, born into the tumultuous era of war that swept across his homeland of Volgans, was forged in the crucible of conflict. Standing at 6'2” with a robust, muscular frame, Freki possessed the fiery red hair and piercing hazel eyes characteristic of his people. From a young age, he was instilled with the values of the Hero's Orthodox Church, the guiding force behind the Volgan culture.

Raised in the town of Middenheim, Freki experienced the horrors of war firsthand as his homeland was ravaged by conflict. At the tender age of 17, he suffered the devastating loss of his mother and the destruction of his beloved town. The decade-long war claimed countless lives and left scars that ran deep within Freki's soul.

As the conflict escalated, the leadership of the Volgan Orthodoxy sought to unify the fragmented states under the banner of the Hero's Church. This period, known as the Holy Unification, was marked by strife and controversy. Freki witnessed the rise of the Chimaira, the twelve leaders who controlled the newly assimilated territories.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, Freki found solace in the teachings of the Hero's Orthodox Church. He embraced the ideals of discipline, order, and sacrifice, seeking salvation through unwavering devotion to his faith. Despite the loss of his loved ones and the upheaval of his homeland, Freki remained steadfast in his resolve.

As the war drew to a close and the survivors embarked on a journey to settle a new world, Freki carried with him the weight of his past. The news of his father's demise during the chaos of evacuation only added to his burden. Yet, despite the pain and uncertainty that loomed over him, Freki steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead.

With the memory of his fallen loved ones as his guiding light, Freki set forth into the unknown, determined to carve out a new destiny for himself and his people. In the face of adversity, he remained a stalwart defender of his faith and his heritage, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of a world in turmoil.


Freki is a somewhat tall, Muscular Babelian man. About 6 feet and 2 inches tall and 196 pounds in weight. He has fair skin, hazel eyes, and Red hair which is usually kept in a braided top knot, as it is very hard to keep neat otherwise.

While as fit as one could expect from a BAMF, Freki perpetually looks like he could stand to lose some weight. While not extremely physically attractive, he is somewhat good-looking.


Freki takes each day as it comes, doing what feels right to him in the moment. And they make sure to leave plenty of room in their lives for the unexpected – with the result that many of their most cherished memories are of spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment outings and adventures, whether by themselves or with their loved ones.


* Singing - Folksongs

* Dancing - Folkdances

* Art - Drawing wildlife

* cooking - He can make a mean shepards breakfast

* marksmen - Over the ten years of fighting for their home world Freki became a rather decent shot with his service rifle and could reliably estimate the ranges he was engaging

* Demolitions - Knows the ins and out of grenades and how to properly use them as well as grenade launchers


Golend Tillery brother

Holland Tillery brother

Jessica Tillery sister

Icuras Tillery cousin

Kevin Tillery second cousin

Lorence Tillery nephew

Marcas Tillery nephew

Noland Tillery nephew





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