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NDC Survival Bug Out Bag and Cache

This page details the survival kits that are used by the New Dusk Conclave.


The New Dusk Conclave’s version of the survival kits was created as a result of a discussion amongst members of the Department of Medical Services staff about what might the civilians and the troops of the Military need to survive on an unknown hostile world. The discussion came to a head during the early days after putting everything together and then concluded when they finally agreed on what needed to be there.

They chose to separate things into something someone could carry, and something that could be reasonable for a Starship.


The New Dusk Conclave Survival Preparedness Kits are a standardized kit for survival on uncharted worlds. This kit will be used by both the Civilians and the Duskerian Legion with the purpose of safety.

This page separates the survival kits into two parts, a Personal survival kit, and a Small craft survival kit.

Personal Survival Kit

Each Personal Survival Kit uses one S6 Travel Backpack which can contain about 56 liters of items. The items contained within this survival prepared kit are. The pack is also made to be tightly zipped, tear resistant, and resistant to moisture and heat. This allows the pack to be used for a longer period.

Medical Equipment

Medical equipment is included in the kit for the sole purpose of taking care of injuries. This was precisely to prepare for the distinct possibility that a possible crash will injure a civilian or soldier. It was merely for this reason that the medical side of the Survival Kit comes with the following.

Other items

Small Craft Survival Kit

For this section, each small craft survival kit is contained within a ship similar to bw-rtts_bolt. This includes 6 Personal survival kits as well as the other items that are contained within the ship in a large sealed hardened case, about 1.2m tall, 2.8m long, and 1.2m wide . These include but aren’t limited to the following.


Survival kits, and survival preparedness kits are used in the event of being lost on a uncharted world. They are used to keep people, in this case survivors safe from harm.



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that provide an atmosphere, radiation, and gravitational information about the planet they are on
This is done on both standard contact frequencies and emergency homing beacon
about 6in wide x 5in tall x 2.5in deep pack
the thread and needle can also be used to repair clothes.
5) , 7) , 8)
bioluminescent micro-organisms living in the mixture, feed off alcohol, which in turn feeds the luminous reaction.
Contains 1 Magnesium bar, and 1 Striker stick