Being a member of the Remnant Conglomerate is more than just a job; It’s a way of life!
This is a basic character creation guide to make a member of the Remnant Conglomerate. As such supplied below will be a basic information guide to help you fill out the template to add to the wiki where you can build your character!
Characters in the Conglomerate often carry names that sound or are references of beings mythos or branch of legend from our OOC history, myths and tales. Surnames can be anything from greek or roman sounding to norse or european or even celtic or hindu in nature and can either have no meaning or be a reference to a character or event or location of legend.
Currently, the majority of characters have been of Mediterranean in nature but can be whatever nationality you like due to them coming from a world just as diverse as our own!
Such examples for male names are:
And Etc.
Such examples for female names are:
And Etc.
The character description for a member of the conglomerate should be a basic paragraph describing your character best in a way that other players can read at a glance. A good example currently on the wiki is Glein's character Galestrix Bahum whose description reads:
The granddaughter of Uledor Bahum, the Bahum Elder, this vaigarin has found herself in an interesting life, first with the arrival of the NDC, and then later joining it in two ways. First as a diplomat, serving as a 'local' for diplomatic matters, and secondly, as a NDC Royal Corps combat pilot. All of this, of course, is often paled in comparison to her off-duty activities and her relationship with one of the Oaken Family, a branch of the NDC's royal Pine family.
AAG details are just that; Quick details that one might notice or take when first looking at your character. For more details on cultures and ethnicities please see here, These range from:
A characters history will go in a larger section here in the template. While our history is largely implied and unwritten it is ok to leave this section bare and instead fill it with the deed and stories your character has accomplished in their time as they RP.
However if there is defining moments in the backstory of your character they should go here. If a birthplace is desired from our past homeworld it would be wise to take any famous historical city from your characters based mythos and choose that. They were all lost by the end of the war and it is not uncommon for a character to have experienced loss or even fighting during the decade-long war that destroyed our homeworld.
A more in-depth description of your character's appearance should go here. It should be broad and detailed enough to give a potential artist enough material to work with to paint a picture or draw your character.
The history of Babel and the Remnant Conglomerate are very young in the setting. This leaves both alot and a little wiggle room for character creation.
In the world they come from most military age men and women lived their early lives in a peaceful golden age within Babels territory with little to worry about in their daily lives.
Their lives were peaceful, they were looked after by the Conglomerate, provided work that paid well and was rewarding and fulfilling, and was the idyllic society of their world while it lasted.
The last ten years on their world, however, was spent in outright warfare. Millions in babels territory were displaced by the fighting and slowly loaded onto colony ships where they were frozen cryogenically at some point and their next memory is simply waking up, confused, in a new and strange world.
The latter scenario may seem rather straight forwards for civilian based characters. But not for the BAMF, the armed forces of babel. They spent much of that final decade fighting tooth and nail against the armed forces of many nations, and like the bush war of our own world they won every battle, but ultimately lost the war and, in turn, fled their world.
These events; The subsequent war, fleeing of their planet, etc. Would be defining moments in the development of a military-based character old enough to have lived it.
A good example is:
Bodica is a tomboy and looks the part, With a very lean and muscular frame that tops out at roughly six foot two (6'2“) tall with a good deal of visible muscle mass on her extremities and abs, But not enough to erase any trace of femininity she might have. Her hair is usually short and ginger, kept spiked out at the sides, Her eyes are a faint hazel in color, And her skin takes on a tanned olive tone. In tune with her more feminine features Bodica has well-toned hips and a modest C cup bust that look smaller due to her height and muscles.
Members of the Conglomerate have much the same personality traits as any unique individual. They have hopes, dreams, aspirations, and fears all the same; And should all be considered when making a character.
What are my character's goals in life? What is my character afraid of? What is their greatest strength and weakness?
Things like this should be considered to give your character a sense of individuality and uniqueness compared to other characters. But at the same time should never be taken to extremes.
A character with opposition to authority, for example, would never fit in the BAMF due to its military structure and nature. But at the same time a character should never be a bland and boring drone with no thought process of their own. It is fine for a character to question leaders, authority, and orders. But never to the degree where it would not only make little sense within the context of the setting or plot but also to where it might make them appealing to other players to interact with; Forcing them into a corner within RP that makes not only the character, but the player themselves feel alone and without interaction.
Bodica is overprotective and level-headed most of the time, with a deadpan facial expression and nonplussed attitude unless she is provoked by somebody. She uses her great strength to deal with anyone who troubles her or her comrades and has a simple, Stalwart thought process that makes her easily influenced by others. She rarely knows what's going on or what to do in most situations, So she often acts on instinct or spur-of-the-moment decisions with a cool, calm, collected demeanor even if she is completely out of her depth and terrified on the inside. Because of this, Bodica rarely speaks. So anything she does say often carries extra weight
This section is reserved for the various skills that define what your character is capable of. Basic skills every person should know such as reading and writing arent important. But Defining skills that your character has learned, honed, or even mastered over his or her lifetime will go here. Such skills examples include:
Etc. Etc. Etc!
Skills should be arranged in a simple list and should only define their important skills. A character with 500 skills should be a red-flag for any GM; Make your character have a few specialized skills and leave the rest for them to learn or grow into over time!
As the above covers the character template the next portion is dedicated to small tidbits of information to remember for actual RP!
The Conglomerate comes from a planet so devoid of magic(called Hyper Geometry by the conglomerate due to its nature to alter its surroundings) that even on their new planet they are cautious and even untrusting of the many magics and magical beings that call the setting home. A demon could be common enough in the Calliope Star Cluster for some but for the Conglomerate its a manifestation of a being straight from their planets myths and legends.
A ghost or ethereal being could be common enough in a high-density area of mana but for us its a very hard-to-kill monster.
Likewise, the use or even learning of magic is so outstandingly rare among the peoples of the Conglomerate as to be non-existent. Magical items are considered artifacts by them and are found only on a rare and case-by-case basis and are treated as disposable objects when they naturally lose their mana or charge.
At the current date in RP, the greater population of the Conglomerate is unaware and unfamiliar with other species in the setting. They are unsettled or distrustful of them until such a time comes that a great enough impact is made on them as to change their mind.
Various languages are spoken in the conglomerate seeing as they came from a very diverse world. Arabic, Hindu, English, Japanese, etc. Are all existant but are not called as such. Also another nation that speaks the same language as a character in the conglomerate and has the same OOC background is not canonically speaking the same as a member of the conglomerate; Such as an asian character speaking korean meeting with a korean-themed nation the two would be speaking two different languages.
Also the Conglomerate does not speak a common language with any other current nation other than the common language of the gatekeepers. And even then only very educated characters are likely to know that.
While the Board of Directors for the Conglomerate is currently at odds with one another and in the midst of a civil war the nation is not torn in two. It operates as one singular nation while the two groups fight it out remotely in an attempt to seize power from one another.
A settlement could be attacked by one, or be trading or cooperating with another just fine while the majority of the fighting is between the splintered BAMF and those most loyal to their board members enough to take up arms.
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