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BAMF Special Projects Group - 'SPG'

The 3rd Special Projects Group also simply known as the “SPG” or simply the “Group” is a special forces branch of the Babel Armed Military Force - 'BAMF' and is directly subordinate to the Lord Admirals Council.

While statistically smaller than a marine division, the SPG consists of five specialized brigades whose wetwork capabilities can overturn the entire flow of conflicts by their actions alone.

The Current commanding office of the SPG is one Major Sol Kelleher.


The SPG, as a BAMF division, recruits exclusively out of veteran contract holders within the BAMF forces. Potential SPG marines are selected due to their performance in their chosen military occupation regardless of front or rear-line duties. One of the marine requirements is not only a respectable combat record having proven their veterancy and competence but their overall loyalty, drive and commitment to babel and its goals. Loaners and anti-social personalities are often weeded out for their unwillingness or inability to work in a proper team regardless of their overall evaluated capability.

Age, race, gender, and other factors matter little to the recruitment process so long as the candidate meets the physical and mental requirements. As there is no official petition to join the group, one may not simply apply; But is instead evaluated from afar in a candid environment after being recommended by his or her superior officers and after evaluation are separated from their unit and interviewed by an officer of the group usually in some form such as an interrogation against the potential recruit with serious false charges to judge their mental character, attempting to get them to divulge personal information of their unit that would compromise their comrades, testing their marksmanship or combat capabilities, delivering the news of a fake deceased loved one to judge their mental threshold, or other methods to test the threshold and capabilities of the recruit.

If passing, the recruit is given the opportunity to join the group then and there. Refusing will disbar them in the future from joining the group, but accepting will have them depart with the officer then and there; Their contracts are upgraded and they are indoctrinated into further training.

Special Project Group Teams

There are five total groups within the SPG, with each roughly a brigade in strength. While most of the 5,000 men in each group are support and logistics personnel, there are usually at least 1,000 active combat personnel in each team split between active and backup companies.

Alpha Group 'Alpha-1'-"Ankou"

The Alpha Group, known by the shorthand callsign of Ankou is the primary combat group of the 3rd Special Projects Group. Tasked into active combat zones the Alpha group deal primarily with enhancing Babel's combat theater by applying direct and strategic operations on the front lines.

This can range from infiltration behind enemy lines to disrupting logistics, harassing the rear-line support troops, placing mines, performing assassinations, etc. Or can be as broad as aiding BAMF shock troops in coordinated assaults such as creating holes in enemy defences, softening up the enemy lines, disrupting the enemies' communications infrastructure, and similar actions.

Despite being the main combat group within the SPG, the Ankou group are not always frontline combatants and likewise will insert with BAMF pathfinder or by themselves into uncontested enemy territory to perform wetwork operations ahead of BAMF forces.

The Alpha group has a wide array of tools to complete these jobs as the entire arsenal of BAMF is open to them ranging from small arms to even mechs.

It goes without saying that the Alpha group is recruited heavily from combat-oriented veterans of BAMF such as BAMF Offensive Shock Troopers 'OST'.

Special Purpose Boat Team 'Bravo-2'- "SBAT"

The SBAT is a group within the SPG that is trained and operates almost exclusively in void1) operations. SBAT performs duties such as the boarding of hostile or non-hostile ships, disabling of black-sea vessels, disarming of void-based mines, and the assault/infiltration/capture/destruction of void-based facilities such as space stations, derelicts, etc.

Seeing as their duties are exclusively performed in space, they are well versed in the use of boarding shuttles, boarding torpedoes, EVA hardsuits, and coil-based weapons.

Special assault frigates are often used by the SBAT to infiltrate enemy space and either disable or destroy enemy ships, infrastructure, stations, critical space-based facilities, or the attempted hijacking of enemy vessels.

BTS Technology Aquisition and Protection Team 'Charlie-3' - "Clockwork"

The Charlie-group of the SPG is based around the acquisition, containment, protection, or destruction of hostile or sensitive alien technologies. This group is focused upon the acquisition of technologies for Babel by either the capture through assault, theft, or espionage.

They are also tasked with the containment or protection of unknown alien technologies discovered or acquired and the transporting to the nearest BTS lab or containment site. In these duties, the group also has a secondary objective to seal, contain, or destroy technologies when applicable.

Whenever there is a member of BTS or Babel tasked with examining, purchasing, or seeking out new technologies for the conglomerate there will almost always be a Clockwork team tasked to him/her or on-call to protect them, assist them, or secure/destroy the technology.

OIA Counter Insurgency and Espionage Team 'Delta-4' - "Counterfeit"

The Deadhand team exists and is catered around operations involving counter-insurgency within babel territories. Alongside this they also operate as the bodyguard and protective service personnel of high-ranking members of babel such as board members, members of the lord admirals council, etc.

In duty they act as part secret police that aid the OIA in their spy duties when competent forces are needed, and the other as the elite protection forces of the Lady's most important subjects.

Hyper-Geometrical Containment Group 'Echo-5' "Witchtrip"

The strangest and most secretive group within the SPG are also the least military-oriented of them all. Witchtrip is geared towards the combatting, containment, or nullification of what babel has deemed Hyper Geomeotry; Or Supernatural to most others.

That which defies the laws of physics in the eyes of Babel must be contained and researched; Or otherwise destroyed.

Ghosts, demons, rifts in reality, gods, the unexplainable, artifacts of the unknown; All of this is the jurisdiction of Witchtrip. Using a military approach but with scientific backing, they are tasked with the acquisition and containment of any hypergeometry, or must otherwise destroy it.

When not on this duty they can and do operate alongside BAMF as anti-magic specialists which is achieved through not only their expertise but also through the limited use of hypergeometric artifacts2).

Beyond this one of their duties with is the securing or elimination of rogue psychics from the 'AUGUR' Project.


Beyond the usual and unrestricted use of all of BAMFs Equipment available to them the SPG also commonly uses Golems frequently.

More equipment to come.



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read: Captured magic tools, arrays, and weapons