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Iron Leather

A durable material alternate for armor and technology.

About Iron Leather

Iron Leather is a groundbreaking material that combines the resilience of iron with the flexibility of leather. Discovered by NDC explorers on the planet Sirris VI, this unique material is derived from the shed hide of the Ironskin creature. The material's dual nature, transitioning from a soft, leather-like texture to an iron-like hardness upon impact, makes it a sought-after resource for various applications, ranging from protective gear to advanced technology integration.

Type and Design

Iron Leather is a leather-based material featuring an iron-based circulatory system weave within its composition. The result of millions of years of the Ironskin creature consuming water contaminated with dissolved iron, this material exhibits a rough yet flexible texture. Upon kinetic force contact, the leather hardens to be as tough as iron, providing exceptional defensive capabilities. Compatible with certain technologies, Iron Leather offers a unique blend of natural and technological elements.


Here's a breakdown of the key features and potential applications of Iron Leather:

Texture and Flexibility

Hardening on Impact

Compatibility with Technology

Heat Resistance

Layering Options



To the unfocused eye, Iron Leather appears as a brown-tan color, with variations depending on the lighting conditions. Upon closer inspection, faded vein-like markings become noticeable, revealing the intricate patterns created by the iron circulatory system. Certain outfits made of Iron Leather may be treated to conceal these markings, though subtle hints of their presence may persist. The material's appearance is dynamic, responding to light changes with a faint metallic sheen, adding to its visual allure.


Unfocused Appearance

Focused Observation

Treatment Options

Color Variation based on Availability


Iron Leader was discovered by New Dusk Conclave explorers moving into the rest of the planet they called home. They discovered many giant creatures as big if not bigger than those that periodically attack Obsidian City. They discovered the creature known as the Ironskin northeast of the city, and they saw how some predators had a hard time killing it.

Their weapons also had great difficulty in harming the creature, hence the name. Fortunately, they didn’t need to attack to get the hide, as it sheds its hide periodically, and they needed only to take the hide and return. They tried to make something out of the hide, a feat that was proving difficult. There were many imperfect versions before they could create a perfect Iron Leather that keeps its durability and some softness.

They discovered if the hide was touched gently, it will be as soft as leather, but if punched or hit, it will be hard as steel.

Variants: Perfect and Imperfect Versions

Perfect Version

The perfect version of Iron Leather represents the culmination of the NDC faction's efforts in mastering the material. Exhibiting optimal durability and softness, this variant is the result of meticulous refinement and experimentation. Perfect Iron Leather is sought after for its enhanced defensive properties and versatile applications in various industries.


The perfect version is the version that the creators were proud of. It didn’t feel fleshy, it didn’t break apart, and it didn’t try to kill. Its light weight and good defense meant that the wearer wasn’t encumbered and could easily move. Though if squinting, someone could see markings on a sheet, but outfitters have made it possible for that to be hidden.

Its iron has been carefully treated so that weapons up to almost the beginning of Power armor could be made ineffective, making the outfit out of the material a choice material for dignitaries and leaders.

Imperfect Versions

During the iterative process of crafting Iron Leather, several imperfect versions were created. These early attempts may exhibit uneven hardness, inconsistent textures, or other flaws. While not as desirable as the perfect version, imperfect Iron Leather still holds value and can find applications where its unique characteristics are advantageous.

Version 1

During the first attempt at creating leather out of the hide, the final product tore and split the hide into scraps. This was due to the weight of the iron, within the hide. It was a lesson for the team, and caused them to go back to the drawing board. Conventional techniques in creating leather out of hide wouldn’t work for the Iron Leather because of the iron weaving.

Version 2

The second imperfect version was created using technology, unfortunately, the settings made the leather too solid, unable to be worn since it would press against the chest of the wearer, but might be able to be used for other items.

Version 3

The final imperfect version, made the volunteer wearers uncomfortable, because it felt to be like they were wearing flesh, indeed, out of the two, it seemed like the machines used didn’t actually change the hide into leather. Some have also described blood being felt, but since it still gave some benefits they chose to use this version as a false skin for certain limbs, or any biomechanical creatures.


Iron leather is sold in sheets by Black Wing Enterprises and is available to the entire Kikyo sector.


The iron leather can come in a wide range of colors, from the NDC’s black and red, to United Alliance of Neutral Systems’s coloring.



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