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Khandar Military Outpost

Work In Progress

The Khandar military outpost is the first established military base on the planet of Ereshkigal after the arrival of the Remnant Conglomerate. It is the closest military base to not only the planetary capital of chaldea, but also the Atlas Shipyards for which it acts as a quick reaction location.

It is currently manned as the billet of the 2nd_shock_corps.

Location Ereshkigal
General Characteristics
Population 50,000
Key Details N/a


Established originally as a location to offload and house Babel Armed Military Force - 'BAMF' personnel coming out of cryo-sleep until they could have their contracts transferred over to civilian duties or held in long-term cryostasis; Khandar was in short order activated by those very marines as they sought duty to keep busy by protecting the frontier of the capital and nearby shipyard from the many hostile predators and megafauna of their new world.


The Khandar military base spans several square miles and has all the neceseties of military life and duty. Armories, barracks, motor poole, workshops, firing ranges, drill and duty fields, mess halls, administration buildings, and vehicle hangars all spot the walled premises of the base.

Light House

As a necessity for their dark and noir world; A great and towering lighthouse has been erected several hundred feet tall and rotates two very powerful spotlights visible from miles away to not only illuminate the surroundings of the base but also so it can be found when true night comes and all visibility without such means becomes nigh impossible.

The lighthouse is a massive metal tower of girders and supports several hundred feet tall.

Plot Hooks and Rumors



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