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Pleasure Palace

The Pleasure Palace is a fun, wholesome business for the purpose of allowing the customers to have fun, whatever it may be, so long as it’s legal. It’s in operation since the New Dusk Conclave began.

History and About

The Pleasure Palace came about as a way for the New Dusk Conclave’s soldiers and those mercenaries could go and relieve stress in a safe way where gun ranges and sparring won’t help. Maylis purchased land and some additional buildings which she knocked down to create what she wanted to create before she got the technology, and purchased the “Dolls” and had them individually controlled by non-sentient machine intelligence, which was supervised by her AI partner. Despite its late start, it gained customers from word of mouth and advertisements. Those customers found that they enjoyed the variety of things they could do, and they’d tell their friends and family about the place. Admission started at 10 DS, then as its popularity grew, so too did the admission.

General Information

Pleasure Palace
CEO Maylis Suc-Murakinos
nation independent, But has space in New Dusk Conclave and a lot of places1)


The Palace is an 8,000 square foot building, and a 300 story tall building out in what could technically be Obsidian City’s red-light district. It’s a large building, with multiple rooms, some which were the size of football fields. New Customers and old enter through the front doors where an AI in an organic body will greet, or welcome back the Customer and first take them to where they can sign themselves in. After this is done, they take them to where they can set up their experience, from there; Holograms will take them to where they need to go..


Below is the technology used in this business.


The Dolls are an organic life-sized humanoid with a set machine intelligence. Each has a virtually identical body. They are average-sized about 5 feet and the inch depending on the Customer. The only difference between them is the body type, Males are flat-chested and less in the hip department, while women like the males are flat-chested, but had wider hips. They wear only what might be considered underwear. When a Customer has signed in and had set up their simulation, the Dolls are given a necklace that spreads a Hologram over their bodies changing some aspect of their appearance, while the Machine intelligence is given a simulation that they must perform and behave as. Though there is privacy, the AI is alerted to a sign of some kind of problem.


The Dolls are given a necklace that covers their body in a Hologram, but that’s not the only Hologram in the building, each room is one massive VR chamber, where a simulation can be set up.


The Customer can set up a vast variety of simulations in which they can participate and roleplay in. They can also mix and match things from different settings they’d like to. There are security settings that would not allow the Customer to become harmed.


The Customer can join pirate ships as another pirate whether this might be back in a civilization long past, or simply another of the ordinary space pirates. Or they can instead be a part of the Authorities hunting pirates and bringing them to justice.


Suppose someone were to desire to become a Starship pilot, to a cruiser or a Fighter, but they don’t know how they might react in that environment? This setting will allow the Customer to pilot a simulation that would react just as if it was a real ship.

Member of Royalty

The Customer could take the place of a King or Queen, and rule their simulated kingdom. Permission was asked and eventually given to scan the exterior and non-classified sections of Castles to allow the environment to fit the simulation.

Extra 18 Plus

Should the customer desire it, they and a group could participate without clothes, or simply be the only one without anything on. The reactions of the Dolls will depend on what they wanted to set.



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Headquarters section removed due to not needing one.