
Species Nalden
Nation Federal Republic of Huzar
Age 17
Height 6ft
Weight 250
Eye Color red
Hair Color Black with red highlights

Nix was the experimental creation using the DNA of 2 Neldan “ghosts” and a reprogramed automaton mixed with psionic energy. Their subspecies of Neldan is referred to as berserkers. as they have a hard time adjusting to a non combat environment and are quick to anger due to their combat reasoning to being created. being one of the last created from a test batch he was deemed ineffective and put under the watch of one of the donors Known as Esscast in hopes that the father son bond that could be formed between the two could be effective enough to mellow each other out post wartime.


What has your character done in the past? Feel free to expand this as your character grows and takes part in events.

Recommendation - for player characters, try to make sure there is room to grow. There's no need to be the best, so focus on what will make for a fun story.


General description of your character's looks. How do others see them?


General description of your character's mannerisms, personal values, and so on. What motivates them? How do they interact with others?


What's your character good at? Can be a paragraph or


This character adheres to Project Multiverse's submission and usage rules.