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Work In Progress

Moozes are a slime species that come in a variety of sub-types. They are capable of manipulating their slime and freely shapeshifting.

(SPECIES) Overview
Home System ie, “Sol”
General Characteristics
Average Height Varies
Average Weight Varies
Life Cycle ie, “Child: 0-12 years
Adolescence 13-18 years
Adult 19-59 Years
Senior Adult 60+ years”


Optional. How did the species come to be? You can leave the header as Evolution/Creation or pick just one.


Required. What events led the species to where they are today? A full history is not necessary, but please include enough to give players an idea of how their characters may have come into the universe.

Habitat and Population

Moozes are common throughout the sector. They generally live in temperate climates that don't have extreme cold or heat. Assimilator Moozes may live in environments with more extreme temperatures if inhabiting a body that naturally lives in extreme temperatures.


Anatomy and Physiology

All Moozes are made of a living slime substance and can freely take any shape with their slime. Biologically, Moozes are sexless, but they often assume a gender when taking a form. Moozes come in a wide variety of sizes and forms, and are even capable of changing their own size; thus, there is no “average” size and weight for a Mooze. There are three main subtypes: Coreless, Cored, and Assimilators.

Coreless Moozes are comprised entirely of their slime. This allows them to freely flow through any space a liquid can. This also makes them incredibly survivable, as they can survive even if a very tiny amount of their slime remains. However, they are weak to extreme temperatures. Extreme cold temperatures freeze their slime, while extreme hot temperatures evaporate it. They can manipulate their slime assume any shape they want. They can also replenish or add to their slime over time. They require water or another liquid to sustain their slime and to replenish or add slime. Their forms tend to be runnier, drippier, or sloppier than other types of Moozes, and many have a tendency to leave small amounts of slime behind wherever they go (but this does not make them lose it faster than they can replenish it). They cannot emulate the appearance of different materials, meaning that their forms always look like they're made of slime, but they can change their slime's color. They can control slime so long as it's connected to them or close enough to part of their form. They cannot control slime if it's too far away, but can reabsorb it if they get close enough again. In the event that their slime separates, their “self” (the main part of them that determines which body of slime is being controlled) is generally in the larger portion of slime. However, they can choose which portion to inhabit when splitting; this enables them to leave behind slime and inhabit a smaller form.

Cored Moozes are very similar to Coreless Moozes, but they have a central core that hosts their consciousness. Their forms are generally more cohesive and less runny. Occasionally, with skill, they can even mimic the appearance of different materials with their slime, enabling them to perfectly imitate another species in appearance. Damage to their core is not easy to repair and can effect their ability to shapeshift. Their consciousness always inhabits whichever body their core is in, meaning they can only fully enter areas that their core can fit through. Most Cored Moozes have small cores. They are generally more resilient than Coreless Moozes, they can replenish slime faster and endure somewhat harsher temperatures.

Assimilator Moozes do not have cores, but are capable of taking over another species' body and stealing their abilities. They must enter the target's body to do this. If they leave the body, they retain stolen abilities while being able to shapeshift like a Coreless Mooze. They will lose stolen abilities if they steal another species' abilities, and they will be replaced with the new species' abilties. They are less resilient outside of their body than a Coreless Mooze, however, and cannot regenerate slime as quickly. Being inside of a body offers them the same protection against extreme temperatures as that species, but they lose this protection if they exit the body. The exception to this rule is if one of the abilities they've stolen gives them protection against extreme temperatures. They are capable of choosing whether to keep and control the internal organs and structures of a species, or dissolving them and replacing them with their slime. If needed, they can mimic the functions of an organ with their slime. They are capable of repairing damage to a body to an extent, but if the damage is too extensive and they can't find the missing material from the original body, they may need to take material from another body to repair it. They are also capable of mutually bonding with a living host rather than killing them if they choose, and can even heal with their abilities. They may still need to absorb material from another source to repair certain types of damage, especially extensive damage.


Optional. How do the genetics for this species work?

Life Cycle

Moozes can be created either asexually or sexually. If born asexually, they are created by a portion of their parent splitting off. When born sexually, the DNA of the parent Moozes is combined. Sexual reproduction can also occur with other species, in which case hybrid Moozes are born from the DNA of the parents. Moozes start small, and grow over time. They gain intelligence gradually like most species. Moozes do not seem to have a limit to their lifespan.


Moozes will eat nearly anything, including things that would normally be poisonous or harmful to most species. Generally, they require nutrients that can come in almost any form and some form of moisture. A Mooze that eats something toxic to other species as part of its diet will make its own slime toxic. Excessive consumption of toxins can result in this effect becoming permanent.

Biological Variation

Optional. To what extent can one individual differ from another? Can include things like blood type, hair/eye/skin color, height and build, and so on.


Motivation and Emotion

Required. What drives individuals in this species? What are their emotions like? Feel free to compare them to humans, since we're familiar with that. No need to explain what happy or sad is - just talk about what is specific to this species.

Sexuality and Love

What attracts members of this species to others? Who are they attracted to? Do they feel love and, if so, how is it different (or the same) as humans?


Required. You can leave this intro section blank, if you'd like. If you choose to not use the below sections in favor of a Nation's culture section, be sure to link it here.


Optional. What is their language? If already covered in a Nation article, feel free to link and include a basic blurb here.


Required. How do members of this species refer to each other? Examples are really important here, since people will use them to come up with their own names. If using a real world language or culture as a basis, maybe link to some name generators?

The Arts

Optional. If already covered in a Nation article, feel free to link and include a basic blurb here.


Most Moozes do not prefer to wear clothes at all, with the exception of assimilator Moozes who usually prefer to wear whatever the species their host body is normally wears.


Optional. If already covered in a Nation article, feel free to link and include a basic blurb here.


Optional. If already covered in a Nation article, feel free to link and include a basic blurb here.


Moozes generally do not have a singular society. They often live in various societies around the sector.


Required. How do members of this species group and form relationships? Do they have families?

Government and Politics

Optional. How do members of this species organize themselves into lasting, coherent groups? What are their values and how do they decide who, if anyone, is in charge?


Moozes are not abnormally violent compared to other species, with the exception of assimilator Moozes. More assimilator Moozes are known for being aggressive and taking over unwilling hosts, to the point where they have a level of infamy in some sectors, but it should be noted not all assimilator Moozes are like this. Some assimilator Moozes will do the reverse and live beneficially with or even heal organisms.



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Species NameMooze
Short DescriptionSlime species, comes in different variants
For PCs?Yes