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Murakinos Island

Geography and Climate

The Geography of the islands is similar to that of the Eclipse Isles in terms of how most of the island is a tropical jungle until settlers came in to buy the land and build their homes. Their position also allowed for a comfortable climate for both warm and cold-blooded animals.

Private Island 1

Island Location and dimension

Murakinos Island was probably the farthest private island, in terms of distance. It was 1,500 miles 1) away from the middle continent, and right in the middle, of the top and bottom right continents. The Island was 12 square miles and at 1,290 feet.

Murakinos Island

Villa Murakinos

The Villa is located in the center of Murakinos Island, set on a levitated part of the island, and built merging tree with house making it look like a tree house. The tree was visible from the landing pad, as it was large enough. It was commissioned by Securo Murakinos, who wanted a vacation home, and later with the birth of his daughter he allowed her and her mother to stay here, and once again was Draco allowed to get away here when she needed.

House info

The house is fitted with the latest in Home hardware, as well as the most advanced in computer software. Voice activated electronics frequent the various facilities of the vllla alongside a spirit inhabiting the walls as extra security. Technology in the home, allows for the atmosphere that is comfortable to all beings. Heating units allow heat to radiate throughout the home, for warm showers and warmth when appropriate, as well as coolness balance. Within the private areas, there is technology that allows people to lounge and rest, without the worry that someone would take an unwanted picture of them. The house has a laser defense system, various airtight partitions, and a filtered air intake. It can also analyze airborne materials. If an intruder breaks in, intending to harm, the residents will be shielded and transported to a safe area, while the intruder gets hit with a force of a billion times normal planet's gravity to crush them completely, before machines clean the area. Not to mention the small hoard of spirits and demons contracted for protection.


Below is the interior of Villa Murakinos.

Foyer room

The Foyer of the Villa is an open concept area with two roman style columns at the doorway, and one additional one at the end of the room, this border the Foyer to the kitchen to the northeast the Starship style elevator to the west. There was a small enclave dining room to the right of the kitchen, between the between the elevator and the retaining wall which, also bordered to the door was the designated living room type area, where there were a couch and a chair along with a small table in front of them which held a flickering vase and flowers. The furniture coloring matches NDC colors of red and black, the floor was brown wood, which was also covered by a large throw rug. The walls were red oak however.


The Kitchen is pretty spacious with enough room for two people to work in, and they won’t need to worry about getting in the way unless they both need the stove or something. On the counters there were the futuristic devices some replicated from the starships Kitchen area and a fridge and cupboard to store certain food or cups. The kitchen can be seen from the Foyer, and be able to have conversations when two were in both rooms. There is one closet, which is filled Cleaning items and Chemical based items

The Study

The Study is a large room with multiple books along the walls, with information stored in book form or electronic form as well as an ornate wooden desk and a decent and comfortable chair to sit on. The computer is simply a Volumetric display that pops up when one sits down.

Magic Training Room

When Draco developed the ability to use magic, her mother and father had a place built so that she could keep practicing with her magic and not get rusty over the holidays. Along the walls were targets for her, and her siblings to shoot at and attack with magic, and lots of black marks from misses.


Using a lift, in which they need only say the command of up they can get to the upper floors. On this floor had a visible doorway, which was clearly the master bedroom, and Draco’s bedroom, and additional other bedrooms, for family and guests. There was a set of chairs with a table that made the area a small sitting area, possibly for a more private conversation.

Master Bedroom

The Master bedroom, was a recreation, off the master bedroom, in the System's capital. Doorway, which opens up to an office on the right side, with a private terminal where she can read and review old email sent from anywhere. The chair to sit on wasn’t comfortable by most standards. To the left of the terminal, is a fish tank with fishes inside, but these were robotic fish not real with pre-programmed behavior. Afoot In front of the Doorway is three stairs that bring one into the actual room. it had a queen sized bed and closer towards the door, was the ensuite bathroom where there’s a shower big enough for two to be in comfortable. There was a model display shelf across the wall, can double as a screen, where movies or news reports could be watched

Draco’s Room

Draco’s room mirrors the master bedroom, but with some added things to it, she also had a sound system that can play all manner of music that she has a mood for. She does have a dresser filled with clothes. There is also a photograph of her family on a table on the side. The room had a dark blue and white color theme to it. She has a closet for her clothes.


The Basement level follows a similar floor plan of the main level. To the right in the same location as the Kitchen above, was the area designated the Wine cellar.

Wine Cellar

In the wine cellar racks and racks line the walls, filled with an assortment of wines not only from the New Dusk Conclave but also UNS, and eventually other nations that the UNS has met as well.


The backyard has a garden in the back, where the family is growing plants as part of a hobby they had. There were herbs and other ingredients that could be used in potions or alchemy. There is a pathway to a deck that lets her see out to the Ocean. To the left of the deck was the walkway to the Landing pad.

Private Beaches

As a result of the fact that Private Islands have their own beaches, like Eclipse, they can have a large beach to play or relax. Like the homes, the beaches can be customized and have a different than normal sand if the owner so desired to. Should the owner desire to serve the waves, they would be able to as like Eclipse the waves are large, though only on Eclipse Island would they be larger.

Ocean Facing Landing pad

At the end of the walkway is a large landing pad, this is a bluish-gray color, and is large enough to contain private ships.



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2,400 kilometers