The varied magical creatures native to the Hybora system can bestow others with their powers when bound into an appropriate artifice or vessel. Known in Hyboran Magic as Spirit Bindings, they are an integral part of Hyboran 'technology' and society as a whole.
This article is intended to serve as a simple index of creatures and their uses. The list here is not exhaustive, nor are the ways that a creature's powers can be used the full extent of possibility.
Lesser Spirits come from smaller or weaker creatures, such as insects, rodents, and the like. Most of them stand less than two feet tall at the shoulder and many are small enough to fit on the tip of your finger. Despite their small size, the utility they provide when bound is such that most Hyborans will bear at least three vessels containing a Lesser Spirit.
Most Lesser Spirits offer no benefits beyond the utility they provide.
A common sight in Hyborea's waters, the Acto Jelly has a translucent, dome-shaped body with dozens of thin, trailing tentacles. Actos have no real intelligence and act purely on stimuli, but are nonetheless dangerous to those caught unaware. Creatures caught in its tentacles find themselves slowly paralyzed while their magical energy is drained out of their body to serve as food for the Jelly.
Actos are valued in bindings for their ability to transfer mana from one location to another, effectively acting as magical conduit.
by darkfox202 and Whisper
A member of the elemental mander family, these red-and-black, smooth-skinned lizards can erupt with fire across their body when threatened. They often live in colder climates where their natural heat keeps them comfortable.
Their tolerance for cold and warm bodies made them a popular pet option for early interplanetary travelers until their tendency to catch on fire was discovered to not go well with the wood of the vessels of the time.
Fiammander bindings are most commonly used by those who wish to create flames on demand. Simple lighters, lanterns, and more take advantage of the creature's ability to spontaneously produce magical fire.
by darkfox202 and Whisper
A creature about the size and shape of a small cat, the Rabbuncle's brilliant color variety, plush fur, thick tail, and long ears make it a favorite among travelers and children alike. Rabbuncles are known for their good nature, though they can be distrustful of others until their friendship has been earned.
Popular as a pet, the adorable creature has a particular knack for hunting out metals of all varieties when allowed to consume a small quantity of it. This ability also makes it popular in binding form, though many struggle to perform the actions required to bind it properly.
These eight-inch long worms are covered in thick scales similar to those of a pangolin. Depending on their environment, the durable scales that cover their bodies come in a variety of colors, ranging from brilliant colors like the rainbow to dull browns and grays.
When exposed to a level of mana higher than that found in their environment, they begin to glow brightly. This is a natural defensive reaction that can scare off, or even blind, magical predators.
Scale Worms are one of a few creatures that Hyborans use without binding their spirits. A single Scale Worm can be put into a glass container (such as a lantern or flashlight equivalent) and will generate a varying amount of light depending on the quantity of mana they are exposed to.
by Whisper
Sholves are ferocious creatures that stalk sea and shore alike with powerful legs and jaws. They are pack hunters and rely on a carefully maintained social structure that defines how they interact within their pack and with other packs. They walk or swim using four legs and have a long, finned tail and a prominent dorsal fin. Their skin is scaled, with a sandpaper-like texture, and tends to come in grays or browns. They have keen senses above and below water that they use to hunt their prey. Once they've found it, they rely on pack tactics to maneuver it into position before biting with their extremely powerful jaws and rows of teeth.
Shogs, on the other hand, are the domesticated descendants of sholves. While they come in a variety of breeds that excel at various jobs, the most common breed looks has the rough proportions of a Corgi, but stands knee-high. Its thick, but stubby legs and lolling tongue give it an adorable appearance that have made it a favored pet of many.
While shogs are loyal companions, they retain much of their predatory instincts and enjoy hunting small creatures. This makes them a common sight on ships, where their ability to ward off pests like the gryphigeon ensures they earn their keep.
Drawn from creatures ranging in size from a small cat to that of a bear, normal spirits - or just 'spirits' - provide the power and potential for larger works of artifice. Solar boards, automatic lifts, golems, and more rely on the spirits of this caliber.
When used in a vessel or a rune scar, the binder also gains a portion (~20%) of the creature's physical characteristics to enhance their own. This can greatly improve a Hyboran's speed, strength, or resiliency. The strongest and fastest creatures tend to have weaker magical powers, but for those who prioritize strength of body this can be an excellent reason to choose a particular spirit.
by Whisper
Shadowy, goat-like beasts that seem to always be covered in a veil of shadow, the bargoat is a carnivorous predator that dwells within the dark crevices and hollows on the sides of Hyborea's mountains. Despite its hooves, it is an exceptional climber and can safely make its way up sheer mountain walls.
A bargoat's form seems to meld into any shade that it stands within, making it particularly difficult to see. It can teleport short distances from one shadow to the next, so long as they are within six feet of each other, so that it can remain within shadow perpetually. Exposure to bright light blocks both of these effects entirely.
by Whisper
A fearsome four legged beast that stands nearly six feet tall at the shoulder, the dreaded Beagle is known for its sharp claws, keen eyesight, and hooked beak. Its body is covered in thick, protective feathers that serve as easily replaceable armor.
Beagles are fiercely territorial, especially when their young are nearby, and as such can prove to be a difficult spirit to capture.
by Whisper
With a narrow body up to eight feet long, the sinuous, blue-black Blureel are mostly found within small, undersea caves or in coral formations. Their muscular bodies are able to wrap around structures or creatures alike, holding tight or strangling as needed until their powerful jaws can finish their prey or ward off a would-be predator.
The Blureel has the peculiar magical trait of projecting a ghostly duplicate of itself nearby. While the image is certainly an illusion, it is able to move and intertwine with the Blureel's true body in such a way that it can be difficult to tell which body is real and which is the fake. Depending on the situation, the Blureel may even have its false duplicate act injured to draw in other creatures or try to scare off a predator by seeming to increase its numbers.
A Blureel's illusion is surprisingly sophisticated thanks to the wide range of creatures it hunts (and is hunted by). It replicates heat, air displacement, electrical signals, and even the perception of mass.
by Whisper
A top predator in the oceans of Hyborea, the Iscarlin is a powerful fish that can measure up to 12 feet long or more. Its most prominent physical features are its brilliant blue sheen and its long, spear-like upper lip that it uses to pierce its prey.
Its physical attributes are not what it is most well-known for, however. The Iscarlin is capable of teleporting - 'blinking' - to a location up to thirty feet away. While this is a powerful defensive tool, it is the way the Iscarlin uses its blink in hunting that has gained it such notoriety. Most hunters need to sneak up on their prey to land a hit - the Iscarlin needs to simply build up speed towards its prey and then blink directly next to it to ensure a stab of its spear lands.
Iscarlin are fast swimmers, able to reach speeds of 80 mph or more for long periods of time. Their binders benefit from significantly increased movement speed (+~16 mph), enhanced stamina, and the ability to 'blink step' up to 30 feet once every minute. They need to be able to see their destination and arrive with all of their momentum intact.
by Whisper
Hailing from the fire moon Telos, these 10-20 feet long black creatures look like a cobra full of magma. Their tails, hoods, mouths, and the tips of the horn-like protrusions that emerge from the back of its head all glow with an orange-red light that speak to the Ravighast's capabilities.
The snake's fangs do not inject venom, but instead produce a small electrical charge between them. The Ravighast can spit a highly flammable liquid that, when ignited1) becomes a type of magical napalm.
Quite capable of hiding within the magma-laden surface of Telos, it is primarily an ambush hunter. Once it has found suitable prey, it moves near enough to ensure that its napalm will strike and then sets the target ablaze.
Should a Ravighast grow large enough, its spirit may mature into that of a Greater Spirit.
by Whisper
The terrifying Shab, a shark-like creature with a crab's legs and pincers, prowls both waters and beaches. They possess hard shells and impressive speed below and above water, though they share a crab's need for moving from side-to-side when walking.
While the Shab has no obvious magical powers, its strength and resiliency make it a popular choice for binders nonetheless.
The largest and/or most powerful of creatures yield 'greater spirits'. The speed of a ship, the strength of its weapons, the protective field of a port, and more all rely upon these most powerful of spirits.
As with Normal Spirits, Greater Spirits bestow not just their magical capabilities but their physical ones as well. The total physical ability gained is roughly the same as could be drawn from a Normal Spirit - which might be significantly less than the creature's original body. Given that these creatures are sometimes hundreds of meters long, there is simply no way that a Hyboran can contain more than a small percent of their physical prowess.
If you wish to add a new Spirit, go for it! Please keep in mind any balance implications. Below is a simple template that you can copy. As this page is intended to be used by many people for a long time, please only add to it if you are comfortable with your additions being a permanent part of the setting.
Avoid creature names that are copied from other sources, especially those that are copyrighted/trademarked (ie, no Tiamats, Beholders, etc), but do feel free to mash up creature names and/or words to make your own. Try to keep them memorable. Italian, Spanish, or Portuguese can be used to give the names a more 'local' feel, but it's not strictly necessary.
Avoid creatures that just grant a wide range of magic powers. A consistent thematic is important. Hyborans may have access to other magical abilities, so it's important to not overload any one source.
==== Creature Name ==== <blockquote> //by [[user:(YOURUSERNAME)]]// A brief description of the creature, including its appearance, behavior, etc. Enough that if someone wants to go capture one of these creatures, they can write about it and stay true to your vision for them. If you wish the creature to be used in bindings, make sure to include the creature's powers or qualities. It's (mostly) up to the player to decide what abilities manifest for their character. </blockquote>
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