Table of Contents


Location Sirris II Orbit
General Characteristics
Population ie, “30 Freshwater Fish”
Key Details ie, “One Pirate Cove
Two Scuba Divers
One Bubble Rock”

Work In Progress

Elevator pitch of the location. Two easily-readable paragraphs, tops. All of the below sections are optional, but please include what makes sense. Concise is fine.

Locations are a broad category, including solar systems, planets, cities, houses, and so on. Not all parts of this template will fit every type of location perfectly.

A location's namespace should exist under whatever the next closest location is. IE, a fishtank would be in a house or an aquarium, so locations:aquarium:fishtank. A planet would be in a system, so locations:system:planet. This'll keep things nice and organized and make it easy to build useful lists, like the one at the end of this template.


Optional. What has happened at this location or how was it created to make it prominent enough to warrant an article?


Optional. What does the location look like? What are its characteristics? If it has any unique or noteworthy areas, they may warrant a section of their own under this category.

If a location AT this location (like a shop at the mall) is significant enough, you can make an article under this article's namespace and it will automatically show up in the list below.

Points of Interest

Optional. What are some things at this location that a traveler might want to know about? You don't need to cover every possible thing of interest, but it's a good idea to provide enough 'meat' that players get a good feel for what can be done at this location.

An inn might have a bar and rooms worth describing in detail.

A city might have parks, a town hall, restaurants, and so on.

A solar system might have planets, moons, asteroids, and/or stars.

A home might have bedrooms, a garage, a kitchen, and so on.

A ship/space station might have maintenance corridors, hangars, hallways, shopping, bunks, a command center, a reactor core, and so on.

A planet may have continents, cities, ports, rivers, mountains, and so on.

When a Point of Interest needs extra detail, consider making a “child article” and providing a brief description here to garner interest. Articles made 'under' this article in the namespace (location:this_article:child_article) will automatically show up in the list at the bottom of this article, but you can link them wherever else is appropriate.


Optional. What is the terrain like? What makes the buildings at this location unique? What is the climate?


Optional. Who lives here? Who works or commutes here? Who shops here?


Optional. How is business conducted here? Do they have a special type of currency? If so, how is it used? Are there any major economic activities or buildings?


Optional. Do people learn here in a way that is different from other places? Are there any notable places of education?

Culture and Contemporary Life

Optional. How do people here live their lives or carry out their day-to-day activities? Is it slow or fast paced? Do they have arts? Cuisine? Are there any special events that take place here?

Government and Politics

Optional. How is this location run? Does it have one person in charge or many? How do they organize? Are there any political tensions?


Optional. Does this location have any resources that makes it noteworthy? Is anything produced here that makes it stand out?


Optional. How do people get around at this location?

Notable Characters

Optional. Do any PCs or NPCs make this location their home? Has a major event involving a character happened here that is significant enough to be part of the location's permanent history?

Plot Hooks and Rumors

Required. What should characters expect to get into if they go here? What do people say about it?

Places of Interest

this namespace doesn't exist: locations:sanctuary:sirris_ii:eshilgan



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Display nameEshilgan
RP ImportanceMinor RP Location
Short descriptionVaigarin for 'Hunter'. Larger of Sirris II's moons.
ShardNew Dusk Conclave