Table of Contents

The Golden Band

Location Everan slient city
General Characteristics
total troops ie, “30 Freshwater Fish”
Key Details Mech Foreign legion

The Golden Band

The Golden Band Is a expeditionary Mercenary force funded and armed by Federal Republic of Huzar and further funding will be aquired via the Everan homeworld. With a limited amount of their own assets and limited R&D capability's. The Golden Bands goal is to explore catalog and set up outposts on Everan for their uses as well as uses for future neldan colonies while also providing forces to suppliment the Neldan's military.


The Golden Band is Comprised of freedom fighters and militia and volunteers to undertake this massive ordeal for the greater good of Everan. with history steeped in tradition of the various militia and PMC forces. These are the extent of their operations that are known to the public and on the whole, they are a well-trusted company


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The Golden Band contract

Golden Band Employment Contract

*This contract outlines the unique payment structure employed by the Golden Band, where soldiers receive compensation in the form of shares during their active service.*

I. Terms of Employment:

1. Length of Service: The soldier agrees to serve the Golden Band for a term of [5 years], subject to renewal based on mutual agreement.

2. Roles and Responsibilities: The soldier will undertake assigned duties, following orders from superiors, and representing the interests of the Golden Band.

3. Compensation Structure: The soldier will receive compensation in the form of shares, each valued at 1 kilo of silver. Soldiers will accrue shares throughout their service, contributing to their financial well-being during and after their tenure.

II. Share Allocation:

1. Initial Share Grant: Upon enlistment, the soldier is granted an initial share allocation equivalent to 4,600 kilo's of silver This establishes the foundation for their financial participation in the Golden Band.

2. Monthly Share Awards: For every month of active service, the soldier will be awarded additional shares valued at 1,533 kelo's of silver. This reflects their ongoing commitment and contribution to the corporation.

III. Share Utilization:

1. Ammo, food, uniform, Fuel, and Repairs: Soldiers can utilize their shares to purchase essential supplies such as ammunition, food, uniforms, fuel, and vehicle repairs within the Golden Band's infrastructure. The value of these transactions will be deducted from their share balance.

2. Healthcare Services: Medical services and treatments can be accessed using shares, promoting the health and well-being of the soldiers.

3. Training and Skill Development: Soldiers can invest shares in training programs and skill development courses, enhancing their capabilities and career prospects.

IV. Share Recycling:

1. Circulation within the Corporation: Shares used to purchase goods and services are recycled within the Golden Band's financial ecosystem. This promotes a sustainable and self-contained economy within the corporation.

2. Dynamic Valuation: The value of shares may fluctuate based on the corporation's performance, creating an environment where soldiers share in the overall success of the Golden Band.

V. Retirement and Cash Out:

1. Retirement Benefits: Upon completion of the contracted term, the soldier is entitled to cash out their remaining shares at the prevailing market value. This serves as a retirement fund, providing financial stability as they transition to civilian life.

2. Currency Conversion: The cash-out value will be converted to the soldier's homeworld currency at the current exchange rate, ensuring the value of their service is recognized in their local economic context.

VI. Mutual Commitment:

Both parties acknowledge the unique nature of this compensation structure, emphasizing a mutual commitment to the success and well-being of the soldier within the Golden Band.


TGB PMC Golden band PMC forces Creation of mercenaries for PMC work for company through both legal and jackboot means.
TGB HQ Golden band Command center Located in a no longer in use sub terranian mine gifted to the PMC force by the Neldan warriors.
TGB finances loan of 10,000,000 shares for the exchange rate of silver this loan is to be paid back in whenever resources and planets that are habitable or mineable are found and charted for the republic


these are the yearly forces supplied to the golden band

Notable Characters

Kathren WhitehorseInfantry
Aaron Proudmoormech pilot
Thomas SiboLeader
Ty SiboInfantry
Faris HodzichMech Pilot
player nameCharacter nameJob

Plot Hooks and Rumors

Mech Foreign legion



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