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Neldan Homeworld Rifleman

Optional. Example of a sub-category.


Neldan Rifleman of the Warrior Caste: Guardians of Cosmic Defense

The Neldan Rifleman, a prominent and vital component of the Warrior Caste, is the backbone of the Neldan planetary forces. Thanks to the assistance and enrichment provided by the Republic, these elite infantry units have been enhanced and equipped to defend the Neldan way of life. Clad in form-fitting living ore armor, armed with advanced weaponry, and supported by essential supplies, the Neldan Rifleman is a symbol of the Neldan commitment to cosmic harmony and cosmic defense.

Form-Fitting Living Ore Armor

The Neldan Rifleman's armor is crafted from living ore, a unique and adaptable material. It conforms to the body of the wearer, providing protection without sacrificing mobility. This armor is both resilient and self-repairing, ensuring the safety of the Neldan warrior on the battlefield.

2. Armament

Neldan Rifleman commonly carry one of two primary weapons:

Aztec Ballistic Rifle

A precision ballistic rifle known for its reliability and accuracy. It fires metallic projectiles, providing the Neldan Rifleman with long-range precision and firepower.

Cased Plasma Rifle

A powerful energy weapon that harnesses plasma technology for devastating short-to-medium range attacks. It offers the advantage of energy-based projectiles, ensuring the Neldan Rifleman can engage with energy versatility.

Combat Medical Kit and Ration Packs

Each Neldan Rifleman is equipped with a combat medical kit, which includes essential supplies for field medical treatment. Additionally, they carry ration packs with menu options such as 1a, 2b, or 3c, ensuring sustenance during extended missions and campaigns.

Cosmic Defense and Unity

The Neldan Rifleman embodies the essence of the Warrior Caste, protecting the Neldan people and their way of life. Their advanced equipment, alongside their devotion to cosmic harmony, showcases their readiness to defend their planet and maintain peace within the cosmos.

The Neldan Rifleman, wearing their living ore armor and wielding advanced weaponry, stands as a testament to the Neldan people's ability to adapt and enhance their defenses without compromising their reverence for the mysteries of the universe. They serve as the stalwart defenders of their planet, committed to cosmic unity and harmony.


Aztec ballistic rifle

Cased plasma rifle

this weapon system Is for targets bigger than standdard infantry but not as big as a tank, however it can also be used for heavily armored infantry tagets when you dont want to use a AT rocket


Skills of the Neldan Rifleman: Guardians of Cosmic Defense

The Neldan Rifleman, as a member of the Warrior Caste, is a highly trained and skilled soldier, dedicated to the protection of the Neldan way of life and the preservation of cosmic harmony. These skilled individuals possess a range of abilities and training to excel in their role as defenders. Here are some of the key skills that a Neldan Rifleman would have:


Neldan Rifleman are trained in precision marksmanship, whether using Aztec Ballistic Rifles or Cased Plasma Rifles. They can accurately engage targets at various distances, making them deadly marksmen on the battlefield.

Tactical Awareness

These soldiers have a keen sense of battlefield awareness and tactical thinking. They can assess the terrain, anticipate enemy movements, and make strategic decisions to gain the upper hand in combat.

Small Unit Tactics

Neldan Rifleman often operate in small squads, requiring them to be proficient in small unit tactics. They can execute flanking maneuvers, coordinate suppressive fire, and work cohesively with their squadmates.

Close Quarters Combat

In addition to marksmanship, they are skilled in close-quarters combat techniques. They can engage in hand-to-hand combat and clear buildings or tight spaces with efficiency.

Medical Training

Every Neldan Rifleman carries a combat medical kit and is trained in basic first aid and field medical treatment. They can provide immediate care to wounded comrades, stabilizing injuries until more extensive medical assistance can be reached.

Neldans are masters of desert navigation, an essential skill on their planet. They can traverse the desert landscape, including the black sand deserts and the wet jungles, with proficiency, using natural landmarks and celestial cues.

Survival Skills

They possess advanced survival skills, allowing them to thrive in the harsh desert environment. They can locate water sources, forage for food, and construct shelter when necessary.

Resource Management

Neldan Rifleman understand the value of resources and are adept at managing their supplies, ensuring they make the most of their ration packs and equipment.

=== Unity and Discipline === Neldan Rifleman are known for their unwavering discipline and unity. They function as a tightly knit team, supporting each other in combat and upholding the values of cosmic harmony and community.

=== Cosmic Connection === Above all, Neldan Rifleman have a deep connection to the cosmos, which guides their actions and decision-making. They harness the power of psyonic magic-infused artifacts and understand the importance of preserving their unique culture.

Neldan Rifleman are not just skilled soldiers; they are guardians of their way of life and cosmic values. Their training and abilities reflect their dedication to cosmic harmony, unity, and the protection of their planet in the face of potential threats.



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