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Location Corporeal Rift
General Characteristics
Population ∞^3
Key Details Associated Suits: Shade (-), Eye (-)
Conductivity: Negative

🕮 Lore

The 11th and final sphere of the Corporeal Rift. The Libersphere is composed of mountains of written media and seas of wine. The air and gravity is comfortable to whichever species is in the Libersphere, and the lighting from the sky is reminiscent of a reading lamp.


Colloquially known by some as 'The Library of the Universe', the Libersphere is made up almost entirely of written media, an enormous percentage of which being books. They contain random arrangements of symbols and noise that sometimes produce vaguely coherent information.

By technicality, the Libersphere contains every possible book, but this is only because it contains an infinite amount of random books, with no observable criteria for what a book can contain.


The wine seas of the Libersphere, anomalously, never age. The surface features a sprawling landscape of hills, mountains and trenches. Though the sky is clear of any terrain, beneath the surface are sprawling caverns and librarian labyrinths.


The Libersphere hosts a diverse population of creatures.

Legged Servitor

Domain Undefined
Scientific name Viridiservus
Average Height 75cm
Average Weight 15kg
Morality N/A

Legged servitors are moderately sized, green, fleshy and faceless spheres that typically have a random number of arbitrarily arranged limbs from which they walk and interact with the environment.

The variety most commonly found in the Libersphere tend to float like balloons and only have arms. They are capable of controlling the direction they float. An unusually overwhelming majority of the Libersphere's servitors organize books and other items. The efforts of these servitors are often thwarted by their own kind, as they break up into factions over how to sort.



IMPORTANT: While all books can exist here, they cannot be found or discussed in-character without the permission of their intellectual property holder or appropriate Project Multiverse setting manager.

This article's content adheres to Project Multiverse's submission and usage rules.

Display nameThe Libersphere
Map coordinates5233, 3555
RP ImportanceMinor RP Location
Short descriptionMountains of books and seas of wine.